Okay so I have made that mistake of writing the wrong hours.
Here it is now:
Monday 0 hours Tuesday 0 hours Wednesday 4-5pm 1 hour Thursday 4-9pm 2 hours Friday 4-12pm 4 hours Saturday All Day 4 hours Sunday All day 4 hours.
These hours are very rough as my schedule changes
During summer these hours are less but during winter they are a lot higher.
Now I'm not on aim at a consistent time at the moment, I don't have a set playtime on the servers so there for I decided to write the rough hours next to the times i'm on.
The times e.g) 4-5pm. That's the time i'm on csgo. e.g) 1 hours. That's the amount of time i'll be on aim
Now as I can tell there is mixed opinions on the post about me being muted in the past, which of course is true.
That was a very immature act spamming and being racist.
I do apologize, as that is quite recent.
It was mistake and I regret it
I'd also like to apologize for wrong steam id, I had trouble getting it Sorry.
Sorry about the mistakes guys and the mutes, I'm sorry
Thanks for reading my application
Regards, Angus