1,538 topics in this forum
Mitch the Bitch's Unmute Appeal
by mitchthebitch- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: Mitch the Bitch Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:122019568 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_ Server Group: SKILL Server: Beginner Date / Time of Ban: 01-01-19 12:56 Admin that Punished You: Surf Admin Uncle Fusion Reason for Ban: racism Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: It was probably a joke. I wont do it again.
Querp's Unban Appeal
by Querp- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: Querp Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:92263739 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_ Server Group: AIM Server: Execute Date / Time of Ban: 16/3 1:05 Admin that Punished You: -[pkN24!7]- Reason for Ban: aimhack Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Because i was not hacking, i played kzg a lots before and got banned by pkn apparently for aim hacking and according to him it was obvious but i wasnt hacking, i can assure of that. p.s still waiting for that demo.
woat is aim's Unban Appeal
by woatisaim- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: woat is aim Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:174966462 Alternate Accounts: NONE Server Group: AWP Server: Other Date / Time of Ban: 03-21-19 05:13 Admin that Punished You: skyprah Reason for Ban: Advertising Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: No admins ever stated when I was advertising that I would get banned in any way shape or form. They only ever said I would get a extended silence so I thought to myself "how harsh can this punishment be?" Turns out it results in a perm ban after no warning of being banned at all. I don't really care at all if i'm perm silenced because the people I play with on the server…
Nick's Unban Appeal
by NickerFoggit- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: Nick Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:433171814 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_ Server Group: Server: Beginner Date / Time of Ban: 12-30-18 06:14 Admin that Punished You: Console Reason for Ban: SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: because i have changed my ways and deleted my bhop scripts, they are no more please i have enjoyed kzg for sooo long and would like to keep playing please unban me please
✪ C>M>D | 龍王's Unban Appeal
by C>M>D- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: ✪ C>M>D | 龍王 Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:478413874 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_1:1:462749796 Server Group: ALL Server: Other Date / Time of Ban: 02-17-19 01:32 Admin that Punished You: console Reason for Ban: Cheating, Wallhack, triggerbot, bunnyhop script Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I admit to cheating back then, I really enjoyed playing your servers and I would love to play on them once again, I haven't cheated since then and have skins on my acc (if that gives any reassurance ), please give some serious consideration.
Bright's Unban Appeal
by Bright- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: Bright Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:227521520 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_1:0:92247581 Server Group: AIM Server: 1v1 Arenas Date / Time of Ban: 11-14-17 08:58 Admin that Punished You: Im unsure, it was 2 years ago Reason for Ban: "Hacking" Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: because for starters, i dont remember cheating, i also stopped playing csgo for ages and got back into it over the last 5 months, i dont cheat.. i have a youtube channel and twich i stream on, and that is what i do with all my clips i hit, as you would see, i dont hit csgo clips often, but i do have an inventory of 700 dollars aud, . i dont like c…
CutVirgin's Unmute Appeal
by CutVirgin- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: CutVirgin Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:472497648 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_ Server Group: SKILL Server: Easy Date / Time of Ban: 03-01-19 13:06 Admin that Punished You: STAFF MEMBER DEX Reason for Ban: Doxing Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I was apparently doxing which i wasnt, i posted my mates number in the chat because he did that to mine. I got a perm mute and he only got a temp for putting mine in multiple times when i only did it once. His steam is Navio
king gaming YT's Unban Appeal
by king gaming YT- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: king gaming YT Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:455616728 Alternate Accounts: NONE Server Group: Server: Retake Date / Time of Ban: 4/04 ~9:30 Admin that Punished You: Aim Admin Yassuo Reason for Ban: I would appreciate some reasoning for my ban in hopes that I'd be able to dispute it. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I wasn't using any sort of assistance
Pud_Olive's Unban Appeal
by ✯Pud_Olive✯ CS.Money- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: Pud_Olive Steam ID: STEAM_pudolive Alternate Accounts: STEAM_76561197962314327 Server Group: SKILL Server: Easy Date / Time of Ban: 07/04/2019 Admin that Punished You: Consol Reason for Ban: says i duplicated account but i was just setting up a vpn. i hopped on my smurf acc and it said i was banned, then i got on my main and it was banned aswell. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: because it was a false ban.
spaghetto's Unban Appeal
by spaghetto- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: spaghetto Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:77348580 Alternate Accounts: none Server Group: AWP Server: Other Date / Time of Ban: 04-08-19 03:07 Admin that Punished You: console Reason for Ban: [SourceSleuth] Duplicate account Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Because this is not a duplicate account. This is my only steam account. And also, this account has almost 1100 hours, its not a second account. Cheers
zak :D's Unban Appeal
by zak :D- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: zak :D Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:83105164 Alternate Accounts: NONE Server Group: SKILL Server: Easy Date / Time of Ban: 01-08-19 03:51 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: [SourceSleuth] Duplicate account Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I have no idea why I have been banned, the reason listed was because of a "duplicate account" but I do not have an alternate account.
