H1Z1 Updates
159 topics in this forum
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In case you missed our recent development update[www.h1z1.com], Auto Royale will be switching over to a rotating ruleset in Arcade mode starting on Friday, June 1! Read on below for what you can pick up for playing this weekend: Arcade Mode: Auto Royale Grab your 3 best friends and get ready for the ride of your life - Arcade mode this weekend features the high-octane Auto Royale ruleset, which you can watch in action here! Plus, there are rewards waiting for you - more on that below. Weekend Challenges and Rewards Starting at 10AM PT on Friday, June 1, play 5 matches in Arcade mode to complete your Weekend Challenge and earn a Victory Crate! Looking for MORE ma…
[H1Z1 Updates] PC Game Update: June 6
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Today's update for H1Z1 on PC marks the end of Season One! Read on for more details on what's included in this patch: Season One has now ended, and the off-season has begun. Season leaderboards and Top 10 scores will be locked, and matches will not be ranked during the off-season. Season Two is slated to kick off in July - stay tuned for more details on scoring changes as we get closer to the end of the off-season.The reward grant for Season One will happen later this week, as we're confirming that players will be granted their items based on highest tier achieved. While in Solos, Duos, and Fives matches, weapons will be locked for players whose ping or packet loss exce…
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This weekend features a new ruleset for Arcade mode that's all about scoped weapons - Bullseye! Read on for all the details and rewards. Arcade Mode: Bullseye We've got you in our sights! This weekend, Arcade mode features a brand new ruleset: Bullseye. This Solos mode plays out like a normal match, except that the only weapons available on the map are three scoped weapons: the M40 Sniper Rifle, the Ranch Rifle, and the Crossbow (with explosive arrows!). Rewards are waiting for you as well - more on that below. Weekend Challenges and Rewards Starting at 10AM PT on Friday, June 8, play 5 matches in Arcade mode to complete your Weekend Challenge and earn a Victory C…
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Play a Game: Play the brand new Arcade mode ruleset this weekend, Bullseye! This mode features ONLY scoped weapons, including the M40 Sniper Rifle, the Ranch Rifle, and the Crossbow (with explosive arrows!). Complete your Weekend Challenge by playing 5 matches of Arcade mode, and a Victory Crate is yours! Plus, the Red Dragon Shotgun is available from the Message of the Day for this weekend only! More details: https://steamcommunity.com/games/433850/announcements/detail/1672405619784406435 View the full article
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This weekend's Arcade mode features a recent community favorite making a comeback - Revive Fives! Read on for all the details, rewards, and more. Arcade Mode: Revive Fives Revive Fives is BACK in Arcade mode for the weekend, with the same rules as last time around - it's a regular Fives match, but you have the ability to pick your teammates back up once they're incapacitated. In true H1Z1 style though, a headshot is still a kill (so two-tap to your hearts content!). Weekend Challenges and Rewards Starting at 10AM PT on Friday, June 15, play 5 matches in Arcade mode to complete your Weekend Challenge and earn a Victory Crate! Grab 4 friends and take it to the next…
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Today's update for H1Z1 on PC brings back Z1 favorites, features some new rewards, and introduces the brand new Apocalypse Crate! All PC Live servers will be offline starting at 8AM PDT on Wednesday, June 27 for an estimated 4-hour downtime to bring you the below. New Map: Z1 Remastered, aka "Outbreak" Welcome (back) to Z1, now available on PC Live servers! The remastered Z1 map (also known as "Outbreak") is an 8km by 8km map. Outbreak is meant to appeal to all players of H1Z1, old and new, by capturing and maintaining what made Z1 fun while also updating and refining the map for battle royale gameplay. Veteran players may notice a few smaller POIs in the northern and …
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All PC Live servers will be coming offline at 9AM PDT on Thursday, July 5 for an estimated 4 hour downtime to bring you a NEW Arcade mode and more - check out all the details below. Arcade Mode: Scavenger Hunt Many battles have been fought across Pleasant Valley, and many brave souls have met their demise during their fight for victory. As a tribute to those that came before you, you will find two types of skulls across the map, each offering their own challenge and reward: Wasteland Skull (Easy) Found more abundantly around the map, find and collect 50 of these skulls before the end of the Hunt. However, these Wasteland Skulls are still in limited supply each mat…
[H1Z1 Updates] PC Game Update: July 13
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
All PC Live servers will be coming offline at 8AM PDT on Friday, July 13 for a 2-hour maintenance to bring you the below updates: Match-based ping restrictions are now applied to Solos, Duos, and Fives on the remastered Z1 "Outbreak" map. Fixed an issue where teammate's health occasionally is incorrectly shown as full despite having taken damage. Fixed two Tutorial Challenges that could not be completed. Fixed two issues that were causing rare crashes. H1Z1 Pro League Team Packs Looking for the perfect companion pieces to your original H1Z1 Pro League team collections? New H1Z1 Pro League team packs (with Helmets and Backpacks) are now available in the in-game "B…
[H1Z1 Updates] PC Game Update: Season 2!
