H1Z1 Updates
159 topics in this forum
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Play a Game: Hey everyone! We're cleaning up the last of the remaining issues on the Test Server in preparation for a push to Live on Monday or Tuesday. We could really use your help in the final hours. One of the last bugs holding this publish back was a crash related issue. We think we've got it but we need to test it with some scale. Sorry for the late heads up but the fix just came in and we can't sit on it. Jump into Solo matches during these times: * EU Test at 12:00pm - 1:00pm PT (9:00pm - 10:00pm CET) * NA Test at 2:00pm - 3:00pm PT Other members of the Dev team will be in there so keep your eyes open for those red names! Cosmic Jester Masks are on the lin…
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GRAB A FRIEND AND TRY OUT THE NEW GUIDED ROCKET LAUNCHER! This weekend only, we're adding a new variation to Auto Royale - Duos! From now until 10AM PT on Monday, March 26, it only takes one driver and one passenger to bring home the win. To celebrate Auto Royale Duos for the weekend, there's also a limited-time Event Challenge: complete three games of Auto Royale and you'll receive the Red ARV skin! Plus, we've added a brand new weapon just to Auto Royale - the guided rocket launcher (LG-IR)! If you thought this mode was an explosive spectacle of mayhem before, wait until you get your hands on this weapon out of Purple or Gold pickups. The guided rocket launcher is …
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Ready to drop into The Arena? This weekend in H1Z1 features a new unranked mode with a special ruleset, two BRAND NEW rewards, and a Crate Unlocking Sale - more details on each below! Arcade Mode H1Z1 is a highly competitive battle royale game, and we wanted to add an option for those who'd like to practice playing on the map without having their matches affect their Season rank. That's why we're introducing Arcade mode - this new option in the Play menu lets you jump straight into an unranked match! Starting at 10AM PT on Friday, May 4, Arcade mode will unlock with a new special ruleset - HEAVY METAL: Parachute into a Solos game with 100 players total Rocket laun…
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Play a Game: Try out the NEW unranked Arcade mode (featuring rockets and LMGs for the weekend) and complete your Challenge to receive the Heavy Metal Backpack! Be one of the top 1,000 people across all regions with the MOST Top 10 finishes in Battle Royale Solos, Duos, and/or Fives to earn yourself the NEW Heavy Metal Makeshift Armor! Unlock any locked Crates you currently have for 70% off the regular price! More details: https://steamcommunity.com/games/433850/announcements/detail/1673528344744219247 View the full article
[H1Z1 Updates] Server Maintenance: March 27
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Live servers will be coming down at 7PM PT tonight (approximately 7 hours from now) for server maintenance expected to take about 2 hours. This maintenance includes the updates listed below, and you may also notice a new item has "hopped" into the Helmet section... Trees no longer disappear when viewed at a distance with certain settings enabled. Fixed an issue that could cause players to lose the ability to shoot after exiting a vehicle. Reordered the Play menu to be back to what it was before the previous patch. View the full article
[H1Z1 Updates] 3/20 Hotfix - Cursor Issue
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Hi all - we've just pushed a hotfix to Live that only contains one thing: a possible fix for the ongoing cursor issue. You should see a small download hit Steam momentarily (or you can grab it right away by verifying your files). If you're still seeing the cursor issue AFTER you've patched, please document exactly what you were doing before it occurred, along with your location and the region you're connecting to. You can then submit a ticket directly to us using this link[help.daybreakgames.com] and make the subject of your ticket "[reddit] Cursor Issue Steps" to help us further - we appreciate it! View the full article
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We have a big update this week and it has a little something for everyone! Changes to combat for the grinders/competitive players, updates to the world map for the explorers, and a brand new arcade mode for those that are looking to kick back and just have a bit of fun! And before this serious reading of the notes commences, on behalf of the team I would like to extend wishes for the happiest of holidays to you all and your loved ones! -SUP3R Santa's Slay Arcade Event The elves have rebelled against Santa and are battling each other to take his place. Players (aka the elves) will drop into the combat zone map dressed in their winter's best and take part in a snowb…
[H1Z1 Updates] Weapon tuning coming to test
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Heads up! We have a new patch coming to test later this afternoon with more weapon tunings. Similar to last week when we made our Preseason 3 tuning pass on the AR and AK we have changes coming to test for 4 weapons this afternoon. The shotgun, magnum, m9, and sniper rifle have all have had their recoils reworked. Helmet damage has been changed as well for the AR and AK. The AR will now do 25 damage on a helmet break and the AK will deal 30 damage. Keep your eyes on the @z1battleroyale twitter, we will put out an update when the server is up and ready for you all to hop in. Feedback from the community on this is greatly appreciated. As always if you want to keep up…
