"There's a lot more going on than an individual person. There was a lot more going on in 1933 than Adolf Hitler. History is not made by individuals alone: it's a combination of larger forces"
What about the millions of innocent people the American Government has killed in the Middle East over the last 15 years. Or the 20+ million it has killed since World War 2 ended. Shall we remove the Obama, Trump skins and any other american symbolism? The American Government of 2018 is not so different to the German Government of 1933. History is always written by the winners.
Back to the topic of the original post. Racism is not allowed on the server. I don't see people walking through the shopping centres yelling out that particular word. I don't see news reporters using that work. Why because it's racial slang and we want to provide a environment where people can feel welcomed and accepted. How hard is it just not to say it and then you say it and you complain about getting muted. Just because you think its okay because you hear it all day due to you jumping on a band wagon. I know you love your mumble rap because every kid at school loves it, doesn't mean that you have to be disrespectful individuals and our server rules. We provide servers as a non profit community not forcing shitty pay to win perks, so just respect the rules. Easy.