Hey I'm serriah
Been playing kzg for a while now, Love it!
Im 18, been managing servers on other platforms and moderating servers aswell for over 2 years now, Love doing the work it's honestly my passion.
I'll be looking forward to meet all of you, feel free to pm me if you have any questions. Also from NSW
You contradict yourself here. You complain that high ranks lose too many points from lower ranks yet complain about the top 10 being too hard to achieve. It's designed that way specifically for what you want.
Haven't seen you post any demos of any cheaters.
Ranks have never been reset on AWP, you're mistaking it for scoutzknivez rank resets.
I am calculating data from my new system I've implemented but I can already see it's working efficiently. I've also added a Non-Prime tag to highlight non prime players. I think you'll find that there is even many.