1,538 topics in this forum
[COMBAT SURF] draky's Unban Appeal
by ♥ ριэь™- 5 replies
Your in-game name: draky Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:54703834 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_STEAM_ Discord Handle: draky#9449 Server Group: COMBAT SURF What server were you banned on? COMBAT SURF Staff Member that Punished You: Not sure Reason for Ban: Not sure but im pretty sure I was IP Banned because my retarded brother went on the server and started flaming a staff member I didnt have anything to do with it but im still banned because of him, because its an IP Banned and we both in the same house :/ Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I didnt do anything. u guys can leave my brother banned
- 5 replies
Your in-game name: ' dash / Yankee With No Brim Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:159099619 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_STEAM_ Discord Handle: dash#6040 Server Group: AIM What server were you banned on? SKILL SURF - Beginner #1 Staff Member that Punished You: ruthles_kila Reason for Ban: Doxxing Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: For starters, the admin told me the ban would only be for 2 weeks, but it has now past that. I have come to have a look and it seems I have been perm banned. Referring the incident, I had no intent to dox the victim, It was in a big group and I thought it was funny, I am extremely remo…
[SKILL] Jhobi's Unban Appeal
by Jhobi- 5 replies
Your in-game name: Jhobi Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:521459058 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_STEAM_ Discord Handle: Jhobi.#9018 Server Group: SKILL What server were you banned on? SKILL SURF - Noob #1 Staff Member that Punished You: Reeda Reason for Ban: A kid was telling me to say something to him "I'm gonna dox you and skin you" kept begging me to, so I did. Then he clipped it, cropped it and sent it to an admin and lied about the context and now I've been perm banned Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: A kid was telling me to say something to him "I'm gonna dox you and skin you&qu…
[AIM] endcattt LFT's Unban Appeal
by endcattt LFT- 5 replies
Your in-game name: endcattt LFT Your Steam_ID: STEAM_1:1:111871227 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_STEAM_ Discord Handle: endcat ♛#7508 Server Group: AIM What server were you banned on? AIM - Retakes #3 Staff Member that Punished You: Admin Reason for Ban: Cheating Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Because I believe an admin was overzealous and banned with out due evidence. I play this game regularly with over 3,000 hours and skins. I'm not risking my account by cheating.
[SKILL] Admin's Unban Appeal
by simont_- 5 replies
Your in-game name: Admin Your Steam_ID: STEAM_1:1:11614174 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_STEAM_ Discord Handle: none Server Group: SKILL What server were you banned on? COMBAT SURF Staff Member that Punished You: REEDANZ Reason for Ban: Staff impersonation, given plenty of warnings Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Hello, I joined the lobby, played literally 1 round of combat surf then received this ban. I have played on the surf skill servers with this username for literally years with no problem. It has been my steam name for the last 4 years at least. One of your staff even changed my in-game n…
[JUMP] Jeymz's Unmute Appeal
by Jeymz- 5 replies
Your in-game name: Jeymz Your Steam_ID: STEAM_ Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: Discord Handle: Jeymz#4303 Server Group: JUMP What server were you banned on? JUMP - Bhop Easy Staff Member that Punished You: i dont know Reason for Ban: i was talking trash with the other players and got perma muted in text chat Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: i should be unmuted because it happend many months ago, since then i have learnt my lesson and will not take interacting with the community for granted.
