After carefully going through the evidence provided, I've come to the conclusion that Oracle did in fact falsely mute you. When a nibbag wants to get his homies attention, the bitch'll yell out whatever the fuck he wants, amiright @Legacy? No harm done
it always makes the app strong having multiple admins vouching for you, it is more efficient than just writing long applications. consider talking to aim admins or head admin for advice and/or vouching
Pro tip: Don't use discord or teamspeak whilst administrating a server if you're talking to idiots. Or turn it down significantly.
stfu jagzz ~ShyGuyNyalon
chat to them.. nala applying for SK as we speak just added me and we are chatting, she doesnt know me nor we played enough together.. sell your self son still have plenty of good feedback all the best
Saving is not baiting or delaying in a competitive game so there is no reason to punish anyone for playing the game the way it is meant to be.
You guys need to stop picking on him just because he can stay alive long enough to make it to the end, we enforce a no bullying policy in game so it should be the same for everyone. Dont get me wrong i have fucked with him in the past but i figured that is not the way we should act as admins even though it pisses us off. We're here to enforce the rules and so far he hasn't broken any. Yea it sucks watching him do nothing but its not his fault he knows how to survive.
Your In-Game Name: .spinnA
Their Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:103354152
Their In-Game: Legacy
Their Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:214564613
Reason(s): I said in voice "he just said the N word" and it was quite easy to hear that he said that. I thought he did not hear me or he was just ignoring me so I said to him that the guys said "nigger". I was then muted for 30 minutes and I asked him for an um mute and said a few things in admin chat but he just left. I tried to help but then I got cucked so this is why I'm making this..
Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: Its me -