832 topics in this forum
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Steam Account Name: Chicken n Cheese Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:161788219 Age: 19 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: friendly neighbourhood person willing to help anyone in need. im always available through the day and night and always up for a chat. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming Determination and Persistence. Communication Skills. Honesty. Friendliness. Loyalty. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: i think i would be a good addition to the kzg team and im eager to learn some more skills form the other admins Play-Time on Server Group: 2 days Times Usually Played on Server Group: usually on at 10 am till 1 pm then i get on again …
[AIM] ZimkZ^'s Administrator Application
by ZimkZ123-iwnL- 5 replies
Steam Account Name: ZimkZ^ Steam ID: Age: 16 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I'm a 16 year old male from NSW that currently lives in Grafton I love playing sports like soccer, and also playing on KZG servers my mains servers are retakes and executes servers as well as casual comp I also love talking to players and admins and helping them out with things that they need I’m also a chill and calm person 99% of the time. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming Personally I think I deserve this position because I'm never one-sided where there's been conflict, I've always put myself in both parties shoes before jumping…
[AIM] I Bhop YT's Moderator Application
by I Bhop YT- 6 replies
Steam Account Name: I Bhop YT Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:168835783 Age: 13 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am a young teenager who adores csgo as the most best game in my opinion. Also I love soccer as a fun sport. I am turning 14 in february the 5th. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming Im not sure. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I think i would be a very good fit into the KZG community because I am a very active player on csgo and i play a lot of KZG Casual Competitive. Play-Time on Server Group: 1v1 Arena-6 hours Casual Comp- 2 Day Executes- Hour Retakes- 49min Times Usually Played on Server Group: Between 1-6 hours a day.…
[SKILL] ❤ ❤'s Moderator Application
by ❤ Sariah707 ❤- 7 replies
Steam Account Name: ❤ ❤ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:53383827 Age: 26 Sex: Female Desciption of Myself: Hi im ❤ ❤ also known as Jess i stream every night and hang out on the surf servers alot while streaming. I like to think im happy and positive and fun all round i try to be as ind as can be to others on the server i do cop alot of slack but i always try my best to see the positive side of it Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming Funny jokes, positivity, love, peace and my streaming attracts people to want to come chill on the server and hang out on the server attracting more people to see that the servers exis…
- 4 replies
[AIM] jorge masvidal's Moderator Application
by BillSmacker- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: jorge masvidal Steam ID: Age: 18 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: sick lad ill 1v1 anyone and win Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming great banter and responsible admin skills Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: sick cunt and ill 1v1 head mod for my postition awp (example of quality banter). I know ive had my rough patches but ya dog shits on ya carpet and you clean it up and still love him. Im a great lad, a sick lad and a good lad. If you take the time to talk to me instead of mute me or give me shit you'll have a good understanding of that marginal percent of…
[AIM] Twipel's Mod Application
by RealTwipel- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: Twipel Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:244607826 Age: 18 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: 5 cap wonder. Previously retarded and known under the alias zerotwo. (I’m the only ZeroTwo) with the hot ZeroTwo artwork showcase on my steam profile. (Please don’t nut on your monitors). Serious when the time requires it and top 0.6% in destiny 2 pvp. I hate league of legends so much that I’ve spent over 7grand on it and I’m slightly mentally unstable. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming My unreal love of Molly, Seriousness when the situation requires, sleep schedule so bad that I usually get 4hours to 30mins of sleep a night. Usually can be really acti…
- 14 replies
Steam Account Name: Aqua Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:240009206 Age: 15 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: Hey there! My name is Aqua and I am currently a moderator for the Aim Server Group. I applied for moderator because I really think this community is amazing and I honestly just love everyone in it! I want to help this community as much as I can, always giving my all and my best. Since becoming moderator, I've always thought I could do more to help KZG so that's why I'm here applying today! I hope you guys can be the wonderful people you are and help me make my dream come true. But of course, if you think there is anything I could work, please tell me, don't be sh…
[DISCORD] WOLFLEADER's Administrator Application 1 2
by Wolfleader- 27 replies
Discord Account: WOLFLEADER#0999 Age: 16 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am an epic gamer who loves discord. I love gaming and love spinner. I am usually pretty happy going unless I am pissed I am happy and fun going and love some banter Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I can manage the KZG Discord Server as I don't have perms to yet. When other admins **cough spinner cough** are not online I can help manager and admin the server. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I think I deserve to be a KZG Discord admin as right now the fun mod is down and I would still love to help out this awesome community. I feel like being a…
