H1Z1 Updates
159 topics in this forum
[H1Z1 Updates] Weekend Events: Shotties & Snipers Duos + Revive, Green Camo Sniper Challenge!
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Play a Game: Fan-favorite Shotties & Snipers returns for the weekend in Arcade mode! This time around, grab a friend (or a friendly stranger) and hop in as Shotties & Snipers will be a Duos mode. In addition, Revive has been turned on for this mode (thanks to community feedback) so you can pick your teammates back up and keep going. This weekend's Challenge is for flexing your long-range skills - get 10 kills with the Sniper Rifle in Shotties & Snipers Arcade mode this weekend and you'll earn yourself the Green Camo Sniper Rifle (and some serious bragging rights!). More info: https://steamcommunity.com/games/433850/announcements/detail/1671277814175484178 V…
[H1Z1 Updates] Audio Hotfix - 2/12
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
You'll see a small download on Steam today for a hotfix that includes the following: Footstep Audio Adjustments: Increased priority of footstep audio so it no longer drops off due to other sounds playing. Increased volume of footstep audio in general. Normalized footstep volume regardless of shoe type. Adjusted interior/exterior occlusion filtering so footsteps are easier to hear. Increased the range at which footsteps maintain priority allowing them to be heard from further away. Bug Fixes: Fixed a rare issue that could cause keyboard input to stop functioning. View the full article
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What's up guys! We have a quite a few changes coming this week to different systems (weapons, movement, audio, etc.) in the game. Alongside these changes we also have a brand new Arcade Mode and the first wave previously untradeable skins will unlock! Expected down time for this patch is 3 hours starting at 2 PM PST / 10 PM GMT / 7 AM JST. See you all on the otherside! -SUP3RSoN1K Boot Camp Arcade Mode Welcome to Boot Camp! If you have ever played a standard BR (Solos, Duos, or Fives) you are going to know exactly what is going on as you drop in, loot up, and slay out on your way to that coveted #1 spot! This is the BR mode we love only you will be parachuting int…
[H1Z1 Updates] Client Hotfix March 7th, 2019
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
We have just pushed a hotfix with the following list of changes: UI: The in game HUD should now match the HUD from Solos in Duos and Fives. UI: The Killfeed will no longer start rotating the feed into itself as it gets longer. UI: The Arcade Challenge is no longer available. This should not have been showing up since there is no active Arcade Mode running at this time. UI: The Hotshot Crate confirmation will no longer refer to it as “Premium3 crate”. Weapons: Fixed mismatched M9 refire timing. PS3 timings on the M9 had the ADS fire rate set to a faster refire than hipfire. These timings now match up to PS3 values. Animation: There was an issue occurring w…
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Get ready to live longer and die harder this weekend with a special Battle Royale ruleset change, two BRAND NEW rewards, and a limited-time Arctic Unicorn Mask - more on each below! Weekend Rules This weekend only, all players in any match of Battle Royale Solos, Duos, or Fives will have TRIPLE the usual amount of health. Don't start to feel TOO bulletproof though - you still want to be the last one standing! To participate, just queue into a regular Battle Royale Solos, Duos, or Fives match - unlike previous ruleset changes, this is NOT under the Events system. As triple health may have an effect on scoring, from now until Monday, April 30 at 10AM PT, no Battle Roya…
[H1Z1 Updates] Updates to Z1RoadMap.com
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
We have just finished updating the public road map with a few new cards for changes that will be occurring in the coming weeks. Updated items: 1. Added a card showing off the new holiday loot bag. 2. Updated the "Santa's Slay" Event card to describe the new arcade mode and show off some of the art. 3. Added a card for jump shot tuning. 4. Made small verbiage change to the hipfire movement card. (added label "Need Community Input") You can always monitor what's going on and the changes we have coming over on our public trello board located at z1roadmap.com View the full article
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What’s up everyone! We’re excited for this build to land on the Test Server today as it’s packed with some pretty awesome features and much-needed fixes. As we mentioned on the Community Outbreak yesterday this build is coming in pretty hot, so bear with us as we continue to work on and polish it. As always, feedback is going to be key in making this a successful update, so please let us know what you do like and what you don’t so we can work on this together to make sure this patch is as solid as possible. See you in the pit, Carto Air Drop Revamp: The airdrop bomber has been updated and replaced with a jet. This was done so the bomber has unique audio in an effort …
[H1Z1 Updates] Server Maintenance - 1/25
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Servers are coming down tomorrow at 7am PT for approximately 2 hours. This downtime includes server maintenance, new weekend events new weekend events schedule (more on that shortly) and the new Zodiac Crate: https://www.h1z1.com/crates View the full article
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Servers will be down tomorrow morning (March 8th) for maintenance starting at 7am PT. Downtime will last approximately 3 hours. No patch notes associated with this maintenance. View the full article
