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294 topics in this forum
what did everyone get for christmas??
by Wolfleader- 5 replies
No flexing in this thread. I got Samsung Gear s3 frontier. some little nicky nacky stuff. My Bro and I got a shared electric skateboard share what you got!! No matter how big or small!!
Steam Discounts (free)
by Green- 2 replies
Hey guys, I've got a couple game discounts to giveaway for steam as I will not use them... hit me up for more information my steam community link is : Just add me and ask me if you want them there is 5 of them (as of this post) mostly just adventure games. Thank you and gg.
New Year's Resolutions?
by Wolfleader- 2 replies
What is your guys New Year's Resolutions? Mine are: Become compotent enough to make games with UE4 and c++ Confident with SourcePawn Release my Desktop Application Learn C# Be a better Manager for Rust. Just be overall better with coding skills
Cool Youtube Channel - Rocket League
by Sorrow- 2 replies
Hey guys, check out my friend's cool youtube channel. PEpega
Selling Trading Cards
by Wolfleader- 0 replies
Hello, I have a lot of steam trading cards in my inventory and am hoping to sell them. If you are interesed in buying add me on steam
Storytime: Vac = God
by Wolfleader- 16 replies
On the weekend i was extremely bored. Me and my friend decided to deduct and expirment. Who could get banned first. So we set out our adventures. First thing we had to do was to make fake accounts thus being: I would advise you not to look at the accounts if you are interested in reading the story. I went around asking various people if creating a second account and cheating would get my mained banned. If i asked you about smurfs getting banned this is why Once we decided it was safe i went on a pasting website…
Ship of Heroes - An MMO of Epic Proportions!
by PlayerAuctions- 0 replies
Superhero MMOs are few and far between, so imagine our surprise when we found out about a potential successor to DC Universe Online or maybe even City of Heroes! Enter Ship of Heroes, an MMO of epic proportions! Build your own superhero by defining his/her powers, and get to pick a job that will define your daily activities in the game. Read about our thoughts here:
KZG Windows App
by Wolfleader- 11 replies
Hello KZG, So i have thought about creating a KZG App for a while now and have finally decided to do it, The idea is instead of opening Chrome you would just have to open the program. This means less processing power getting wasted on unnecessary tools within most browsers. Here is an example of its usage: This will be greatly optimised when later in development. I would eventually love to integrate this into a phone app for both IOS and Android when i have a more stable version. It is still in Version 0.1.0 which is first release. Currently it only is the basic website with no border. I wou…
Temtem - A monster hunting and collecting MMO!
by PlayerAuctions- 0 replies
I wanted to start this post by asking if there are any Pokemon fans out there - but that would be a disservice to Temtem, an upcoming monster hunting and collecting MMO. Players will have to hunt for monsters and tame them. There is a story mode and a co-op mode, as well as a ranked PVP system. Overall, we think it's going to be fun! Read about our preview thoughts on Temtem here: Thanks for checking us out! Hit the other links on the blog for coverage on other gaming stuff.
Minecraft: Dungeons - Our preview thoughts
by PlayerAuctions- 2 replies
Coming out of nowhere is a surprise announcement from Mojang about their newest upcoming game - Minecraft: Dungeons! Combining the best elements of world crafting and dungeon crawling, Minecraft: Dungeons aims to fuse both gameplay genres into one, cohesive experience. Read about our initial thoughts and speculations here: We hope you enjoy reading our thoughts about Mojang's upcoming masterpiece.
Jaggo's Resignation
by Jaggo- 6 replies
Hey folks, i've decided to step down from my current position as AWP and SK Administrator, and well BHop lol. I have been staff for 435 days, or 14.3 months... it's been a big ol yikes of a ride and i've enjoyed a good portion of it. Why am I leaving? The current state of the AWP server is a mess imo, i've had disagreements with certain staff which I won't really point out, as it will just cause drama. I'm not resigning solely due to them but as if I try to make a difference, or simply anything, i'd be suppressed. I also play other servers nowadays and have been having more fun on them. Special thanks to @BuLLee and the @ScoutzKnivez Admin . I would also like to th…
Red Dead Redemption 2 - Our preview thoughts
by PlayerAuctions- 0 replies
Hey guys, we're already on October and this means there's only a few more weeks until Red Dead Redemption 2 launches! We wrote our preview thoughts in our latest article: Horse drifting, Mexican standoffs, bandits and outlaws --- It's gonna be pretty exciting!
