Steam Account Name: NotLegacy
Steam ID: reevyyt
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Desciption of Myself: I like to think I am a funny, helpful guy. (but I do get a bit salty sometimes)
Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming things I bring to Kzg is a young mid, I am a 15-year old that loves playing video games. I also like rules, and when rules are followed, things go smoothly.
Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I feel like I deserve to be part of the staff, because I'm on the server nearly every day, and I have around 200 hours on the awp server alone, I think. I also believe in fair play. I know there are a few young kids that play on the server, and when other kids tell them to shut up and get lost, just because they are young I feel bad, because everyone was like that once, and I feel like they little kids deserve more respect, and if I was part of this team would be able to give that respect to them. Normally teenagers online thing they are better than everyone els, and they might make fun of people, and this might sound a bit cringy, but i believe im not one of those kids.
Play-Time on Server Group: 230 hours
Times Usually Played on Server Group: i normally play after school from around 3 to 6, but on the weekends I sometimes play from 7 am to 6 pm with breaks in between
Vouching Staff on Server Group: mtb, nosey and retroviper
Vouching Players: ebs, VacHunter, zm, enexxy, Yassuo, bot harubird69
Have Read Server Group Rules: Yes
Have Met Server Group and Application Requirements: Yes
Have working Microphone: Yes