H1Z1 Updates
159 topics in this forum
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See these items above? On March 14, those items will be removed from the Skull Store and placed into the vault. Brand new items will be coming to the Skull Store on the same day, with new ones to follow each week until April 18!View the full article
[H1Z1 Updates] Launch Day Producer's Letter
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Today marks a momentous milestone for the team, our players, and the game -- H1Z1 has officially launched out of Early Access! H1Z1 has come a long way since we first released it three years ago. It was a unique project at Daybreak, which started with a small group of developers who were given a mission to “make something fun”. Over time, that mission evolved into one of Steam’s best-selling titles of 2017 and put Battle Royale games on the map. H1Z1 is the fast-paced, competitive battle royale game it is today because of you, our players. And, with 3 Invitationals, 3 Showdowns, 2 Elite Series stops, 1 nationally broadcasted tournament, and a Pro League[www.h1pl.com], yo…
[H1Z1 Updates] Welcome To Season One!
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Starting with Preseason One, we set out to make H1Z1 as competitive and rewarding as possible. We added Team Scoring for Duos and Fives to continue that trend. With each Preseason we shook up the point values and Tier distribution numbers and made future decisions based on previous Preseason data. We gave out rewards for end of season placement and players were fully sporting their accomplishments in-game. Now that we're leaving Early Access, it's time to put Preseasons behind us and get started on the culmination of all that work: Season One! Season One comes with a new way of evaluating overall player performance. During the Preseasons, Royalty was solely achieved by …
[H1Z1 Updates] Win a Match, Get Rewarded!
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Playing H1Z1 just got even more rewarding - you can now earn the NEW Victory Crate for winning and Skull rewards for placing well in different match types! Read on below to see how you can earn exclusive new skins through gameplay, leveling up, and the Skull Store. How To Get Victory Crates There are a few ways to get your hands on the Victory Crate: Winning a match of Solos, Duos, Fives, or Auto Royale will reward 1 Victory Crate After you reach Level 10, each subsequent Level will reward 2 Victory Crates Victory Crates can be purchased from the Skull Store for 7,500 Skulls each Completing the Tutorial Challenges will reward 2 Victory Crates All Victory Crates come…
[H1Z1 Updates] Legendary Unique Giveaway!
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
H1Z1 has launched on PC and we’re doing something special where all of our players have a chance at earning something truly unique. We’re giving away TWO Legendary Unique items. These are the first of this rarity, and there will only be one of each item in existence, never to be given out again! How do you get a chance to win each of these items? Players earn entries from items acquired in eligible crates, and the better quality item, the MORE entries earned: Uncommon / Common: 10 Entries Rare: 100 Entries Ultra Rare: 1000 Entries Items acquired by trade or the marketplace do not grant entries. Giveaway 1: Midnight Helmet To qualify for the Legendary Unique Midnigh…
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Servers will be coming down for an update with an extended maintenance beginning at 2PM PST tomorrow, Tuesday Feb 27th. The downtime is expected to last until approximately 6AM PST on Wednesday Feb 28th. What’s up everybody! The time has come for our next major update to hit our Live servers and what’s an update without all the good details provided by patch notes. We’ve got a bunch of information below but keep an eye out for our Producers Letter that will have even more insight, information, and maybe even something special. We’ll also be releasing more information soon on our next crate, the Mayhem Crate, so keep an eye out for that too. We would like to take a qu…
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The 2018 H1Z1 Royalty Showdown is all wrapped up and what a show it was! Top players from around the world came together to duke it out for the top spot and some killer prizes. Each match had its fair share of awesome moments; here are our Top 10 favorites: You’re Coming With Me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPOBS1noDQA Semi Sneak Attack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQ0lRCqB2xA On Fire Comeback! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrAmTjoHieA An Explosive End https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RekOzggiYR0 Roadkill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvbF38z21qk I’m On Fire… Oops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJR-aAmO93g Surprise! https://www.youtube.…
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Servers will be coming down for an update with an extended maintenance beginning at 2PM PST tomorrow, Tuesday Feb 27th. Patch notes will be made available at that time, and the downtime is expected to last until approximately 6AM PST on Wednesday Feb 28th. This game update will include everything that’s currently on the Test Server, select your spawn, a new season, match rewards, air drop improvements and more. I'll post the full list of patch notes when we bring the game down at 2pm. As Carto announced earlier, with tomorrow's update we will have to wipe player levels back down to zero to accommodate the new season and reward structure. You will still maintain all your…
