832 topics in this forum
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Steam Account Name: Percy (Cases Needed) Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:165498131 Age: 16 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: 'Im friendly towards staff members and players, i love to play video games, love school and hanging out with school friends, i'm a kind hearted person, and i strive to be fantastic at the job that's been set for me, and i would love to support KZG combat surf and all KZG servers. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming what i will bring to killzone gaming is a lot of fun most of the admins on combat surf don't play I've only seen follower play but i out rank you jump on for banning or warning people so i will also bring respect and positive b…
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Steam Account Name: ADHD Steam ID: Age: 18 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: Everyone just calls me Xanny, I'm polite, not afraid to speak up for myself and others Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming Bit of fun for everyone, jokes all around theres a line between joking and just being straight up rude Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I'm easy-going, polite, nice, will stick up for myself and others in the server Play-Time on Server Group: (KZG AIM) Connection Time: 24Hrs, (KZG SURF) Connection Time: 29Hrs Times Usually Played on Server Group: I'm online on KZG AIM and KZG S…
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Steam Account Name: nozah Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:84259043 Age: 16 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I'm a 16yo in year 11, in my spare time I often chill with some retake, 1v1 or play some pugs. Used to play CS competitively although I have dropped off in the past couple of years. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I hate negativity and enjoy getting along well with people while I play. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I'm a dedicated member of the community and support non-toxic behaviour. Play this server quite often and encourage friends to join. Play-Time on Server Group: 10:42:06 Hours? Times Usually Played on…
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Steam Account Name: MrSouvlaki - Traidingknife Steam ID: Age: 15 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: i am a 15 year old boy that loves csgo combat surf i also love sports such as rugby basketball tennis rowing cricket and shooting yes with real guns i am not shy to talk to people and if someone has an attitude i love setting them strait Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming i will not put up with any shit i am on this server nearly ever day for long periods of time and i will make shore no one will have mic spam or chat spam Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: i have been playing combat surf for a …
[AIM] FaTe-TruThlesS's Moderator Application
by Yehh lad- 7 replies
Steam Account Name: FaTe-TruThlesS Steam ID: RuthlessX Age: 14 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: i would describe myself as helping not to be cocky but im one to usually help people and willing to help people. And aim server is probs my fav server and to be a mod on aim will be exciting. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming i will bring qualities such as kindness to KZG because i just love when people ask whats going on and in the past asking for help and receiving that help successfully makes me just want to do the same. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: i deserve to be on KZG staff team because i like the people on the staff team h…
[AWP] woat is aim's Moderator Application
by woatisaim- 21 replies
Steam Account Name: woat is aim Steam ID: Age: 14 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: Active csgo and kzg player who would love some more moderation on the AWP server. I like zooper dooper's. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I am kind and almost always positive although, I slip out a few harsh words at times. But I have been calming down recently. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I think I deserve to be part of the Killzone Gaming Staff Team because I have played the server for a few months now and have one of the highest amount of hours on the server, more than most admins. I believe that I …
[SKILL] Sassy The Softcock's Moderator Application
by Sassy The Softcock- 23 replies
Steam Account Name: Sassy The Softcock Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:240263067 Age: 17 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: im a good funny guy and like to crack jokes here and there, also very chilled out person I get along with everyone!. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming more active staff, less retards mic spamming. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I feel like I need it because the staff are lacking at the moment with coming on through out the mornings and day so I feel like I'd be good for that since I can play all day. and im a sick cunt. Play-Time on Server Group: Times Usua…
[AWP] ⛄ɖș₥⛄'s Moderator Application
by niratt- 5 replies
Steam Account Name: ⛄ɖș₥⛄ Steam ID: Age: 14 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I like to be a positive, nice and funny person to be around, I'm pretty well known on the server. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I bring fun and joy to Killzone Gaming as one of my favourite servers is Fun ultimate because of the community. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I think that a important role consists of nice,funny and positive thoughts and nice compliments, And i happened to have those aspects, and I personally think I would perfectly fit the role as a moderator on the fun ultimate server. And I…
[AIM] Kty Q's Moderator Application
by Nyx_7801- 15 replies
