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Easy Surf Rules and Commands

My Name is Tito

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General Rules:

English only over voice comms

1. Map Glitches/Bugs
If a current surf map gives any player an unfair advantage to help them complete a map, which is also not part of the map, it should be reported immediately to a KZG staff member. If anyone abuses these Glitches/Bugs without contacting any staff members, they will be without question permanently banned (No exceptions)

2. Abusing Players
Whether it is over the mic or through the chat, abusing other players will not be tolerated on the KZG servers. Even if someone abuses you first that gives you no right to abuse them back, just simply message someone from the KZG staff, from there the staff member will determine the players punishment. The abuse punishments will start with:

3. Mic Spamming
Mic spamming is one of the most common types of spamming on the KZG servers, whether it is Music, singing or simply just screaming into the mic, it is not permitted on the KZG servers. However Exceptions can be made, if an admin chooses to create a vote on whether music is wanted or not wanted on the server, the majority vote from the players will determine whether music/singing is allowed. With this rule, screaming into the mic or causing other major disruptions will result in the punishments which whatever admin sees fit. The Mic Spamming punishments are:

4. Doxxing/Revealing personal information
This is definitely not permitted on the KZG servers, if anyone is caught releasing personal information of another player, this includes, Names, Address's, Mobile Numbers, Passwords or any other personal information including Facebook profile links, Instagram Usernames, ect. If you are caught doing this you will immediately be permanently banned. (No exceptions)

5. Admin Impersonation
If you are caught impersonating an admin, whether it is threatening to mute/gag/silence/ban. You will get one warning, and one waning only to stop. If they continue they will be permanently banned (Possible exceptions)

6. Avoiding Punishments
If you are caught avoiding a punishment, depending on how serious the previous punishment, it will rather be extended or permanently banned. For example, if you avoid a 2 hour ban for abuse, it will then be increased to 24 hours. If you avoid a 24 hour ban, it will then be increased to a Permanent ban.

7. If the staff member recognizes you are talking/typing with the intent to be pester and annoy people he/she has the right to mute/gag.

8. No Advertising in steam name, with the exception of YOUR PERSONAL Youtube or Twitch Steam accounts.

9. Admin / Staff members words are final.

General Commands:

!flashlight - Type in chat to give you a flashlight. (!flashlight again to turn it off).

!knife - Type in chat to pick a knife.

!ws - Type in chat to get a weapon skin for any gun/knife.

!nominate - Type in chat to nominate the next map to be played.

rtv - Type in chat to rock the vote (vote to change map).

!store - Type in chat to view the store to buy items.

!forums - Type in chat to view forums.

!sm  - Self-mutes that player

!sm - Pulls up a menu of all the players on the server to (push the corresponding number to set the self-mute).

!su Unmute that player.

sm_usp - spawns a usp silencer
sm_avg - prints in chat the average time of the current map
sm_accept - allows you to accept a challenge request
sm_hidechat - hides your ingame chat
sm_hideweapon - hides your weapon model
sm_disarm - hides your weapon model
sm_goto - teleports you to a selected player
sm_sound - on/off quake sounds
sm_surrender - surrender your current challenge
sm_bhop - on/off autobhop
sm_help2 - Explanation of the ckSurf ranking system
sm_flashlight - on/off flashlight
sm_maptop - displays local map top for a given map
sm_hidespecs - hides spectators from menu/panel
sm_compare - compare your challenge results
sm_wr - prints records in chat
sm_abort - abort your current challenge
sm_spec - chooses a player who you want to spectate and switch you to spectators
sm_watch - chooses a player who you want to spectate and switch you to spectators
sm_spectate - chooses a player who you want to spectate and switch you to spectators
sm_challenge - allows you to start a race against others
sm_helpmenu - help menu which displays all ckSurf commands
sm_help - help menu which displays all ckSurf commands
sm_profile - opens a player profile
sm_rank - opens a player profile
sm_options - opens options menu
sm_top - displays top rankings (Top 100 Players, Top 50 overall)
sm_topSurfers - displays top rankings (Top 100 Players, Top 50 overall)
sm_bonustop - displays top rankings of the bonus
sm_btop - displays top rankings of the bonus
sm_stop - stops your timer
sm_ranks - prints in chat the available player ranks
sm_pause - on/off pause (timer on hold and movement frozen)
sm_showsettings - shows ckSurf server settings
sm_latest - shows latest map records
sm_showtime - on/off - timer text in panel/menu
sm_hide - on/off - hides other players
sm_togglecheckpoints - on/off - Enable player checkpoints
+noclip - Player noclip on
-noclip - Player noclip off
sm_nc - Player noclip on/off

// Teleportation commands
sm_stages - Opens up the stage selector
sm_r - Teleports player back to the start
sm_restart - Teleports player back to the start
sm_start - Teleports player back to the start
sm_b - Teleports player back to the start
sm_bonus - Teleports player back to the start
sm_bonuses - Displays a list of bonuses in current map
sm_s - Teleports player to the selected stage
sm_stage - Teleports player to the selected stage
sm_end - Teleports player to the end zone

// Titles
sm_title - Displays player's titles
sm_titles - Displays player's titles

// VIP
sm_vip - VIP's commands and effects.
sm_effects - VIP's commands and effects.
sm_effect - VIP's commands and effects.

sm_tier - Prints information on the current map
sm_maptier - Prints information on the current map
sm_mapinfo - Prints information on the current map
sm_mi - Prints information on the current map
sm_m - Prints information on the current map
sm_difficulty - Prints information on the current map
sm_btier - Prints tier information on current map's bonuses
sm_bonusinfo - Prints tier information on current map's bonuses
sm_bi - Prints tier information on current map's bonuses
sm_howto - Displays a youtube video on how to surf
sm_ve - Vote to extend the map
sm_vmute - Mute a player

// Teleport to the start of the stage
sm_stuck - Teleports player back to the start of the stage
sm_back - Teleports player back to the start of the stage
sm_rs - Teleports player back to the start of the stage
sm_play - Teleports player back to the start
sm_spawn - Teleports player back to the start

// Player Checkpoints
sm_teleport - Teleports player to his last checkpoint
sm_tele - Teleports player to his last checkpoint
sm_prac - Teleports player to his last checkpoint
sm_practice - Teleports player to his last checkpoint
sm_cp - Creates a checkpoint, where the player can teleport back to
sm_checkpoint - Creates a eckpoint, where the player can teleport back to
sm_undo - Undoes the players lchast checkpoint.
sm_normal - Switches player back to normal mode.
sm_n - Switches player back to normal mode.

N:B These Rules can be changed at any time at the discretionary of the staffing team.

Yours Truly,

My Name is Tito
| Killzone Gaming

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