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Hey everyone! We appreciate all the feedback already given so far. We want to reinforce a few points. 1.Provide your direct feedback via the in-game survey. Posts on Reddit are great to share your experience with others but the survey will be our main point for collecting player feedback on this particular topic. 2. Please set all of your visual settings to default. You can up the quality and resolution as you please but we need to get feedback from a universal standard across all players. 3. Do not use any external tools to adjust the colors while conducting your experiments. This will skew you results even if you only use them lightly. We are going to add two addit…
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Win a Solo match on Test and earn a Silver Zodiac Crate! Over the next three days, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (2/21 – 2/23) we’ll be rewarding players who get first place wins from Solo matches on the Test Server. The reward won’t be automatically granted upon the completion of the match but will be granted to your Live account within a week. We’re looking for data to help us tune the new scoring system so please play how you would normally play on the Live Servers. Make sure you tune in for the Royalty Showdown[www.h1z1.com] for more information on scoring changes coming in the next season. Color and Visibility Tests. Over the next three days, we’ll also be tryin…
[H1Z1 Updates] Test Server Schedule
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
In an effort to get more Solo matches kicked off (because that's where you'll experience the majority of the new features) we're going to be locking the Test Server and only opening it for certain hours in each region. We understand that this might be inconvenient for some players schedules but it should lead to a better experience for most. These times were determined by peak population data in each region. We'll be rotating what is open during these times but starting tomorrow, Monday February 19th, we will only have Solo games available. Keep an eye on this thread for updates on what modes will be unlocked and when. The Test Server will be open during the following t…
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What’s up everyone! We’re excited for this build to land on the Test Server today as it’s packed with some pretty awesome features and much-needed fixes. As we mentioned on the Community Outbreak yesterday this build is coming in pretty hot, so bear with us as we continue to work on and polish it. As always, feedback is going to be key in making this a successful update, so please let us know what you do like and what you don’t so we can work on this together to make sure this patch is as solid as possible. See you in the pit, Carto Air Drop Revamp: The airdrop bomber has been updated and replaced with a jet. This was done so the bomber has unique audio in an effort …
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Hey everyone, The H1Z1 Test servers were just updated with a round of bug fixes and changes that we plan to publish to Live tomorrow. Please take a moment to login, check everything out and let us know if you have any feedback. We will post more info about Live release timing later today, after we've had a chance to review feedback. Players can no longer shoot over the police car light bar and most of the roof, as well as over objects of similar height such as certain hay bales, semi-truck cabs, dumpsters, and half walls. Please send your feedback on this change! Please provide screenshots and clips of locations where you can still shoot over an object but feel like …
[H1Z1 Updates] Audio Hotfix - 2/12
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
You'll see a small download on Steam today for a hotfix that includes the following: Footstep Audio Adjustments: Increased priority of footstep audio so it no longer drops off due to other sounds playing. Increased volume of footstep audio in general. Normalized footstep volume regardless of shoe type. Adjusted interior/exterior occlusion filtering so footsteps are easier to hear. Increased the range at which footsteps maintain priority allowing them to be heard from further away. Bug Fixes: Fixed a rare issue that could cause keyboard input to stop functioning. View the full article
[H1Z1 Updates] Hotfix - 2/8
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Client-only hotfix is going to Live today to address the following issues: Resolved a major cause of graphics driver related micro-stutters. Fixed uneven loot distribution in many areas on the map, notably the compound in G7. Teammate map waypoints will no longer disappear after the waypoint location is moved. The characters hand should no longer incorrectly clip through the AR model. View the full article
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The newest update is coming to the Live servers on 2/5 at 7am PT. Downtime is expected to be 6 hours. In an effort to get back to the roots of H1Z1 we made the following improvements. MOVEMENT CHANGES Dodging enemy fire by sprinting and whipping your mouse around (ENAS) has become far too effective while creating extremely odd combat encounters. Therefore we have taken significant steps to address issues related to this by making adjustments to both the movement system and its values to improve gameplay and nerf ENAS. The details are provided below. Added functionality that slows player movement on rapid mouse input to combat ENAS. Reconfigured how player heading u…