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Servers will be coming down for an update with an extended maintenance beginning at 2PM PST tomorrow, Tuesday Feb 27th. Patch notes will be made available at that time, and the downtime is expected to last until approximately 6AM PST on Wednesday Feb 28th. This game update will include everything that’s currently on the Test Server, select your spawn, a new season, match rewards, air drop improvements and more. I'll post the full list of patch notes when we bring the game down at 2pm. As Carto announced earlier, with tomorrow's update we will have to wipe player levels back down to zero to accommodate the new season and reward structure. You will still maintain all your…
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This weekend is chock-full of goodies in H1Z1, as we're bringing you Double XP, a nighttime version of Auto Royale, and the return of the fan-favorite event Shotties & Snipers! Here's a quick breakdown of each: Double XP We've turned on Double XP just for this weekend, from now until Monday, March 19 @ 10AM PT! Double the XP means faster leveling, which means MORE REWARDS - remember, with each level you gain you earn two Victory Crates.[www.h1z1.com] Auto Royale at Night We're trying something a little different with Auto Royale this weekend: all matches will be kicking off around dusk and getting darker as the match progresses! If you'd like to turn on your headlig…
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update: March 15
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Live servers will be coming down at 8PM PT tonight for an update that includes Shotties & Snipers for the weekend, the retirement of some classic Skull Store items, the animated update to the 2018 Showdown Participant AR, and some additional fixes. The downtime should be approximately 3 hours - full patch notes below! Retired the below items from the Skull Store Brightened non-drivable vehicles and several warehouses in The Arena in order to help with visibility and target acquisition. Players are no longer able to switch seats in Auto Royale until all teammates have loaded in. This prevents a few bugs that occurred as a result of this behavior. Royalty icons are …
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Servers will be coming down for an update with an extended maintenance beginning at 2PM PST tomorrow, Tuesday Feb 27th. The downtime is expected to last until approximately 6AM PST on Wednesday Feb 28th. What’s up everybody! The time has come for our next major update to hit our Live servers and what’s an update without all the good details provided by patch notes. We’ve got a bunch of information below but keep an eye out for our Producers Letter that will have even more insight, information, and maybe even something special. We’ll also be releasing more information soon on our next crate, the Mayhem Crate, so keep an eye out for that too. We would like to take a qu…
[H1Z1 Updates] Version 1.0 Release Notes
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Welcome Home! H1Z1 on PC will soon be known as “Z1 Battle Royale”! This release is the first major step in that transition. The newly re-formed dev team worked closely with the community to prioritize features and changes that return the game to its roots as the world’s most competitive BR Game. For the most up-to-date information on the team’s priorities, please visit https://www.z1roadmap.com/. Version 1.0 Release Notes: Gameplay WeaponsThe AR-15, AK-47, M-9, Shotgun* & Magnum have been adjusted based on their Preseason 3 characteristics: Bullet Speed Bullet Drop/Drag Fire Rate Reset Time Recoil *The Shotgun's pellet pattern will remain the same as Season 1 &a…
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Play a Game: Hey everyone! We're cleaning up the last of the remaining issues on the Test Server in preparation for a push to Live on Monday or Tuesday. We could really use your help in the final hours. One of the last bugs holding this publish back was a crash related issue. We think we've got it but we need to test it with some scale. Sorry for the late heads up but the fix just came in and we can't sit on it. Jump into Solo matches during these times: * EU Test at 12:00pm - 1:00pm PT (9:00pm - 10:00pm CET) * NA Test at 2:00pm - 3:00pm PT Other members of the Dev team will be in there so keep your eyes open for those red names! Cosmic Jester Masks are on the lin…
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Starting with Preseason One, we set out to make H1Z1 as competitive and rewarding as possible. We added Team Scoring for Duos and Fives to continue that trend. With each Preseason we shook up the point values and Tier distribution numbers and made future decisions based on previous Preseason data. We gave out rewards for end of season placement and players were fully sporting their accomplishments in-game. Now that we're out of Early Access, it's time to put Preseasons behind us and get started on the culmination of all that work: Season One! Here's a breakdown of our new Scoring System now that we have data to work with and we understand how players are behaving. Seaso…
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The H1Z1 Pro League kicks off this weekend, and we're headed to Las Vegas to bring you all the action LIVE! Whether you're joining us at Caesars to watch Game 1 or tuning in online, here's everything you need to know about the Pro League's Premiere Weekend. How To Watch Official Match 1 Livestream - 7PM PT on Saturday, April 21 The Premiere of the H1Z1 Pro League is kicking off at 7PM PT on Saturday, April 21, streaming live at http://www.facebook.com/H1Z1ProLeague. Head over there now to “Like” the page, and be sure to bookmark the official stream as well so you're ready to cheer on your favorite team. NOTE: While the first game is at 7PM PT on a Saturday, games for…