Nintendo Cartridge Flasks - for drinking with style!
by PlayerAuctions- 0 replies
We recently wrote about our thoughts on a new gadget --- Nintendo Cartridge Flasks! Read about our product review here: Nothing beats pulling out a sip of your favorite liquor from a classy Nintendo cartrdige. I mean, at least if you're in a geek party, that is. Happy weekend soon, everyone!
my name jeff
by Bubble- 1 reply
my name is jeff
The PlayerAuctions Game Tools Suite
by PlayerAuctions- 2 replies
Hello KZG people! PlayerAuctions just developed something new on the site, and we'd like to share it here. Sorry for the plug, but I hope you find the latest development to be fun and useful. More than just being a middleman service website, PlayerAuctions has also branched off to blogging a few years ago. This 2018, we are setting our sights higher with the introduction of our Game Tools page. You can check out the Game Tools page at: Just two things before we dive into our tools: 1.) Please note that for all calculations, the price estimates are based on previous orders and offers on PlayerAuctions.…
Started up a YouTube channel!
by Kevin- 7 replies
Hey guys it's Kevin, I've finally finished a short edit for a video that I've posted onto my Youtube channel!. For now its not much but as i go i'll be making more videos from mainly Overwatch and the Roleplay server on CS:GO as they are the 2 things i mostly do. If you're interested in this then maybe come have a squizz at my channel and if you like it then maybe leave some likes and subscribe to my channel ^^. Subscribe or not any feedback also will help a long way to me being better YouTube Channel Link: Yours truly, Kevin
Happy Easter
by VelxinOne- 0 replies
Happy Easter everyone.. Just kidding
by Picklz- 1 reply
What the fuck are they
So i found a video
by VelxinOne- 3 replies
On youtube of this dude betting on csgoreaper well i noticed i was in the background betting xD doing 5k+ bets Mind you it shows me mostly losing but the dude i was vsing at the time it was going back and forth in wins/losses Biggest bet i won was 13K Biggest loss was 16k xD Over all i started with 1 Flip knife doppler that i won in a giveaway and Ended up with $80,000 " Yes cashed out " Note: I don't recommend gambling as it can fuck you hard
PlayerAuctions Blog - Runescape Events for 2018
by PlayerAuctions- 0 replies
Anyone from KZG playing OSRS/Runescape? Our guest writer, Kyle Meagher, decided to compile this list to give everyone a quick look. I've decided to share it here just in case anyone's still playing good ole Runescape. To name a few: - The Zodiac Festival and Valentine’s Day Outfits - OSRS Birthday - April Fool’s Day & Easter - OSRS Midsummer But there's more to that this 2018, so don't let me take the fun out of the article by spoiling everything. Have fun reading!
Bye BYe neggars
by Harik- 9 replies
Selling my steam account @skyprah pls make sure all perms are removed from the servers if anything eradic happens from my steam id it isn't me. Ill keep the forum account and will probably come on every now and again. By friends, it def has been a good time for a lil nigga lik myself
PlayerAuctions Blog: What is a 3D printer?
by PlayerAuctions- 1 reply
Hey guys, I just wanted to share this. We do not write just about games and trading, we'd also like to branch out from time to time and as geeks of varying interests and degree in the office, one of the interests we branched out to was 3D printers. Personally, I never really bothered with these but as a casual toy collector, I began to realize how much of a godsend these 3D printers are. Plus, I know a few cosplayer friends and while I am not one, I imagine this will be a huge boon to them. That, and all the utility I can imagine with having a 3D printer at home is what drove us to write this article. …
by Wolfleader- 6 replies
KZG has Released its new Prophunt Server! IP: Go and join to have some fun and build a great community! nuff said go and play!!! See you on!
My new map am_jaggo
by Jaggo- 5 replies
- 771 views Kinda my first map, my actual first map took me 10 minutes and is shit but whatever, this map took me around 3-10 hours or something.. feedback would be appreciated
How To Strafe/Bhop
by kidx- 6 replies
Useful binds Let's start with the binds that can be usefull if you are bhopping in Counter:Strike Mousewheel jumping bind "mwheelup" OR "mwheeldown" <key> This binds your mouse to either jump when scrolling up (mwheelup), or scrolling down (mwheeldown) mwheel = mousewheel. Longjump bind alias +<name> "+duck; +jump; -forward; -back" alias -<name> "-duck; -jump;" alias "lj" "clear; bind <key> "+<name>"; echo "LJ bindings loaded"" (the echo part can be removed) alias "nolj" "bind mouse2 "+attack2"; echo "LJ bindings disabled"" What this alias basically does is that it automatically crounches + jump exactly at …