H1Z1 Updates
159 topics in this forum
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The Z1BR client has been updated with the following fixes: • ARV spawns have been replaced with Offroader spawns to correct an exploit that allowed players to go prone and shoot inside the ARV turret • Twitch Account Linking/Unlinking has been fixed. • Asia/Pacific region lock has been softened so the region’s home server will be NA. No server downtime is required. View the full article
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Z2 Returns This release marks the end of Season 2 and the beginning an Off Season that will last several weeks before Season 3 begins. During this Off Season, we'll be testing and tuning the Z2 map, adjusting season scoring to work with Dynamic Matches and introducing some new arcade modes, in addition to a host of bug fixes and tweaks. You WILL receive new rewards for reaching higher ranks during Off Season! Season 2 RewardsThe rewards for Ranking up in Season 2 have been granted to all qualifying players. Z2 Map Z2 map for Solos, Duo, Fives, and Arcade modes. Z2 now supports dynamic match starts. Season ScoringScoring thresholds for Royalty have been adjusted: …
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Servers will be coming offline for this update at 1:00pm PT (11/16) and will remain down for approximately 6 hours. Welcome to the November Update for H1Z1! This update includes the Combat Zone, Daily Challenges[www.h1z1.com], the start of Preseason 7[www.h1z1.com], the all-new Payload Crate[www.h1z1.com], and lots of tuning and quality of life updates based primarily on player feedback. New Feature: Combat Zone This is an all-new game mode designed for practicing combat mechanics. Spawn in with a full kit ready to go. Respawn after death, no parachuting. Game takes place on a small, more intimate map that highlights various elements of The Arena. Max number of pla…
[H1Z1 Updates] Showdown Rewards
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
As we stated in our Season 4 Announcement, we wanted to ensure that every player who would've qualified for Showdown in each region receives their rewards, per their ranking at the end of Season 3. After our standard review process (monitoring CS reports for cheating, toxic behavior, or confirmed exploits), we have begun the process of granting the following items to the following players: Animated Showdown AR-15: Top 15 in each region Showdown Logo Tactical Backpack: Top 100 in each region Shodwon Logo Motorcycle Helmet: All Z1BR players who logged in during calendar year 2019 All Showdown Rewards should be fully granted by the end of today (Wednesday, M…
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update: June 26, 2019
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Z1BR servers will come down in all regions on Wednesday, June 26 at 2 PM PDT / 10 PM BST to bring you the new game update. Estimated downtime is 2 hours. Full patch notes below: Game Updates: New Arcade Mode: Hot Dog Eating Contest Hot Dog Eating Contest will run from Wednesday, June 26 to Wednesday, JUly 10 Hot Dog Champion: Collect 100 Hot Dogs to earn the Patriotic Motorcycle Helmet (ultra rare) Hot Dog Eating King: Win an Arcade Mode match with the Golden Hot Dog in your possession to earn the Patriotic Unicorn Mask (legendary) Once a player completes the Hot Dog Eating King challenge, the golden hot dog will no longer be visible to that player (the…
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Big thanks to everyone who came out to ask questions and provide some feedback. We tried to stick to the answering questions around the future vision[www.h1z1.com] of the game and the three new weapons[www.h1z1.com]. Here's a recap of our Q&A. You can find the full Reddit thread right here – Anthony Castoro Q: 1) With player counts at record lows compared to record highs in earlier seasons why has the current direction not been halted or reverted? 2) Why do you guys continue to do major patches every 1-3 months vs smaller updates? 3) The community has continued to ask for a reduction in POI's yet more keep getting added every patch? 4) You guys state that y…
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update: July 17, 2019
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Z1BR servers will come down in all regions on Wednesday, July 17 at 2 PM PDT / 10 PM BST to bring you the new game update. Estimated downtime is 3 hours. Full patch notes below: Game Updates: New Vehicle: Racer The supercharged Racer luxury sports car makes its debut in the Raining Racers Arcade Mode. It will join the permanent roster of vehicles across all game modes next Season. New Arcade Mode: Raining Racers Raining Racers is a solos mode that drops players into the match with two Racer Signal grenades, each capable of calling in a Racer airdrop. Toxic gas is extra deadly, and the time between gas rings has been dramatically cut, requiring speed and quick…
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What is up everyone! Today’s update touches all the guns in the game. We’ve brought back one of the most iconic game mechanics, fine-tuned the accuracy of the guns, and adjusted bullet drop and speed. There’s a lot to this update, but before we get into the details, we’d like to acknowledge and thank everyone from the Test Server and Focus Group who provided feedback to help us bring the best version of this update to life. One of the most notable additions from today’s update is horizontal recoil on the AR-15. As one of H1Z1’s most iconic game mechanics, it should feel quite familiar to those who have been around a while. Horizontal recoil keeps the firing pattern kick…
