174 topics in this forum
- 14 replies
Your In-Game Name: Legacy Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:214564613 Their In-Game: Percy (Needs Cases) Their Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:165498131 Reason(s): Recently I vouched for a player that is clearly incapable of keeping his duties, I have provided commands and examples of situations that would allow for him to handle situations accordingly, But yet he somehow manages to aggrivate the server by giving extended mutes and without warning, He is clearly not suited for the role of Administrator (He has also announced the PRIVATE anti cheat messages to the whole server saying that someone was cheating) Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: Witnesses: Anyone on at the same ti…
[AIM] EkoRaz0R♛'s Abuse Report
by Terminal ^v^- 1 reply
Your In-Game Name: not sakuri Your Steam_ID: STEAM_1:1:27910531 Their In-Game: EkoRaz0R♛ Their Steam_ID: STEAM_1:1:76475314 Reason(s): Racial attack for no reason Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: Blizz was the one to pull up logs for this.
[AWP] shabangboys's Abuse Report
by Bismuth- 3 replies
Your In-Game Name: ᶠᶸᶜᵏᵧₒᵤ Bismuth Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:102717375 Their In-Game: shabangboys Their Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:485827471 Reason(s): Hacking Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: this is a quick clip of him hacking got more clips but I think this clip is obvious enough that he is hacking
[AIM] {MRPANSEXUAL}'s Ban Report
by sown- 14 replies
Your In-Game Name: ayble Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:135835832 Their In-Game: {MRPANSEXUAL} Their Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:92759092 Reason(s): Wall Hacking/Aim Botting Fun mod is not server selectable so i chose aim. (reminder to update it) Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: PS: @skyprah remove your signature from his profile:
[AIM] unlimited power's Ban Report
by kyenza- 3 replies
Your In-Game Name: obsu Your Steam_ID: Their In-Game: unlimited power Their Steam_ID: Reason(s): Blatantly wallhacking and aimlocking. Proven further by the abysmal movement shown at the end of the demo. Proof / Evidence / Witnesses:
kyoto's Unban Appeal
by kyoto- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: kyoto Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:146215761 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_ Server Group: AWP Server: Other Date / Time of Ban: 01-22-19 08:58 Admin that Punished You: Console Reason for Ban: Duplicate accounts Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: i dont have another account. i was using a vpn if that was the issue. thanks
[MINIGAMES] asdf's Ban Report
by Whoare^_^- 4 replies
Your In-Game Name: Whoare^_^ Your Steam_ID: Their In-Game: asdf Their Steam_ID: Reason(s): Hacking with aimbots and walls Proof / Evidence / Witnesses:
[STEAM] Tommy's Ban Report
by Jerkaa- 1 reply
Your In-Game Name: Jerkaa Your Steam_ID: 76561198871973728 Their In-Game: Tommy Their Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:163950585 Reason(s): Known cheater. needs to be banned. Has been around the scene for a while and has been banned on CG before. Active on our servers. Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: Active on KZG: Cybergamer: Tommy used to be known as flow. in Cybergamer community where his match was banned along with another cheater. Prime which is now Slurp me. Match banned:…
[AIM] El Chapo's Abuse Report
by KurriculuM- 1 reply
Your In-Game Name: KurriculuM Your Steam_ID: Their In-Game: El Chapo Their Steam_ID: Reason(s): I enjoy playing on this 1v1 server a lot. I spend most of my time on it, chatting with good people there. Whenever El Chapo joins and notices I'm on the same server, he mocks my in game name saying its "trash" or "stupid" and proceeds to talk condescendingly to me because I try to reason with him. He also finds disappointment in the fact that I am from New Zealand and have come up with this "Sh**" in game name. Whenever people try to calm him …
[STEAM] yes's Ban Report
by bizare- 6 replies
Your In-Game Name: bizar Your Steam_ID: STEAM_1:0:137137 Their In-Game: yes Their Steam_ID: STEAM_1:0:100994671 Reason(s): blatantly wallhacking, doesn't check corners, knows when to push perfect timing prefires alot, has bunnyhop scripts the second demo yes2 has him shooting through palace wood without seeing the guy plus more blatant things. Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: hopefully link works
[COMBAT SURF] Killua's Ban Report
by Lelouch- 24 replies
Your In-Game Name: 「 Lelouch 」 Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:446458390 Their In-Game: Killua Their Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:192010394 Reason(s): Using aimbot and other hacks to get kills in combat surf Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: Short Version: Long Version: Witness:
- 5 replies
Your In-Game Name: jerry Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:431539893 Their In-Game: Lelouch Vi Britannia Their Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:446458390 Reason(s): jail camping continues to jail/telecamp is in top 10 and all points are from doing tele/jailcamping. kinda border line, reporteverything or nothing am I right ? Proof / Evidence / Witnesses:
[AIM] jay c & asians annoy me's Ban Report
by dunghole- 4 replies
Your In-Game Name: dunghole Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0-0-976215 Their In-Game: jay c & asians annoy me Their Steam_ID: is included in the demo Reason(s): wallhack and aim bot Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: - the steam ID is in the demo
[AIM] Jessica <3's Mute Report
by Jerry- 1 reply
Your In-Game Name: Jerry Your Steam_ID: STEAM_1:0:182424315 Their In-Game: Jessica <3 Their Steam_ID: STEAM_1:0:42475256 Reason(s): Mic spamming for over 30 mins. had recording issues missed the best of it you got it when he ran out of voice due to screaming for 30 mins ! ;) Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: Witnesses the whole 1v1 server, most of the players ended up leaving there was 14 arenas going turned to 8 arenas
