As far as I know, there was a similar petition to have an active map rotation years ago.. lets make it happen right now.
To elaborate further on points by Anastasia and m8, I propose we should remove maps that have absolutely no relevance / playtime seen on the server. Maps like awp_mapz, awp_vietnam, awp_bridge_winter are just bad maps that see little to no playtime and only clogs up the map voting. Some maps like awp_blocks and awp_infinite that have been play-tested for thousands of hours on plenty of other servers and will definitely fit the criteria(s) mentioned.
I've been playing this server for years on years now and its clear that 5 maps dominate the server (pretty sure the statistics match up to my claims). Playing vlg, gade, bungalow, fort and india winter exclusively can be a bit on the stale side. +rep for me easily on this thread.