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As we’ve stated since the transition, our number one goal is to maintain Z1BR game service while we evaluate the steps required to continue supporting the game. As part of this process, we want to provide our players information about the game as internal decisions are made in real time. On Tuesday, April 30, we are ending Season 3. We are also shutting down South America servers at that time. This will consolidate our Americas player base on North America, speeding up queue times and ensuring Z1BR's other servers continue to operate for the vast majority of our global community as we lead into next Season. As of this time, we plan to kick off Season 4 on Tuesday, May 14…
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update: May 1, 2019
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Z1BR Servers will come down in all regions on Wednesday, May 1 at 1 PM PDT / 8 PM GMT to end Season 3. Estimated downtime is 3 hours. Full patch notes below: Game Updates: Season 3 has ended. Season 4 is scheduled to begin on May 14th. South America has been removed as a playable region. Ranked Pro has been removed from the game. Bug Fixes: Helmet icons, Armor icons, and player health now update properly in the group HUD. Fixed an issue that caused some players to occasionally get stuck on an unresponsive title screen. Shot block markers no longer display for vehicle passengers. Reticle should be blocked by the character’s head less often when cr…
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: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here. View the full article
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Servers will be coming offline for a game update at 11am PT. Downtime should be approximately 4 hours The time has come to bring this build to the Live servers! This particular update has truly benefited from direct and constructive feedback from the community. Let’s jump directly into the improvements coming to the game: Weapons Tuning Shooting a weapon in aim mode now primarily uses recoil instead of cone of fire to penalize rapid-fire. More info here[www.h1z1.com]. Bullet drop has been significantly increased for all weapons (excluding shotguns and bows). Hellfire 4-6 SMG Tuning Increased damage per bullet by 16% This reduces the bullets to kill to 6 (from 7), with…
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Season 6 of Z1BR begins today, Thursday, November 7, in all server regions (no downtime is required). This season, we are relaxing ping lock and removing Asia as a playable region. This will allow us to consolidate our player base and speed up match queue times on NA and EU servers, offering all players the opportunity to refresh their Leaderboard standing with the new season. View the full article
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update: June 13, 2019
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Z1BR Servers are back up in all regions after today's game update. Full patch notes below: Updates: The ARV has been added to all game modes The LMG (mid-range Light Machine Gun) and Scout Rifle (long-range sniper rifle) have been added to all game modes 6 New Arcade Modes have been introduced: Sharp Shooter, Road Runners, Assault Rush, Detonation, ATV Rampage, Outlawed: No Shotguns No Bows Arcade Modes will now run on a rotating weekend cadence from Friday 10am PDT – Monday 10am PDT. Initial schedule: June 14 – June 17: Shotties & Snipers June 21 – June 24: Auto Royale June 28 – July 1: ATV Rampage View the full article
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H1Z1 (PS4) and Z1BR (PC) servers will be coming offline at the below times for each region for an estimated 2-hour maintenance to bring you the new Summer game update: Z1BR PC global: Wednesday, June 26 at 2PM PDT PS4 NA: Thursday, June 27 at 8AM PDT PS4 EU: Thursday, June 27 at 11PM BST Who's Hungry? We're ready to usher in the heat with a special Arcade Mode dedicated to that most timeless of summertime traditions: stuffing our faces with hot dogs! NEW EVENT: HOT DOG EATING CONTEST Much poultry has been consumed throughout Pleasant Valley but we're in a red meat mood this summer! The Hot Dog Eating Contest is a new Arcade Mode scheduled to run from Thursday, June …
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The Z1BR client has been updated with the following fixes: • ARV spawns have been replaced with Offroader spawns to correct an exploit that allowed players to go prone and shoot inside the ARV turret • Twitch Account Linking/Unlinking has been fixed. • Asia/Pacific region lock has been softened so the region’s home server will be NA. No server downtime is required. View the full article
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The weekend is nearly here, so why not have some additional fun and earn some great rewards while doing it? Each day from now until January 15th, make sure to hit the "Events" section in-game to play some Weapon Roulette. We'll even give you 1,000 Skulls just for playing your first game. On top of that, for every eligible event match you play, if you finish in the top 10 you'll earn a reward of either Skulls or possibly even an Icebreaker Crate for being the last person standing. BONUS REWARDS FOR TOP 10 1st - 1 Icebreaker Crate 2nd - 300 Skulls 3rd - 300 Skulls 4th - 300 Skulls 5th - 300 Skulls 6th - 300 Skulls 7th - 300 Skulls 8th - 300 Skulls 9th - 300 Skulls 10th - …
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update - 12/13