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
All PC Live servers will be coming offline at 9AM PDT on Thursday, July 26 for an estimated 4-hour update to bring you Season 2, bug fixes, the new Fumigator Collection, and more! Season 2 This update marks the start of Season 2! For more details on scoring and rewards, check out our in-depth guide here.[www.h1z1.com] Game Updates Spawn select has been enabled in Solos, Duos, and Fives; however, the gas ring preview and player heat map have been disabled. This provides players with agency over their starting location while removing some of the predictability around where other players are spawning and where the safe zone will be. Slightly increased ATV spawns and sl…
[H1Z1 Updates] Version 1.0 Release Notes
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Welcome Home! H1Z1 on PC will soon be known as “Z1 Battle Royale”! This release is the first major step in that transition. The newly re-formed dev team worked closely with the community to prioritize features and changes that return the game to its roots as the world’s most competitive BR Game. For the most up-to-date information on the team’s priorities, please visit https://www.z1roadmap.com/. Version 1.0 Release Notes: Gameplay WeaponsThe AR-15, AK-47, M-9, Shotgun* & Magnum have been adjusted based on their Preseason 3 characteristics: Bullet Speed Bullet Drop/Drag Fire Rate Reset Time Recoil *The Shotgun's pellet pattern will remain the same as Season 1 &a…
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update - October 9
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Patch Notes: Ping-monitoring for Spectator Cam. Our spectators will now be able to monitor player pings during the showdown to ensure fair play. Loading screens now promote the showdown events. Fall is here and Halloween is coming soon. A spooky phenomenon is transforming loot bags into pumpkins! E-tips - Airdrops will only contain 2 explosive arrows and the explosive arrow recipe now requires 12 shotgun shells. All current crates and skull store items are being retired! There's now timer in the marketplace and skull store to let you know how much time remains before these items are retired. You can now purchase 1 crate at a time. There's a one-time inte…
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update - October 26
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Patch Notes: You now have the option to Spectate your Killer. The system will try to find the next nearest player if it can’t find your Killer (he dies during the transition). There is a known issue if you die and you hit Spectate but there is no one nearby. Your UI can disappear leaving you stuck until the match ends or you close the client down. There is a little number on the HUD that denotes how many spectators you have at the time. Don’t mess up! Updated the Graphics engine for better performance and stability. Swagnum Opus Arcade Event – kill 5 players with the Swagnum to complete the Event Challenge Fixed several issues with loot distribution when…
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update - October 31
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Features: Witch Hunt Crate – 25 new items 6 of which are Ultra Rare along with 1 extra special LEGENDARY item. This Legendary item is in limited quantity with only 60 available Legendary Countdown System – There are only a LIMITED number of LEGENDARY items in each crate, as each person finds a legendary item the total number of legendary items available will countdown until that number reaches 0. ONCE ALL THE LEGENDARY ITEMS ARE FOUND AND THE COUNTDOWN REACHES 0 THE CRATE WILL INSTANTLY RETIRE FROM THE STORE AND WILL NO LONGER BE PURCHASABLE! Unopened crates can still be opened but no more Legendary items can be won. New preview functionality for the legendary it…
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Patch Notes for version 1.6 Released on 11/7/2018 Swagnum and new challenge set up for the upcoming weekend Added Nameplate for the player you are spectating in Solos There is now a running list of acquired items in the Crate Opening screen Tooltip explanation for the Golden Ticket system All loading screens have translated helper text The following skins are now viewable in the customization window: Rainbow Swirl AR-15 Rainbow Swirl Shotgun Rainbow Swirl Sniper Rifle Red Battle Royale Trucker Cap China Hoodie (#1 variant) Bugs and Crash fixes: You can Prox chat again in Team Spectate Shotgun reload audio no longer gets "stuck" when…
[H1Z1 Updates] Weapon tuning coming to test
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Heads up! We have a new patch coming to test later this afternoon with more weapon tunings. Similar to last week when we made our Preseason 3 tuning pass on the AR and AK we have changes coming to test for 4 weapons this afternoon. The shotgun, magnum, m9, and sniper rifle have all have had their recoils reworked. Helmet damage has been changed as well for the AR and AK. The AR will now do 25 damage on a helmet break and the AK will deal 30 damage. Keep your eyes on the @z1battleroyale twitter, we will put out an update when the server is up and ready for you all to hop in. Feedback from the community on this is greatly appreciated. As always if you want to keep up…
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Z2 Returns This release marks the end of Season 2 and the beginning an Off Season that will last several weeks before Season 3 begins. During this Off Season, we'll be testing and tuning the Z2 map, adjusting season scoring to work with Dynamic Matches and introducing some new arcade modes, in addition to a host of bug fixes and tweaks. You WILL receive new rewards for reaching higher ranks during Off Season! Season 2 RewardsThe rewards for Ranking up in Season 2 have been granted to all qualifying players. Z2 Map Z2 map for Solos, Duo, Fives, and Arcade modes. Z2 now supports dynamic match starts. Season ScoringScoring thresholds for Royalty have been adjusted: …