Steam Account Name: Kty Q Steam ID: Age: 15 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: My name is Kerry, I am turning 15 this year and would really like to become an Moderator or Admin for Keg Retake Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming Kindness and helpful. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: Because I want to make Kzg a great place for the new and experienced player, I want to get rid of all the hackers and toxic players. Play-Time on Server Group: 33 hours. Times Usually Played on Server Group: Almost everytime I play Cs, I go on the Kzg retake Server. I play a few times a week…
[SKILL] Dardy Boy's Moderator Application
by ColbyInTheHouse- 5 replies
Steam Account Name: Dardy Boy Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:462869857 Age: 22 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am a 22, (23 soon), year old man currently studying forensics and biomedical science at uni. I am from England but have been living in Australia since I was 6. I used to play under the name ColbyInTheHouse about 2 years ago, however I took a break in order to get my life in check. I am a chill dude who wants to have fun on surf, but I highly dislike it when people join the server to ruin other peoples time there. I used to talk to Tito and B1N on the server quite often and started talking to Skyprah on teamspeak every now and then just before my absence. …
[AIM] YuSuf006's Administrator Application
by christanguzmanalphalete- 11 replies
Steam Account Name: YuSuf006 Steam ID: Age: 16 Sex: Male Description of Myself: I am a gaming enthusiast with an undying passion for games including CS:GO. The servers are an extremely well structured and enjoyable playing experience which allows to spend a great amount of time playing without any symptoms of boredom. My desire is unquenched and the fulfilment I receive is incredible. I enjoy gaming development and ensuring the playing field amongst myself and peers are positive and delightful. Qualities I bring to Kill zone Gaming My extensive knowledge for games including CS:GO is quite broad and it allows …
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Steam Account Name: FB kemiak TriPoloski Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:38197437 Age: 15 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: im a chilled out dude Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming being friendly Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: well it gives me a repons Play-Time on Server Group: 600 Times Usually Played on Server Group: daily 3-10 hours Vouching Staff on Server Group: - Vouching Players: ✪Pika_Pro758✪/No Skil/RS/ Have Read Server Group Rules: Yes Have Met Server Group and Application Requirements: Yes Have working Microphone: Yes
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Steam Account Name: Ando Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:106535285 Age: 14 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am 14 years old. I believe that I am kind, respectful and nice. My hobbies include playing online multiplayer, having bit of banter with my friends and playing sports. I have been apart of the Killzone Gaming community for about 3-4 years now.. Its been a long journey. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming Honest- I can’t stand lies. Lies break people apart. I have gone through a tough family situation involving lies, and I despise them. I will tell players and the staff the truth. If I did something wrong, I will confess. When people ask me questions, I w…
[SKILL (includes Easy,Beginner and Hard surf)] ✦| Revolx |✦'s Administrator Application
by ✦| Revolx |✦- 16 replies
Steam Account Name: ✦| Revolx |✦ Steam ID: 76561198142172658 Age: 21 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: My name is Revolx/Matt and I'm 21 years old and from New Zealand. Gaming: I have enjoyed gaming my whole life and have been playing CS:GO since early 2014 after a friend introduced me to it, may they regret doing that after seeing the amount of hours i have put into the game... Overall i have a total of over 6,000hours which a few thousand has been put into community servers, mainly being Surf for the 98% of it. Other games through my time which i have played aren't all that special, GTA V, Rocket League, Minecraft back in the early 2012-2014 days, H…
[SKILL (includes Easy,Beginner and Hard surf)]'s Administrator Application
by Giggles the Unicorn- 2 replies
Steam Account Name: Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:112337894 Age: 28 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I like to surf, I am not toxic. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I am reasonable and helpful. I've been an admin on several other surf servers and in other games like ark. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzone Gaming: Deserve is a strong word, I'd like to be and i think i have the right head for it. I just see a lot of mic spamming and racism and id like to be able to do something about it. i suppose that because i've got experience as an admin and have also been the subject of abuse i know what its like from both sides and i fin…
[SKILL (includes Easy,Beginner and Hard surf)] Epic Gamer Gawkin's Moderator Application
by EpicGamerGawkin- 5 replies
Steam Account Name: Epic Gamer Gawkin Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:457538440 Age: 17 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: 6'5, kinda funny sometimes idk, loves dealing with trolls (no better feeling amma rite?) Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming lots of playtime, play late at night, down to help with whatever i can. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: no one really deserves to be admin, but id like to be part of the staff because i tend to be around alot when rules are broken and theres no one online to do anything. Play-Time on Server Group: 36 Times Usually Played on Server Group: whenever im awake lol, generally late at night …
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Steam Account Name: .. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:101550369 Age: 20 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I would like to think of myself as a mature, Responsible, Happy guy. I like to try and get involved with everyone in the KZG community, I believe I'm a average/above average surfer so I would like to think I can help the people of this community out, not with everything but the basics. This way they will feel more welcome to server and be more willing to come back another day. it was 10 days before Christmas while working in my office working on a big case for my boss, while writing out these reports I had seemed to dozed. when I woke up I realised I …