[H1Z1 Updates] Hotfix - 2/8
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Client-only hotfix is going to Live today to address the following issues: Resolved a major cause of graphics driver related micro-stutters. Fixed uneven loot distribution in many areas on the map, notably the compound in G7. Teammate map waypoints will no longer disappear after the waypoint location is moved. The characters hand should no longer incorrectly clip through the AR model. View the full article
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This weekend's Arcade mode brings back Shotties & Snipers with a few new twists - Duos and Revive! Plus, find out how to earn the brand new Green Camo Sniper Rifle below. Arcade Mode: Shotties & Snipers Duos + Revive Fan-favorite Shotties & Snipers returns for the weekend in Arcade mode! This time around, grab a friend (or a friendly stranger) and hop in as Shotties & Snipers will be a Duos mode. In addition, Revive has been turned on for this mode (thanks to community feedback) so you can pick your teammates back up and keep going. Weekend Challenge Reward - Green Camo Sniper Rifle This weekend's Challenge is for flexing your long-range skills -…
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Happy Valentine's Day gamers! A day early I know, but let me be the first to wish you all a great day full of overflowing love, laughter, and fun. Now on to the the patch. Today we have a new Arcade Mode, tweaks to the starting zones/first safe zone announcement, some QoL changes to the Combat Knife and Machete, and a couple bug fixes. As you all know Season 3 is fast approaching and we are going heads down full steam ahead into finishing up everything for March. For the next few weeks leading up to Season 3 the weekly patches will be limited to small bug fixes. This is to allow us to put our undivided attention on wrapping up the Season 3 build and getting it r…
[H1Z1 Updates] H1Z1 Is Now Free To Play
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
You asked, we heard you. Experience the game that put Battle Royale on the map and then redefined it with Auto Royale, for FREE. Yep, you read that right! Starting at approximately 10 AM PT, you can download H1Z1 for FREE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-MUEPsT8eI Free to play isn’t the only thing to get hyped about. The H1Z1 Pro League just confirmed the 15 esports teams that will be participating in the inaugural season, the official venue location in Las Vegas, and its streaming partnership with Facebook. More info can be found here[www.h1pl.com]. “We are very excited to announce that H1Z1 will be free to play starting today. Not only does this decision allow us t…
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update: May 1, 2019
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Z1BR Servers will come down in all regions on Wednesday, May 1 at 1 PM PDT / 8 PM GMT to end Season 3. Estimated downtime is 3 hours. Full patch notes below: Game Updates: Season 3 has ended. Season 4 is scheduled to begin on May 14th. South America has been removed as a playable region. Ranked Pro has been removed from the game. Bug Fixes: Helmet icons, Armor icons, and player health now update properly in the group HUD. Fixed an issue that caused some players to occasionally get stuck on an unresponsive title screen. Shot block markers no longer display for vehicle passengers. Reticle should be blocked by the character’s head less often when crouching and str…
[H1Z1 Updates] Showdown Rewards
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
As we stated in our Season 4 Announcement, we wanted to ensure that every player who would've qualified for Showdown in each region receives their rewards, per their ranking at the end of Season 3. After our standard review process (monitoring CS reports for cheating, toxic behavior, or confirmed exploits), we have begun the process of granting the following items to the following players: Animated Showdown AR-15: Top 15 in each region Showdown Logo Tactical Backpack: Top 100 in each region Showdown Logo Motorcycle Helmet: All Z1BR players who logged in during calendar year 2019 All Showdown Rewards should be fully granted by the end of today (Wednesday, May 15, 2…
[H1Z1 Updates] Coming March 6th, 2019
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Over the past few months NantG has taken over development of H1Z1 and has been re-branding it to Z1 Battle Royale, the team has been working feverishly to recapture what made the game so special. The return of classic H1Z1 that everyone fell in love with, the classic movement, gun mechanics, feel of the world/environment, the works. It's all getting overhauled, and we are bringing it all back. The team has touched just about every existing system the game has, while also bringing in some brand new systems to give players more to do and interact with. This is our biggest update yet, and the kickoff of what the team here at NantG believes the game should have been all along…
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Win a Solo match on Test and earn a Silver Zodiac Crate! Over the next three days, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (2/21 – 2/23) we’ll be rewarding players who get first place wins from Solo matches on the Test Server. The reward won’t be automatically granted upon the completion of the match but will be granted to your Live account within a week. We’re looking for data to help us tune the new scoring system so please play how you would normally play on the Live Servers. Make sure you tune in for the Royalty Showdown[www.h1z1.com] for more information on scoring changes coming in the next season. Color and Visibility Tests. Over the next three days, we’ll also be tryin…