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update V1.8
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Arcade EventAt 10 am PST / 7 pm GMT Thursday, this weeks Arcade Event "Pleasant Valley Nightmare" will unlock. Hosted GamesWe have made the addition 7 new Hosted Game servers with at least one for each region have been added to the expanding lineup. Number of servers per region are as follows: 2 Europe 1 North America 2 South America 1 Asia/Pacific 1 Australia/New Zealand Minor Changes On the main menu the "Career Stats" option has now been changed to "Leaderboards". All scroll bars on the front end menu have had a color change, and are now gold. Bug Fixes: Loot distro issues around the PV Clock tower and some camp grounds were corrected. A few …
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Arcade EventAt 10 am PST / 6 pm GMT Thursday the Weapon Roulette Arcade event will open. You will see all the weapons you are used to finding around the normal game world plus a few extras to make things interesting. This game mode will only be available until 10 am PST / 6 pm GMT on Monday morning, so make sure to get in while the gettins good. AR-15 and AK Preseason 3 Tuning and Weapon Camera FixesWe made some changes on the engineering side that has allowed us to get a true representation of the recoil values that were in preseason 3. The feedback from test server was amazing and we are excited for you all to get your hands on them in the live servers. One thing tha…
[H1Z1 Updates] Updates to Z1RoadMap.com
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
We have just finished updating the public road map with a few new cards for changes that will be occurring in the coming weeks. Updated items: 1. Added a card showing off the new holiday loot bag. 2. Updated the "Santa's Slay" Event card to describe the new arcade mode and show off some of the art. 3. Added a card for jump shot tuning. 4. Made small verbiage change to the hipfire movement card. (added label "Need Community Input") You can always monitor what's going on and the changes we have coming over on our public trello board located at z1roadmap.com View the full article
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We have unlocked the test server in all regions. Solos are now open for play. Hop in and test out the shotgun, m9, magnum, and sniper rifle. View the full article
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We have a big update this week and it has a little something for everyone! Changes to combat for the grinders/competitive players, updates to the world map for the explorers, and a brand new arcade mode for those that are looking to kick back and just have a bit of fun! And before this serious reading of the notes commences, on behalf of the team I would like to extend wishes for the happiest of holidays to you all and your loved ones! -SUP3R Santa's Slay Arcade Event The elves have rebelled against Santa and are battling each other to take his place. Players (aka the elves) will drop into the combat zone map dressed in their winter's best and take part in a snowb…
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Hey Guys and Gals, The biggest thing to note with today's update is that we will be resetting ranks and paying out another round of Conquest Crates based upon your current best rank in Solos, Duos, and Fives. Alongside this payout we have a new arcade mode Hunter Hunted, a new community skin for DEV streams/giveaways, and a few bug fixes. One last thing to note is that the final legendary from the Sleighload Crate has been acquired and with it that the crate has been retired. Congrats to all the players that were able to get their hands on one. For more info on today's patch you can read up more below. -SUP3R Hunter Hunted Arcade Mode An all new Arcade Mode has made…
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There was a quick update that went out yesterday which required no server down time. Change List -Swap Xmas loot bags back out to the normal loot bags -Turn on Heavy Metal for the weekend Arcade Mode.View the full article
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What's up guys! We have a quite a few changes coming this week to different systems (weapons, movement, audio, etc.) in the game. Alongside these changes we also have a brand new Arcade Mode and the first wave previously untradeable skins will unlock! Expected down time for this patch is 3 hours starting at 2 PM PST / 10 PM GMT / 7 AM JST. See you all on the otherside! -SUP3RSoN1K Boot Camp Arcade Mode Welcome to Boot Camp! If you have ever played a standard BR (Solos, Duos, or Fives) you are going to know exactly what is going on as you drop in, loot up, and slay out on your way to that coveted #1 spot! This is the BR mode we love only you will be parachuting int…
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Another week another patch. A couple changes and bug fixes coming this week that you will want to read up on below. Alongside these changes we have the return of Weapon Roulette to the Arcade Mode. Also, during the down time today we will be live streaming on twitch.tv/z1battleroyale (2pm PST / 10 PM GMT / 7 AMM JST) and spectating/playing in some Test Server solo matches while we test out a new "Easy Loot" mechanic. Looking to gather feedback from you all. Hope to see you there! -SUP3R Weapon Roulette If you hop into the arcade this week, you will find yourself dropping into a match of Weapon Roulette! Everyone will be equipped with the same firepower, but who can…