[AWP SG] pro/noob.eXe's Unban Appeal
by であでjoe mama- 5 replies
Your in-game name: pro/noob.eXe Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:445089581 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: NONENONE Discord Handle: jOEmama.ExE#3035 Server Group: AWP SG What server were you banned on? AWP - AWP AU Staff Member that Punished You: i don't know i got ban when change map Reason for Ban: idk u waste my time dude i'm not hacking/no toxic/no mic ___________spam but why i still get ban?????????? 2 month now that i sent unban message no any reply. I PLAY THIS SERVER WHEN I'M IN ASIA 2 YEAR ONLY THIS SERVER MAKE ME BETTER Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: idk u waste my time dude i'm not hac…
[JUMP] 0xcO00O0e9's Unban Appeal
by 0xcO00O0e9- 5 replies
Your in-game name: 0xcO00O0e9 Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:435041927 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_STEAM_ Discord Handle: 0x00000078#0875 Server Group: JUMP What server were you banned on? JUMP - Bhop Easy Staff Member that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: "[SourceSleuth] Duplicate account" I'm not too sure what this means but I am banned because of it. I don't think this is a cheating ban because I have never cheated so I don't really know what this is for... Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: So I can continue fragging out on KZG 1v1/ Retakes before a Faceit game :D Idk, unban me b…
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Your in-game name: FATTY FATTY BOOOM BOOOOOOOM Your Steam_ID: 112DEFH Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_STEAM_ Discord Handle: JAN SUCHOMEL#4634 Server Group: AWP What server were you banned on? AWP - AWP AU Staff Member that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: Cheating Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: If you see this thank you for your time. So I was playing AWP AU one of my favourite servers and i was standing still and i flicked to a guy running so then once i shot the console banned me. So far i have not player your server for 2 months and i have been wanting to play it alot and when i messaged one of you…
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Your in-game name: twitch AtomAJK Your Steam_ID: STEAM_STEAM_0:1:3376539 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_STEAM_ Discord Handle: AtomAJK#9547 Server Group: SKILL What server were you banned on? AIM - Retakes #2 Staff Member that Punished You: idk Reason for Ban: i have know i dea i was playing then just got kicked and banned Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: i have never cheated i have prime only play on prime servers and i have no idea how i got banned
[SKILL] D3NIED's Unban Appeal
by D3NIED- 5 replies
Your in-game name: D3NIED Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:67930479 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_0:0:449919295 Discord Handle: D3NIED#3303 Server Group: SKILL What server were you banned on? SKILL SURF - Beginner #1 Staff Member that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: [SourceSleuth] Duplicate account Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I never used my alt account on the KZG servers, I've only ever used my main account, didn't know having two accounts would result in a permanent ban.
[MINIGAMES] Kraken's Unban Appeal
by MrKraken- 5 replies
Your in-game name: Kraken Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:214086522 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: nonenone Discord Handle: Kraken#0055 Server Group: MINIGAMES What server were you banned on? MINIGAMES Staff Member that Punished You: No ban shows up ??? Reason for Ban: No reason.. I can check again if you want. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I dont know why I was banned but when I attempt to join the server it says I am banned. Please help... EDIT: Forgot to say I was on a VPN at the time.
[OTHER] It's Haeyoon's Unban Appeal
by It’s Haeyoon- 5 replies
Your in-game name: It's Haeyoon Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:54579115 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_0:0:228980661 Discord Handle: Haeyoon#0603 Server Group: OTHER What server were you banned on? OTHER Staff Member that Punished You: Skyprah Reason for Ban: He accused me for wallhacking in a competitive match making game in CSGO. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: He said I was wallhacking and I wasn't. Its been almost more than half a year since that game and I obviously have not been vac banned as I'm legit. He also report botted my account using those report websites, it tanked me into low trust factor and yet…
[SKILL] CumRag's Unmute Appeal
by CumRag.- 5 replies
Your in-game name: CumRag Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:553064193 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_STEAM_ Discord Handle: CumRag#5273 Server Group: SKILL What server were you banned on? SKILL SURF - Easy Staff Member that Punished You: Orkslayer Reason for Ban: Apparently for mic spamming when I didn’t do anything 5 other people were playing music and screaming, total abuse of admin privileges, had 4 other people who confirmed I was not mic spamming and he refused to unmute me Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Because I have not done anything wrong, I spend plenty of time on kzg servers and have not had any trouble …
[COMBAT SURF] Larry's Unban Appeal
by Larry5- 5 replies
Your in-game name: Larry Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:208175521 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_STEAM_ Discord Handle: Larry#1674 Server Group: COMBAT SURF What server were you banned on? COMBAT SURF Staff Member that Punished You: Reeda Reason for Ban: Being in a group which 'harasses' a staff member. (konkaisapedo group) Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I don't even own the group and have not being wearing the tag on kzg. Although i did connect with it on once.
[OTHER] evoline's Unban Appeal
by evoline- 5 replies
Your in-game name: evoline Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:81047234 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_STEAM_ Discord Handle: evoline#6795 Server Group: OTHER What server were you banned on? AIM - Retakes #6 Staff Member that Punished You: Not sure. Reason for Ban: Im not really sure why i was banned, i went to join a KZG retake server from my history and it said i was banned. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I dont know why i was banned?