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Steam Account Name: ✪2MA Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:103713363 Age: 16 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I like to play sports and video games Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming honesty, respect, have good communication skills and will follow any orders you give me. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: i feel like i deserve to be apart of killzones staff because i am always on either the 1v1 server or the surf servers and i feel like there is never any staff on when i am playing during the day, but staff on at night. Play-Time on Server Group: 37h 15mins Times Usually Played on Server Group: 9:30am sydney time to 3pm depending on what …
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Steam Account Name: jacqra_mcelroy Steam ID: 1:0:432646106 Age: 14 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I'm a good surfer and a great sense of humor. I always try to help others and show skips. I love to communicate with the KZG community. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I don't abuse my privileges and I will only mute toxic players. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I've been apart of KZG servers like bunny hop, surf and combat surf a while now and I think I deserve to be a moderator. Play-Time on Server Group: 10 hours Times Usually Played on Server Group: 12:00 AM-12:00 PM Vouching Staff on Server Grou…
[SKILL (includes Easy,Beginner and Hard surf)] *aHybernate's Administrator Application
by Billie Eilish- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: *aHybernate Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:84327572 Age: 18 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I'm a loyal member to KZG and have never been banned for reasons that disrupt the surfing experience of others. I have surfed for atleast 2ish years now and majority of my time has been surfing on KZG ever since it came out. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I bring a vast understanding of how to surf and also how the server is at times and how to control it. Multiple times I have been able to calm the server down or help other players out without admin qualities. I also bring a easy going side to KZG as I am not too serious about everything and kn…
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Steam Account Name: SHAWN Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:147158056 Age: 19 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am a cheerful and fun player to play with Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I bring joyfulness to the game and make people enjoy the game Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: because I like to bring positivity to the game and help other people who are new to the game Play-Time on Server Group: 1 day Times Usually Played on Server Group: whenever I am on in the game Vouching Staff on Server Group: Vouching Players: Macgregor Have Read Server Group Rules: Yes Have Met Server Group and Application Requirements: Y…
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Steam Account Name: Cosmos Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:156096544 Age: 13 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am a respectable kind person, i don't like being toxic and i dont abuse powers i have. i play Kzg minigames a fair amount and enjoy the server a bunch Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming i am a positive person and don't like being rude. I guide people through a part of the courses if they need it. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I am a friendly player and a fairly active one as well. i will never abuse my powers and will only use them when they need to be used, if I ever test the things i can do with mod it will only be whe…
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Steam Account Name: mystic Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:150275947 Age: 15 Sex: Female Desciption of Myself: -No Combat Surf Server Group- I am positive whenever I am on and love to make new friends and meet new people. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I bring a positive, fun attitude to the server whenever I can. As well as being fair to each individual. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I believe that I deserve the role of either moderator or admin for the Combat Surf staff team as there are hardly any active staff members and sometimes the server seems to get a little bit out of control, such as mic-spam and use of racial slurs in …
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Steam Account Name: ⛄ɖș₥⛄ Steam ID: Age: 14 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I like to be a positive, nice and funny person to be around, I'm pretty well known on the server. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I bring fun and joy to Killzone Gaming as one of my favourite servers is Fun ultimate because of the community. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I think that a important role consists of nice,funny and positive thoughts and nice compliments, And i happened to have those aspects, and I personally think I would perfectly fit the role as a moderator on the fun ultimate server. And I…
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Steam Account Name: Cosmos Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:156096544 Age: 13 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am a positive member of the kzg mini games community and rarely am toxic because i never respond to people trying to tilt me. (i made another application but messed it up so i am redoing it) Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I am a helpful person will help people when they need it and am never toxic to anybody else. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I will be an active staff who will never abuse their perms and be a positive influence to the community. the only time i will ever mess around with my ranks perms is if i…