189 topics in this forum
!gloves and custom glove skins.
by KennySpag- 13 replies
Hey Everyone, Kenny Spaghetti here. So I have a suggestion for the KZG server. If you haven't read the thread title, I will be discussing the introduction of the glove skins in !ws and the introduction of a command similar to !knife but maybe !gloves. This thread was posted after the Glove Update so the compatibility for this may be easier. (I'm no CSGO genius so I don't know if you can actually make this work. I know that it may now work on servers such as JB and Combat Surf as they have custom player models but in servers such as 1v1, Casual Competitive and other servers that don't support custom player models. I'm not sure if this can be done but I believe that it …
Point Decay System
by Chawee- 9 replies
Hello, I would like to address an issue with the point system, From what I can see, there is no point decay for not being active on the servers. I first notice this when players with 0% activity have not lost any points yet and this causes the leader boards to be polluted with players that simply don't play but still have a rank on the server. -that down arrow is from their last session (this is from 1v1 server, There are more players just using these as examples) Introducing a point decay system will help active players climbing the leader board since there is no longer players in high ranks or lows ranks holding their position without doing anything. Fro…
t overwatch skins
by sgt ion- 2 replies
with the new addition of tracer and d va to jailbreak i think that the t's should be able to be one of the overwatch characters such as widowmaker, junkrat, m cree and reaper. Roadhog would be amazing but his player modle is way to big. It would be cool if we got a mercy ct skin as well. i hope you take this into consideration. i know all the admins are working hard on new skins and i would hate to make your list longer but i think a lot of jb members would love these skins.
Player Model and Accessory Preview
by medzii- 2 replies
Another suggestion for you; player model and accessory preview feature. I understand it would probably be difficult to do on the server but as an alternative, there could be images on the forums that are advertised in the shop menu on the server. I know this would be beneficial from personal experience and others'. -mEdZ
Your server has 1 BIG issue.
by bumboy11- 6 replies
!ws and !knife bring fucking trash kids from retarded places on mars to this server and they speak fucking guacanese. Your servers need to be deleted and then moved to brazil and Lithuania Also !ws and !knife gonna get you rekt, and besides only trash kids surf with a knife.
- 4 replies
There's been quite a few experiences that more than myself have dealt with where staff have been annoying with their mics and us plebs are unable to !sm them since it will result in a kick. It's a silly rule to begin with that we're unable to !sm everyone, if a staff member needs to talk to you, they can always just use admin chat anyway. So can we please remove this rule as its annoying you can't mute admins, especially if they have a shitty microphone .
Course Server idea
by Strawbzz- 5 replies
Hi there folks, So i have heard that there is going to be a course server and i have a really good idea in my opinion so with surf you have ranks and you achieve them ranks by completing maps so if so could you implement that into the course map server my second idea is to have a 1v1/duel thing so you can duel people to race in the course so you get unlimited re spawns when in this until someone finishes the map and i was thinking you could duel credits with this as well i really think this would be cool to have
Combat Surf Needs Admins.
by Dandy♔- 7 replies
Recently the combat surf server has many active players whom are quite deserving of the admin role. Seeing as there are 0 active combat surf admins at the moment I believe people should definitely apply and more admins should vouch those deserving of the role. Also server has been pretty cancer recently active admins would be great. Thank you.
Ingame Colour roles
by Strawbzz- 6 replies
Hi There Folks, So i dont really know if this is a great idea but i think it would help out new people with knowing who has a role ingame and what not. So i think with how the forums has so they have colour's maybe try do that ingame but instead something like example: [Owner] Skyprah. I really think this would be a very nice thing to have and over all think it would look clean and helps players know who is an admin or what not
New forum awards?
by deSt- 2 replies
So recently I was looking around the forums and came across the forum awards. Then looked around a couple of profiles and realised that none of them were actually getting used. Anyway I was wondering if we get some new forum awards. Current Awards Here are a few ideas I came up with that people could get awards for. 400 forums posts on forums. 100+ hours play time throughout all servers. Contribute a suggestion to help out the server or report a bug. Participate in a forum game or a community event. ROTM & WOTM (self explanatory) Completing a course map in a certain time (some good players could determine a hard time to achieve) Obviously…
!hide fix
by jary- 4 replies
Hi so recently today i realised that on minigames when u do !hide it doesnt hide vip player models. Can we please get a fix on this please. Thanks!