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Features The Compass has been improved and now shows the following items. The opacity of the items provides a hint as to how far away they are. Your grid location has also been centered in the UI beneath the Compass. Nearby points of interest Nearby airdrop crates The edge of the current gas ring (closest point to safety) Icons for your teammates This has been set to “off” by default and can be turned on in the settings menu Markers you or your team have placed on the map This has been set to “off” by default and can be turned on in the settings menu The all-new Icebreaker Crate[www.h1z1.com] is in this build. New Gun Models The Shotgun, Magnum, Hunting Rifle, and M9 …
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As many of you saw last Friday, NantG officially announced their decision to transition Z1 Battle Royale back to Daybreak. Like you, we were reacting to that decision in real-time, and are still digesting what that means for the game going forward. That means we don’t have all the answers yet, but we can offer our immediate plans for now until we are ready to share more. We can share today that servers will remain up, that we have no plans to change the name of the game, or make any other big changes that will affect your current Z1BR gameplay experience. Our number one goal throughout this entire transition is to make sure there is minimal disruption to the game’s serv…
[H1Z1 Updates] Z1BR and the Road Ahead of Us
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
First off, thank you all for your patience as we worked through what’s next for Z1BR. We have a deep love for this game. H1Z1 on PC, after all, is the OG BR game that launched the most popular genre in the world, and many of us have spent years working on it. We know as well as anybody how much the landscape for battle royale has changed over that time; but we still believe there is a special something to H1’s unique flavor of no-frills BR. The dev team at NantG did an amazing job bringing Z1BR back to its roots, but the sudden transition left the game in today’s uncertain state. The challenges are real and significant. But we also know that many of you love this game…
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The Test Server is now unlocked! General Manager, Anthony Castoro filled in some extra details on upcoming features in a Reddit post here. Combat Practice We’re rolling out the new Combat Practice zone! It’s going to be your destination to get your hands on all the weapons in the game so you practice your skills with other players. We think it'll be a great place to sharpen your skills or just to warm up before you get serious in for an evening (or morning) of Battle Royale. It’s a much smaller map than Z2, designed to highlight each of the locals from our current map so you can practice fighting in the hills, neighborhoods and city areas. When you die, just respawn ri…
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Grab your 4 best friends (or 4 strangers, we won't judge) and hop into Arcade mode this weekend to check out a brand new mechanic - revive! There are rewards waiting for you too...read on below for all the details. Arcade Mode - Revive Fives! This weekend, a brand new ruleset comes to the unranked Arcade mode - Revive Fives! These matches are just like Fives games with one big difference - a revive system has been enabled so you can pick back up your incapacitated teammates. If you're a fan of two-tapping your victims, not to worry - a headshot is still a kill (there's no coming back from that one!) Revive Fives will be available in Arcade mode starting at 10AM PT on…
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update: June 26, 2019
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Z1BR servers will come down in all regions on Wednesday, June 26 at 2 PM PDT / 10 PM BST to bring you the new game update. Estimated downtime is 2 hours. Full patch notes below: Game Updates: New Arcade Mode: Hot Dog Eating Contest Hot Dog Eating Contest will run from Wednesday, June 26 to Wednesday, JUly 10 Hot Dog Champion: Collect 100 Hot Dogs to earn the Patriotic Motorcycle Helmet (ultra rare) Hot Dog Eating King: Win an Arcade Mode match with the Golden Hot Dog in your possession to earn the Patriotic Unicorn Mask (legendary) Once a player completes the Hot Dog Eating King challenge, the golden hot dog will no longer be visible to that player (they can stil…
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In the past few months, NantG Mobile has been working feverishly on rebranding Z1 Battle Royale and reverting the game back to its glory days. We’ve since made countless changes to Z1BR in an effort to recapture the moments that once made the game vastly popular and truly unique and special to many of you. Despite the team’s determination and commitment to revive Z1BR’s player base with our recent Season 3 launch update, we soon realized that the road is still paved with many challenges that preclude us from long-term success, including the confusion it caused by having both NantG Mobile and Daybreak managing the same game under two separate brands. Based on these …
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update - 12/7
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Servers will be coming offline on December 7th at 12:00pm Pacific and will remain down for approximately 5 hours. This patch focuses primarily on bug fixes and quality of life updates and also features Tutorial Challenges for new players. In addition, we’ve brought back an old favorite, Shotties & Snipers, as the first of three Holiday Events that will reward a special Festive Set (more information on that soon). General Updates Combat Zone time of day updated to be consistent with The Arena. Leaving Combat Zone is now immediate (removed the 10 second timer). Office buildings, residential areas, barns, trailers, and several smaller loot spots now have more balanc…