- 4 replies
Your In-Game Name: »wolfleader || KZG ❤ Your Steam_ID: STEAM_1:0:92203128 Their In-Game: kreepz, Ψ TorNado LFT Ψ, tOASTY? Their Steam_ID: STEAM_1:0:148820190 STEAM_0:1:42621700 STEAM_0:0:176748845 Reason(s): Steam_ID's in same order as in-game name Alright so for the last couple of days kreepz & Ψ TorNado LFT Ψ have been harassing me on the Fun Ultimate Server. At first i realised they could just be having some fun then it when i tried *joking around* with them they became quite aggressive towards me and my friends. They have been on the Fun Server a lot recently and have been abusing me. Today i said enough is enough, I joined the server filled w…
[AWP] $$MONEY$$'s Abuse Report
by CableTV- 2 replies
Your In-Game Name: Cable Their Steam_ID: STEAM_1:0:42883113 Their In-Game: $$MONEY$$ Their Steam_ID: STEAM_1:1:112981106 Reason(s): Mic Spamming Proof / Evidence / Witnesses:
[AIM] Nos's Ban Report
by Jerry- 3 replies
Your In-Game Name: Jerry Their Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:50642297 Their In-Game: Nos Their Steam_ID: profiles/76561198061550323 Reason(s): added me on KZG executes early one morning. about three days later he said he needed money to withdraw on a site and needed 5usd I gave it to him becasuse idc about skins. then I kept getting trade offers from him within the next few days he would keep sending me skins then asking for them back etc. then he was claiming he won over 500USD and needed usd to withdraw then wolf proceeded to give him his knife. He has told me he would repay but I doubt it because he has done it previously. I then proceeded to contact the twit…
[AIM] ethie2k's Mute Report
by -[pkN24!7]-- 6 replies
Your In-Game Name: -[pkN24!7]- Their Steam_ID: STEAM_1:0:32215834 Their In-Game: ethie2k Their Steam_ID: STEAM_1:0:185697767 Reason(s): So sick of having to mute this kid every single time i see him because he is always spamming the N word over voice chat. He has had so many warning about it that its not even fuinny anymore. Even people who arent admins say thats all he says when were not around. Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: Cheack his blocks on source bans and he has over 30 coms mutes in the past eyar and it would be alot more if we were always around when he was on. might i not that he also picks the team that doesnt have a admin on it just becaus…
- 11 replies
Your In-Game Name: kudose Their Steam_ID: STEAM_1:1:61929094 Their In-Game: smexy/sexy smexy Their Steam_ID: STEAM_1:1:27574550 Reason(s): Doxed people Proof / Evidence - doxed people by changing name on dust 2
Unknown Gamer & HOWLIN Mute Request
by Legacy- 5 replies
Profile Links: Howlin: Unknown:
Mtbcsgo's Abuse Report
by Super_Soc- 14 replies
Their Ingame Name: Mtbcsgo Thier Steam ID / Steam Page Link: Reason why you think they abused?: It all started from a 1v1 on csgo. I simply asked if Mtb wanted to 1v1 me and he accepted. I simply played to the best of his ability and I manged to beat Mtb in a 1v1. He assumes because he is a "top tier awper" that I must be hacking and that a terrible player as myself could not beat him. I didn't care for his opinion until he started spreading rumours behind my back, telling players that I was cheating. His arrogance blinds his perception and makes him ignorant to the evidence provided. I have never ever ever…
Sky's Abuse Report 1 2
by Dandy- 26 replies
Their Ingame Name: Sky Thier Steam ID / Steam Page Link: Reason why you think they abused?: Multiple unnecessary mutes/gags. Many people were muted for saying racial slurs which i completely understand. However someone used the word (and i quote) "nigga" which is the incorrect spelling in the first place... and he got a 20 minute gag. Now YES he did imply it and once again i understand that gag, HOWEVER, i quote "he spelt it wrong why would he get muted, he spelt "nigga" ". to which i was gagged for 20-30mins for quoting someone on what they said, which was incorrect in the first place…
Admin Abuse
by Giggles the Unicorn- 24 replies
Hi KZG admins, Generally speaking, I have been a huge fan of your servers over the past few weeks. Have been surfing most days on the easy server meeting people that are great fun to hang out with in a great atmosphere. While this is the case, recently an admin by the name of "struggler" ( ) had made it his aim to flame me with a full server listening in. Personally, I did not display very polite behaviour. But I am not the admin. He and one of his friend spent about 10 minutes verbally abusing me and ended up muting me after a server vote. I have no issue with the mute and I'm not looking to lift it. I just th…
Barchyyy's Abuse Report
by FabØss- 2 replies
Their Ingame Name: Barchyyy Thier Steam ID / Steam Page Link: cant find his steam ID Reason why you think they abused?: I forgot to report this incident so I forget when it happened. Basically I was in the easy surf server playing music from slam which was allowed and authorised by Rensta himself as well as the server (he did the music vote). I did not spam trash or inappropriate music it was simple deephouse chill music which I played on 50% vole so it was quite enough for people to talk. 5 minutes later Barchyyy joined the game and he told me to stop the music, however there were a few people talking and I didn't really hear him. He executed a 30 minute…
Squid prodigy's Abuse Report
by FabØss- 11 replies
Their Ingame Name: Squid prodigy Thier Steam ID / Steam Page Link: Reason why you think they abused?: There was no significant reason other than a server vote to mute me. The topic was whether I had friends or no friends and then an admin (don't know who) started a vote on muting me. I simply didn't annoy the server in any way there was just one guy that disliked me asking if I had any friends then a few admins turned against me. The vote was successful with 56% and then I was muted for 120 minutes. I believe it was 'squid prodigy' that excecuted the vote and mute. Witnesses's (if any): Tay, Hai…