[MG] Course Maps
by Strawbzz- 0 replies
Hi there again Folks, So im not sure about some people but i mainly play mg for course maps but i really think it would be good if you released a course map server on its own since you cant rankup in place with course maps its not really a challenge so i would like it if you guys could make a course map server on its own with its own challenges like a race like 1v1 race kinda thing on the course map server as well if you make it thank you
- 4 replies
"Strictly" Jailbreak: Prisoner & Guard Skin Packs: All Servers: - War type of models - Overwatch Character Tracer - Agent 47…
Added CT Player Skins for MG
by Acidic- 4 replies
As a regular user, there are only two available CT player model skins I can buy from the !store and a lot of T skins for some reason. Is there a reason why it's so unevenly spread out and maybe it would be a good idea to add some more CT skins?
Medium Server
by Mr Harry- 0 replies
I know the server is still in beta but the amount of times utopia and kitsune are played it would be nice to play some harder maps :) just a suggestion
Mobile app
by B1N- 9 replies
I don't know if this has been suggested before but i know when I'm at work going through chrome can be a pain, and the thought of a KZG mobile application would get people involved when they can!!! Just a thought.
by maxitaxicab- 6 replies
Hello, sorry if this was mentioned alot before or it's a different command but id like to suggest !redie on the Combat Surf server! :)
Custom graffiti sprays
by Noddy- 8 replies
Bring custom sprays that we can customize in to the servers
- 7 replies
I think that there should be more staff on at late hours because from 9PM the servers can be loud and just be a put of to playing on the server of your choice.
by Jes- 1 reply
Fix teamspeak perms for new members x EDIT: Tito explained why things are the way they are, just pointed out it can be annoying to have to ask an admin to ask someone to move a friend
Mod application
by alien- 1 reply
Hey guys, i am here applying for mod because i would like to help out the servers, most week days i am playing from 4:30 until 7:30 and weekends it can be up to 6 hours. i manly play on combat surf but if people need me i will join other servers. i am 13 and my name is Jesse. the reason i am applying is because i would like to help out on the KZG servers and most of the time i am on there is not an admin/mod on the server, so if i was mod i could mute then or kick, if they are not following the rules. P.S my in game name is Spirit P.P.S for CSGO Thanks :angel: :angel: :cool:
Donator List
by Sirtron- 2 replies
have a list of the top donators list in the drop down community section, the reason for this would be to have some competition to get on the list so they have to donate more money.
Rust Section in Forums?
by deSt- 3 replies
I was wondering if we were able to get a Rust section in the forums, would be easy to post suggestions/bugs & just have a general discussion about it. @Kwala @skyPRAh
Reserved 'Slots'
by AddicT- 2 replies
I think this could be a good idea, as a couple times I have not been able to join Combat Surf due to too many players, or AFKs that have not been dealt with due to no admins being on. I believe this can help so admins are able to join and do their job(s). This will kick a player out- but for a benefit. (the player can then rejoin if AFKs were kicked.) I know this can cause frustration, but I am just stating it could be a reasonable and decent idea.
Future Ideas About Rust Server.
by Sammy- 0 replies
About the new KZG Rust server i was thinking if skyprah could add some of these things i am going to list. 1) When you brake down trees and stones you get 15x the amount. 2) Please add /sethome 3) Kits to get started on rust. 4) Tpa accept etc 5) Auto upgrade - Select a material to build with and everything you place with turn into what you select. 6) Map wipe every 3 Months Thanks for listening to my ideas.