✪ThNxツ's Unban Appeal
by ✪ThNxツ- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: ✪ThNxツ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:218553135 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_NONE Server Group: AWP Server: Casual Competitive Date / Time of Ban: 04-11-19 03:15 Admin that Punished You: ADMIN Reason for Ban: I was using wall hacks. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I want to play again, but i promise i will not hack again. I also want to be unbanned because, the first time i played on this server, was really good, and people were also good at the server, thats why i want to play again, because i want to master in using awp for the future competitive matches i will have.
Sealeow's Unban Appeal
by Sealeow- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: Sealeow Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:111375894 Alternate Accounts: NONE Server Group: AWP Server: FFA DM Date / Time of Ban: 14/4/2019 15:00 Admin that Punished You: Console Reason for Ban: Multihacking Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I didn't knew i was using bhop script now i deleted it No prob I promise I'm not gonna scripting anymore That was accident
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: arii or ira Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87145833 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: NONE Discord Handle: ira#2333 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? AIM What server did you receive the punishment on? it was on retake server What staff member issued the punishment: Ban Reason: cheating Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: I'd like to be unbanned because I have been banned for a very long time... last unban appeal I was told to wait a few months and…
Zer0's Unban Appeal
by Zer0- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: Zer0 Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:155751256 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_NONE Server Group: AWP Server: Casual Competitive Date / Time of Ban: 6/15/2019 13:07 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: Multi-Hack Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Basically I was playing in the Awp server, I didn't do anything harmful to the game, and I got banned for no reasons. I'm quite good at awping, you can ask other players in the server. I hope you understand what i was trying to say here, Thank you.
SuperSoc's Unban Appeal
by Super_Soc- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: SuperSoc Steam ID: STEAM_not needed Alternate Accounts: STEAM_not needed Server Group: SKILL Server: Other Date / Time of Ban: idk Admin that Punished You: idk Reason for Ban: idk Why I should be unbanned / unmuted:
✪ 2 1 S a v a g e's Unban Appeal
by ✪ 2 1 S a v a g e- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: ✪ 2 1 S a v a g e Steam ID: STEAM_76561198832539200 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_ Server Group: AWP Server: Other Date / Time of Ban: 06-23-19 05:49 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: Aimbot Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I didn't use Aimbot
appa's Unban Appeal
by appaiscool- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: appa Steam ID: STEAM_76561198839331157 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_NONE Server Group: COMBAT Server: Retake Date / Time of Ban: 10-05-18 13:55 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: Bunnyhopping Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I should be unbanned because I've learnt my lesson and that I uninstalled my Bunnyhop Script. I want to have another opportunity to play on your server. Thankyou
wander's Unban Appeal
by Wanderrlust- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: wander Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:507242941 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_1:0:193683411, STEAM_1:1:196013108 Server Group: COMBAT Server: Retake Date / Time of Ban: 07-05-19 09:51 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: [SourceSleuth] Duplicate account Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: On the 15th of March 2018 I was hacking on one of your servers (retakes #2) for bunnyhopping. I then tried to play again on the 23rd of January on a different account and got automatically banned as I assume I got ip banned on my first ban. Recently I tried to join one of your retake servers on a new account on which I just recently b…
by TommyTheGoat- 3 replies
TOMMY_G's --select-- Appeal
by Tommy_G- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: TOMMY_G Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:80444677 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_NONE Server Group: COMBAT Server: Execute Date / Time of Ban: 07-13-19 02:26PM Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: I click my macro key for minecraft that makes me auto swing every 0.1 secs. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I should be unbanned because it was an accident and i didn't effect anyone's experience
Lieutenant Ham's Unban Appeal
by HelloMyNameIsHamish- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: Lieutenant Ham Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:55602943 Alternate Accounts: Server Group: Server: Date / Time of Ban: 07-09-19 07:04 Admin that Punished You: Console Reason for Ban: Duplicate Account Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I do not have any duplicate accounts, my brother also plays on KGZ servers, thus his account may have been mistaken for an alternate account.
bas1c's Unban Appeal
by fescon- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: bas1c Steam ID: STEAM_le879102 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_ Server Group: AWP Server: Casual Competitive Date / Time of Ban: 7/16 Admin that Punished You: proppy Reason for Ban: hacking Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: because i can train my aim in this sever
Deranking DJ's Unban Appeal
by Deranking DJ- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: Deranking DJ Steam ID: STEAM_76561197961470730 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_ Server Group: AIM Server: ==AIM== Date / Time of Ban: 08-05-19 14:45 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: multi-hacking? Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I was banned due to MULTI-HACKING?? i joined the wrong server and wanted to join a hvh server. i already had the cheat on and had no time to turn it off when i realize im in your awp server. I had no intension to cheat and Ive never cheated on your sever when im playing. i was immediately banned and could not do anything. I really enjoy playing your server and hope to be unbanne…
[] Koupah's Unban Appeal
by Koupah- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: Koupah Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:113661047 Alternate Accounts: Server Group: Server: Date / Time of Ban: 09-26-18 17:19 Admin that Punished You: gimmieyofries Reason for Ban: Multi-Hack Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I'd like to start off with an apology. I am sorry for cheating and it was a dumb choice. It is very unfair for others and I should've never done it in the first place. I really would like to be unbanned as I want to play on these servers with my friends and others. I want to make friends & I want to practice. It is no secret that KZG dominate all AU servers and I just want to be part of t…