[Fun Mod] zuelhs's Moderator Application
by zuelhs- 21 replies
Steam Account Name: zuelhs Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:451856415 Age: 17 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I've been playing games since i was about 6 years old, whether it was on the Nitendo DS or the PS2, all i loved was games. I'm 17 and currently finishing my last school year now. Outside of school my usual hobbies are Soccer, anime, and games. Been playing soccer for around 11 years now and love watching my anime til 2am. I've been playing cs since 2016 and still love it til this day, whether its the gamemodes i play or the community i play with. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I have had the admin role of TTT and Surf at my old commun…
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Steam Account Name: \_[*-*]_/ Spectra Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:194533771 Age: 14 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I love video games and have loved them forever, Im kind and caring and always here to help and I am also "Completly Deaf" In my left ear. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming Im normally always here to help, even if im not on the server I will most likely be on Discord and other services if needed for people, I love to make games fun for other people whether it is just a simple little thing or if someone is being toxic no-one is really having a fun time so I try to help them with it. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I love th…
[Fun Mod] TheProGuru's Moderator Application
by ThyPr0ski- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: TheProGuru Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:179000971 Age: 16 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am a student that lives in Victoria. Obviously, I enjoy playing games in my free time. I personally consider myself to be a non-toxic and friendly player. I love helping people regardless of their demographic Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming - Kindness: As stated in my description I'm very friendly - Honesty: I am very truthful and don't intentionally mislead anyone - Passion: I love KZG as a whole and especially the Fun server and enjoy playing on the server all the time - Humility: Sometimes I make mistakes as we all do, and I alway…
[Fun Mod] Bismuth's Administrator Application 1 2 3
by Bismuth- 53 replies
Steam Account Name: Bismuth Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:102717375 Age: 16 Sex: Male Description of Myself: Hello, My in-game name is bismuth then school holidays finish i will start Year11 and i can be a big boy. I love playing video games such as Counter-strike, Ark, Pubg, Rust, and FORTNITE I try my best to make new friends on all games. In my spare time, I play hockey, football, Handball and soccer. I love playing on the killzonegaming community I play all around the kzg servers Combatsurf, Awp, Jailbreak and the Fun server I can make friends easily as well as a very active player in the community and a funny people if you get to know me. Qualities I bring…
[MINIGAMES] Felix's MOD Application
by Felixツ- 2 replies
Steam Account Name: Felix Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:430297579 Age: 14 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: Hi my names Felix and I’ve been part of the minigames community for the past year and a halve. I was born in Ethiopia Addis Ababa in 2005 April the 7th and stayed in that city for about one year before eventually coming to Australia so my dad didn’t need to work in the army anymore. It wasn’t about until 5 years later that I was introduced to the world of gaming on the Xbox 360 with the first ever game I played being modern warfare 3. My thirst for gaming after that single moment was unquenchable every day I wanted to play more and more games for a longer period…
[AWP] Felix's Moderator Application
by Felixツ- 4 replies
I've decided that im not best suited for this server as not being able to have my way around the community and not being active enough
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Steam Account Name: kinq Steam ID: 76561197993761415 Age: 20 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I'm a dude who's being playing combat surf for way too long. Most of the lads on combat surf au know me. Also, the following you're about to read may be pretty dry, but I really would love to help out with the Singapore combaf surf server since I love combat surf, and I absolutely love that you guys have setup a server near me, even if I don't get admin. So here's my thanks. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming For starters, I've been playing kzg since 2016, but I made this forum account in 2017. As an admin (if I get it) I would…
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Steam Account Name: eman Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93347978 Age: 15 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I'm an ambiguous teen that is always down for a conversation and is always open for anyone. I'm going into year 10 as of this year, I have valuable traits that would fit this position. I am funny, nice, mature and can rationalise. I first played kzg 5 or 4 years ago and was a moderator on combat surf and easy surf. I resigned and took a break. I find that there are always a lot of mic spammers, people delaying because they want the map to be changed or they are doing it to be a troll. I find it very frustrating as it causes a very toxic environment. Qualities…
[MORDHAU] Kushmaster5000's Administrator Application
by ♕ | Kushmaster5000- 6 replies