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We're going to bring what's on the Test Server over to Live on February 5th. Servers will come offline starting at 7am PT and will remain down for approximately 6 hours. Full patch notes will be made available at that time. View the full article
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Play a Game: Hey everyone! We're cleaning up the last of the remaining issues on the Test Server in preparation for a push to Live on Monday or Tuesday. We could really use your help in the final hours. One of the last bugs holding this publish back was a crash related issue. We think we've got it but we need to test it with some scale. Sorry for the late heads up but the fix just came in and we can't sit on it. Jump into Solo matches during these times: * EU Test at 12:00pm - 1:00pm PT (9:00pm - 10:00pm CET) * NA Test at 2:00pm - 3:00pm PT Other members of the Dev team will be in there so keep your eyes open for those red names! Cosmic Jester Masks are on the lin…
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Play a Game: Hey everyone! We're cleaning up the last of the remaining issues on the Test Server in preparation for a push to Live on Monday or Tuesday. We could really use your help in the final hours. One of the last bugs holding this publish back was a crash related issue. We think we've got it but we need to test it with some scale. Sorry for the late heads up but the fix just came in and we can't sit on it. Jump into Solo matches during these times: * EU Test at 12:00pm - 1:00pm PT (9:00pm - 10:00pm CET) * NA Test at 2:00pm - 3:00pm PT Other members of the Dev team will be in there so keep your eyes open for those red names! Cosmic Jester Masks are on the lin…
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Play a Game: Full Details Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/h1z1/comments/7um5nd/wreck_a_dev_round_2_audio_changes_na_test_servers/ View the full article
[H1Z1 Updates] Test Server Update - 1/31
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
The Test Server will be brought down for one hour tonight, starting at 8:30pm PT to add the following: Seat-swapping and drop-shotting have disabled on this build while we debug other issues. ENAS movement restrictions no longer incorrectly trigger during normal left and right turns (such as navigating hallways in a building). Players now move slightly faster with fists out or while holding binoculars. Tightened up the new spawn areas in Combat Zone so that you don’t spawn too far from the action. Match start countdown is now 45 seconds instead of 90 seconds and broadcasts less frequently. Fixed an issue that was causing lat…
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Hey everyone, We've just published a new build to the NA/EU/Asia Test servers. Below is list of details about the changes that have been included. Please post any feedback about the changes, or bugs encountered, to this thread. The team will keeping a close eye. Only Solo mode and Combat Zone will be available. We plan to unlock team modes Monday (January 29th). Thanks again for your help! Movement Changes We have done several changes and adjustments to both movement values and how the movement system works to improve gameplay and nerf ENAS. The details are provided below. Added functionality that slows player movement on rapid mouse input to combat ENAS. *We are ke…
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Most of what is covered in the blog below was also visually explained on a recent Community Outbreak: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/222719994 What’s up everyone! We wanted to take a few moments to talk about an important topic amongst the players, streamers, and pros alike: ENAS. For those who may not know, ENAS (also known as the Eastern North American Strafe) is a method of movement that involves moving your mouse back and forth rapidly while running forward and strafing to make yourself extremely difficult to be shot by other players. We can give credit to the naming to CDNThe3rd and the technique has become so popular you can even find it in the Urban Dictionary[www.u…
[H1Z1 Updates] A Discussion About Voice Chat
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Voice chat. We all know and enjoy it inside of H1Z1, because it allows you to communicate quickly not just to teammates, but other players in-game, without needing an outside service. As we’ve seen over the life of the game, having in-game voice chat can be both outstanding and lead to some entertaining moments, but it can also lead to some unwanted toxicity among individuals and groups. We also understand that games of skill will often bring about some creative trash-talking which is accepted in most cases, but some individuals have been pushing that a bit too far, leading to a vastly toxic playing experience. We recently rolled out a new system that will help keep vo…
[H1Z1 Updates] Hotfix - January 25th
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
You'll notice a small download on Steam to the Live servers tonight. This hotfix includes the following: Patch notes: Crossbow reload is no longer missing audio Crossbow reload no longer behaves like a pistol The characters hand is no longer incorrectly visible when zooming with a crossbow. Sandalwood Magnum is no longer referred to as an M9 in Steam Inventory Maneki Makeshift Armor and Freerunner Gloves no longer incorrectly refer to Icebreaker Crate We intend on pushing the latest AR and Shotgun changes that are currently on Test, up to the Live servers in another Hotfix tomorrow (January 26th) View the full article