Prime was disabled on AWP as it brings in a lot of new players which unfortunately would also increase the amount of hackers. But from !reports from players, hasn't increased much. Also prime was disabled as I have a new system which was supposed to be ready, hopefully, this weekend which will give us the best of both worlds.
As for admins, I have been trying to find more. Asking admins to find well-suited players as well as asking people to apply. Unfortunately, you can't have admins on the server 24/7.
Also as for ranks, I discussed with an admin last night regarding resetting ranks. From memory ranks on AWP have never been reset, as I'm not a huge fan of it. People grind for those ranks and introducing a monthly wipe would pretty much create fake ranks based on whos really active and somewhat skilled. I suggested leaving gameme enabled but disabling the commands, essentially just being able to be used as gameme web panel to show "real" long term ranks/stats etc. While adding a separate ranking system in game with a monthly or every 3 months wipe.