[H1Z1 Updates] A Discussion About Voice Chat
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Voice chat. We all know and enjoy it inside of H1Z1, because it allows you to communicate quickly not just to teammates, but other players in-game, without needing an outside service. As we’ve seen over the life of the game, having in-game voice chat can be both outstanding and lead to some entertaining moments, but it can also lead to some unwanted toxicity among individuals and groups. We also understand that games of skill will often bring about some creative trash-talking which is accepted in most cases, but some individuals have been pushing that a bit too far, leading to a vastly toxic playing experience. We recently rolled out a new system that will help keep vo…
[H1Z1 Updates] Hotfix - January 25th
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
You'll notice a small download on Steam to the Live servers tonight. This hotfix includes the following: Patch notes: Crossbow reload is no longer missing audio Crossbow reload no longer behaves like a pistol The characters hand is no longer incorrectly visible when zooming with a crossbow. Sandalwood Magnum is no longer referred to as an M9 in Steam Inventory Maneki Makeshift Armor and Freerunner Gloves no longer incorrectly refer to Icebreaker Crate We intend on pushing the latest AR and Shotgun changes that are currently on Test, up to the Live servers in another Hotfix tomorrow (January 26th) View the full article
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Today's update for H1Z1 on PC brings back Z1 favorites, features some new rewards, and introduces the brand new Apocalypse Crate! All PC Live servers will be offline starting at 8AM PDT on Wednesday, June 27 for an estimated 4-hour downtime to bring you the below. New Map: Z1 Remastered, aka "Outbreak" Welcome (back) to Z1, now available on PC Live servers! The remastered Z1 map (also known as "Outbreak") is an 8km by 8km map. Outbreak is meant to appeal to all players of H1Z1, old and new, by capturing and maintaining what made Z1 fun while also updating and refining the map for battle royale gameplay. Veteran players may notice a few smaller POIs in the northern and …
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update: March 22, 2019
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
We have a small update going out right now with the following changes: Master and Royalty ranks for solos are no longer locked to the Ranked Pro mode. They have been added back into the standard solos play list. Players will see their rank update after they play their first solo match once the patch is live. Fixed a bug that was preventing bandages from dropping in Ranked Pro mode. Fixed a bug that was preventing players from being able to purchase the in game sale items from the message of the day on the front end menu. View the full article
[H1Z1 Updates] Legendary Unique Giveaway!
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
H1Z1 has launched on PC and we’re doing something special where all of our players have a chance at earning something truly unique. We’re giving away TWO Legendary Unique items. These are the first of this rarity, and there will only be one of each item in existence, never to be given out again! How do you get a chance to win each of these items? Players earn entries from items acquired in eligible crates, and the better quality item, the MORE entries earned: Uncommon / Common: 10 Entries Rare: 100 Entries Ultra Rare: 1000 Entries Items acquired by trade or the marketplace do not grant entries. Giveaway 1: Midnight Helmet To qualify for the Legendary Unique Midnigh…
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Today we have a quality of life patch centered around footstep audio level and gas alert volume. Alongside the audio changes we have a returning arcade mode Pleasant Valley Nightmare and a number of bug fixes. During the down time the test server will have solos unlocked so that you can hop in and check out the audio changes. -SUP3R Pleasant Valley Nightmare Welcome to Pleasant Valley Nightmare muahahahaha... Ok now that we got that out of our system, onto a more serious note for those who have not played this mode before. This game type is centered around Pleasant Valley in the center of the map. Every match will be a battle to survive through the night into th…
[H1Z1 Updates] Test Server Update: 1/12
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
The Test Server will come offline today at 5pm PT for approximately 2 hours. This update will include the following: Bug Fixes: Kill Receipts should now always display in Combat Zone. Fixed several minor UI bugs in the new Skull Boost window. Chevrons in the Team HUD now show the correct colors. SMG bullet boxes now contain 60 bullets instead of 48. Noted in the Keybindings menu that the Sprint key also affects Hold Breath. View the full article
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Play a Game: Arcade mode is back with a new ruleset - Revive Fives! These are unranked Fives matches with a special new mechanic - REVIVE. Pick your teammates back up when they're downed and get back in the fight! Win one match of Revive Fives with your team this weekend and receive the Revive T-Shirt next week! Nurse your teammates back to health with the NEW Be Positive Scrubs Outfit, available from the Message of the Day! More info: https://steamcommunity.com/games/433850/announcements/detail/1673528978324829230 View the full article