[SKILL] p's Unban Appeal
by ppshii- 5 replies
Your in-game name: p Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:192663591 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_STEAM_ Discord Handle: p.#5770 Server Group: SKILL What server were you banned on? SKILL SURF - Beginner #1 Staff Member that Punished You: Admin Reason for Ban: Says I got banned for duplicate account. This is my only account I have. I tried joining your surf server and wasn't able to join, got an error saying I was banned for 52 million minutes. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Was banned for an invalid reason. Had done nothing to deserve.
[AIM] Gekkō's Unban Appeal
by Gekkō- 5 replies
Your in-game name: Gekkō Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:94924553 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: NoneNone Discord Handle: Timon#4465 Server Group: AIM What server were you banned on? AIM - 1v1 #2 Staff Member that Punished You: Console Reason for Ban: Alternative account Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I don't have an alt account, If you feel like an unban cant happen for me then no worries bc I was kinda a dick to the admins on the kzg website. :)
[SKILL] Symda's Unban Appeal
by symda- 5 replies
Your in-game name: Symda Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:515460932 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_STEAM_ Discord Handle: Symda#3269 Server Group: OTHER What server were you banned on? SKILL SURF - Easy Staff Member that Punished You: WHIZZ HADM SKILL Reason for Ban: extremely abusive towards mod, server owner(s), ongoing negative behaviour Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Because I should have got a warning before getting banned. I was on Easy Surf at around 11:30 PM last night and everyone in the server was trash-taking the admins. I decided to get involved by saying "admins are worthless" as a joke. I know this w…
[JUMP] Mantra's Unban Appeal
by Mantra- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Your in-game name: Mantra Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:58124096 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: NONENONE Discord Handle: Mantra#9394 Server Group: JUMP What server were you banned on? JUMP - Bhop Easy Staff Member that Punished You: skyprah Reason for Ban: leaking dms, toxicity (website says Spamming Mic/Chat but this is just filler ban for some reason) Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Haven't played bhop in months, would love to play again. Don't hold any grudge against skyp or any other staff member since ban and would be keen to start playing again.
[AIM] azzy's Unban Appeal
by Azzy- 5 replies
Your in-game name: azzy Your Steam_ID: STEAM_azziboi8 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_metroxoSTEAM_metroxo Discord Handle: Ahmed-Husin #6726 Server Group: AIM What server were you banned on? AIM - 1v1 #1 Staff Member that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: [KillZone-AntiCheat]: Cheating Infraction Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Hello, my name is Azzy. I am 14 years old and have just made a new account. However, this account is not a smurf. This account is a brand new one due to my vac ban on my previous account. The reason for my ban was for my skinchanger, i know this because I can guarantee you that I …
[MORDHAU] Cheeki's Unban Appeal
by Cheeki Breeki Bylat- 5 replies
Your in-game name: Cheeki Your Steam_ID: STEAM_ Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_STEAM_ Discord Handle: nah Server Group: MORDHAU What server were you banned on? MORDHAU Staff Member that Punished You: don't remember Reason for Ban: Don't remember Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Don't Remember
[AIM] Adevil's Unban Appeal
by adevil- 1 follower
- 5 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: Adevil Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:419559454 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: NONE Discord Handle: playa#4186 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? MINIGAMES *AIM What server did you receive the punishment on? Retakes What staff member issued the punishment: Ban Reason: My ban doesnt even exist Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: Its been 2 years and i still don't know why my ban exists. Im not a toxic gamer and if that was why I was banned, I was abo…
[AWP] Why's Unban Appeal
by Benzi- 2 followers
- 5 replies
Your in-game name: Why Your Steam_ID: Steam_76561198417558556/ Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: NoneNone Discord Handle: Benzi#0040 Server Group: AWP What server were you banned on? AWP - AWP AU Staff Member that Punished You: It wasn’t by a staff member it says Cheating Infraction Reason for Ban: I don’t know I was just chilling playing in Awp server and then I got kicked then I tried rejoining and it says I’ve been banned Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I should be unbanned because I haven’t done anything wrong I was just playing and then I get banned out of no where
[SKILL] i dunno sariah707 or themummabear might have been the name i have now justjess's Unban Appeal
by ❤ Sariah707 ❤- 1 follower
- 5 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: i dunno sariah707 or themummabear might have been the name i have now justjess Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:53383827 Smurfs/ accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: none Discord Handle: JustJess#9046 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? SKILL What server did you receive the punishment on? one of the surf servers What staff member issued the punishment: i dont know Ban Reason: i think it was excessive racism or something like that Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: i dont know i guess its all up to your discretion i cant remember wh…