34 topics in this forum
Glacies_Ice's Member Application
by Glacies_Ice- 2 replies
Current Steam Name: Glacies_Ice Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:56709438 Discord Handle: glaciesice#5688 Age: 22 Gender: Male Description of myself: Chill surf player Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: Play time on Killzone Gaming: 4 days 09:06:51 hours I have read the Community Rules: YES I have read and met the application requirements for the server group I am applying for: YES
greg mate's Member Application
by greg mate- 3 replies
Current Steam Name: greg mate Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:519811704 Discord Handle: greg mate#4443 Age: 16 Gender: Other Description of myself: i enjoy a good zinger on a thusdy night Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: i play surf Play time on Killzone Gaming: 26 days 47 hours I have read the Community Rules: YES I have read and met the application requirements for the server group I am applying for: YES
milk's Member Application
by actuallymilk- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Current Steam Name: milk Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:150932021 Discord Handle: milk#5702 Age: 16 Gender: Male Description of myself: I'm a pretty quiet guy but I like making friends with people online. I'm really interested in anything IT or maths related. Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: I hang out a lot in various KZG surf servers and have made a lot of friends, whenever I am in noob surf I usually end up helping people beat the map/improve their times. I also spent too much time to become rank 1 in parachute mode. I often let the staff team know of any bugs I find in maps (some include surf_lodypreview - client crash, surf_kloakk - bonus …
R Z's Member Application
by R Z- 2 followers
- 6 replies
Current Steam Name: R Z Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:528065966 Discord Handle: RZ#6698 Age: 15 Gender: Male Description of myself: Hello my real name is Roger, im from indonesia Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: I want to help the staff and be the most active on this server Play time on Killzone Gaming: - 3 days I have read the Community Rules: YES I have read and met the application requirements for the server group I am applying for: YES
victor's Member Application
by victor- 2 replies
Current Steam Name: victor Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:548231061 Discord Handle: VICTOR#9156 Age: 14 Gender: Male Description of myself: 14 from Melbourne Australia, been playing KZG for about a year now I'm pretty sure. Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: I met a lot of mods and admins on surf, most pretty chill and cool. I hit skilled on surf recently. On kzg almost all the time played surf for quite a while now. Play time on Killzone Gaming: 8 days 12:35:52 hours I have read the Community Rules: YES I have read and met the application requirements for the server group I am applying for: YES
Quickscope's Member Application
by Quickscope- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Current Steam Name: Quickscope Steam ID: 76561198873557444 Discord Handle: Quickscope#1234 Age: 16 Gender: Male Description of myself: Yo yo, I've been surfer for around a year on and off mainly playing noob and easy occasionally trying a hard surf map. I enjoy playing some siege also on and off with that. Currently aiming to get hotshot by the end of September and a top 10 time (egypt!!! im coming for that rank 1) nah but i enjoy surfing and getting them times. Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: I've boosted the discord server for a month, reported a map bug and teaching new players how to surf as well as showing people the …
BluVoid (commend me or gay)'s Member Application
by GreenVoidin- 2 replies
Current Steam Name: BluVoid (commend me or gay) Steam ID: STEAM_76561198377756701 Discord Handle: PrecookedDoor3#7187 Age: 20 Gender: Male Description of myself: My name is jackson long time meber of surf, been playing since 2018, surf for fun even though i mainly play DK alot, i do have other secret accounts that i comp surf on, came from source, and love to join the noob surf and help out with players. Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: just helping people find new ways to improve there times and showing skips and map secrets Play time on Killzone Gaming: 400hrs I have read the Community Rules: YES I have read and met the…
Downsy's Member Application
by Downsy- 2 replies
Current Steam Name: Downsy Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55713762 Discord Handle: Downsy#5756 Age: 19 Gender: Male Description of myself: I'm terrible at csgo and I need to sit down and have a think about why I still play this stupid game Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: . Reported many cheaters/rulebreakers (Either through discord or messaging staff on steam) . Answered questions any players may have in-game & reminded them of the rules when necessary . Attempted to brighten everyone's day on KZG and ensure all players are having a good time Play time on Killzone Gaming: 16 days 19:11:42 hours I have read the Commu…
Pluto's Member Application
by Plooto- 3 replies
Current Steam Name: Pluto Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:91253012 Discord Handle: Pluto#3883 Age: 19 Gender: Male Description of myself: Surfer Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: Staff and player Play time on Killzone Gaming: 689 hours I have read the Community Rules: YES I have read and met the application requirements for the server group I am applying for: YES