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Just an FYI for everyone.The estimated down time for today's Season 3 patch is 4-6 hours beginning in 5 minutes at 6 AM PST // 2 PM GMT // 11 PM JST. Patch notes will be up momentarily. -SUP3R View the full article
[H1Z1 Updates] Live Game Update - April 19th
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Live servers will be coming down for an update starting at 2PM PT tomorrow (about 19 hours from now) for an estimated 3 hours. Here's what's included in this patch: General Updates There is now a gameplay option to show the map by default when entering Fort Destiny. Kill Receipts are now shown when in Team Spectate. Reduced match countdown timer from 60 seconds to 35 seconds. Optimized particle effect textures for a minor performance gain for mid to low end GPUs. Optimized how the client retrieves group member information from Steam for a minor performance gain. Bug Fixes Players can no longer bypass ping restrictions by grouping. Weapons no longer occasio…
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Starting with Preseason One, we set out to make H1Z1 as competitive and rewarding as possible. We added Team Scoring for Duos and Fives to continue that trend. With each Preseason we shook up the point values and Tier distribution numbers and made future decisions based on previous Preseason data. We gave out rewards for end of season placement and players were fully sporting their accomplishments in-game. Now that we're out of Early Access, it's time to put Preseasons behind us and get started on the culmination of all that work: Season One! Here's a breakdown of our new Scoring System now that we have data to work with and we understand how players are behaving. Seaso…
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update - October 9
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Patch Notes: Ping-monitoring for Spectator Cam. Our spectators will now be able to monitor player pings during the showdown to ensure fair play. Loading screens now promote the showdown events. Fall is here and Halloween is coming soon. A spooky phenomenon is transforming loot bags into pumpkins! E-tips - Airdrops will only contain 2 explosive arrows and the explosive arrow recipe now requires 12 shotgun shells. All current crates and skull store items are being retired! There's now timer in the marketplace and skull store to let you know how much time remains before these items are retired. You can now purchase 1 crate at a time. There's a one-time inte…
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Play a Game: Full Details Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/h1z1/comments/7um5nd/wreck_a_dev_round_2_audio_changes_na_test_servers/ View the full article
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Play a Game: Get 10 Top Ten finishes in Battle Royale Solos, Duos, or Fives this weekend to earn the NEW Gilded Ivory Motocross Helmet! Be one of the top 1,000 players with the MOST Top Ten finishes this weekend to earn the NEW Gilded Ebony Motocross Helmet! Read more here: https://steamcommunity.com/games/433850/announcements/detail/1673527710516093367 View the full article
[H1Z1 Updates] New to H1Z1? Check out H101!
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
If you're about to drop into your first game of H1Z1 Battle Royale, we're here to help with some quick video tutorials on the basics of the game. While we can't hold your hand and help how well you aim (which will come with practice), these videos should help you to survive longer, understand the core mechanics, and loot up properly to ensure you start to rise up the leaderboards. Remember to try out the Combat Zone before your first match as well to try out all the weapons and learn how to properly aim down sights, compensate for recoil and reset time, and understand the individual purposes. Combat Zone also has the special Super Serum, which will instantly heal you. W…
[H1Z1 Updates] New to H1Z1? Check out H101!
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
If you're about to drop into your first game of H1Z1 Battle Royale, we're here to help with some quick video tutorials on the basics of the game. While we can't hold your hand and help how well you aim (which will come with practice), these videos should help you to survive longer, understand the core mechanics, and loot up properly to ensure you start to rise up the leaderboards. Remember to try out the Combat Zone before your first match as well to try out all the weapons and learn how to properly aim down sights, compensate for recoil and reset time, and understand the individual purposes. Combat Zone also has the special Super Serum, which will instantly heal you. W…
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update - October 31
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Features: Witch Hunt Crate – 25 new items 6 of which are Ultra Rare along with 1 extra special LEGENDARY item. This Legendary item is in limited quantity with only 60 available Legendary Countdown System – There are only a LIMITED number of LEGENDARY items in each crate, as each person finds a legendary item the total number of legendary items available will countdown until that number reaches 0. ONCE ALL THE LEGENDARY ITEMS ARE FOUND AND THE COUNTDOWN REACHES 0 THE CRATE WILL INSTANTLY RETIRE FROM THE STORE AND WILL NO LONGER BE PURCHASABLE! Unopened crates can still be opened but no more Legendary items can be won. New preview functionality for the legendary it…