Steam Account Name: Kushmaster5000 Steam ID: 76561198191435334 Age: 15 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I live in New Zealand and I play the game mordhau a lot. I've been in different clans, these clans are; SPQR, WSC and S.I.R I am well known in the Mordhau community. I also play other games like counter strike GTA5. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I've been staff on a server for garry's mod called; Faded servers and another called SupremacyRP. So I already know how to figure out alternatives to a straight ban or kick and if the person deserves to be banned or kicked. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I'm rea…
[MORDHAU] Balakae-Wolf's Moderator Application
by Balakae-Wolf- 6 replies
Steam Account Name: Balakae-Wolf Steam ID: 76561198837868951 Age: 16 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I'm 15 turning 16 in March and I really enjoy gaming. I have been gaming since I was little but have taken up leadership roles in the physical environment as well as in games such as rust. Ever since I have started playing Mordhau I have been playing it most days and trying to become better and I am committed to doing my best. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I've had leadership roles in the past so I wont abuse powers given to me. I love to play by the book and I absolutely hate those that ffa on the duels servers I spend most of my tim…
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Steam Account Name: Konj,. Steam ID: Age: 15 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I'm a 15 year old male attending secondary school. I would describe myself as an fun individual both online and outside of it. Even though my age might provide some immaturity when playing a game, or getting out of hand with my emotions when in hands of a job I tend to let those interior factors out and to truly complete the job to the fullest of my abilities. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I play quite a bit of Mordhau, with only being introduced to the scene fairly recently in comparison to the veterans, but I st…
[MORDHAU] TRAXXESS's Moderator Application
by TRAXXESS- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: TRAXXESS Steam ID: Age: 18 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I'm a 2nd-year electrical apprentice that enjoys playing Mordhau after work. I have played for 3 different competitive teams, but i currently play for Trident and will be competing in the Mordhau league. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I can bring an active admin with a great understanding of the game mechanics, so I can help duel servers be fair for all and prevent quick starting and FFA. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I have played this game since release now and have witnessed the …
[MORDHAU] Karl Genocide's Moderator Application
by Karl Genocide- 4 replies
Steam Account Name: Karl Genocide Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:18865116 Age: 26 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: 26 year old, dedicated regular Mordhau player. Active in the community. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming - Online every day and often available late at night when servers are least moderated. - Engaged and well known in Mordhau community. - Keen to offer support to Mordhau servers currently under moderated. - Good record of upholding rules within community. - Always happy to teach newer players and offer advice. - Close friend of Whizz. - Previously Chiv player. - Been involved in Comp scene. - Have no bias within the commun…
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Steam Account Name: Ketzo Steam ID: 76561198085408536 Age: 20 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: 20 year old gamer from rural NSW, Australia, been playing on PC the last few years after coming from console and have my own clan/group of 1700 members which is essentially a gaming community although we have participated in a couple of low skill CSGO tournaments. I'm on my PC virtually everyday and have a passion for a wide variety of genres. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming Past and present leadership roles both in and out of PC gaming, friendly attitude and passion for games I love. (One note is I fail one of the criteria of applying, whic…
[COMBAT SURF] billsmacker's Moderator Application
by BillSmacker- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: billsmacker Steam ID: Age: 18 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: Im a good cunt when i need to be, sports captain throughout highschool and overall leader. This mod position would force me to straighten out my behaviour on the server, which benefits the server heaps. love helping people in any way i can and getting around good banter. Doing a crimonoly course at uni and a masters in teaching. dont have a job so im always around to help. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming a great understanding of the rules, understanding of what is pushing the limits and barely a mute or gag. …
[Fun Mod] Kaotic's Administrator Application 1 2
by Kaotic- 38 replies
Steam Account Name: Kaotic Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:197708528 Age: 18 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I'm an 18-year-old project manager for the NBN who absolutely loves CSGO, I own multiple businesses and play this way the fun server wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much. If you've seen me online, You know how I am. I find it really hard to describe myself; However, I do have a background in managing players, people and workers. I have previously owned over 25 different game servers, Moderated multiple servers and even Administrated plenty. I work as a project manager so this means I can manager projects (obviously), People, Events etc etc …