Jeff, a minigames moderator is earned and achieved by players who are dedicated and mature enough to endeavour to uphold the rules and keep minigames a great place. Obviously, these traits are very much the same of your average day-to-day leader. These include: good communication Skills, friendliness, good problem solving ability and the ability to be approachable by all The fact is Jeff, your humour is on a side of the spectrum that no living entity has entered. Now, not being rude, not bullying, but with you having an unthinkable amount of bans on multiple accounts, abusing staff and players telling people to kill themselves all for a joke, map exploiting and using them to your advantage, micspamming and racial slurs and also being a general nuisance. Yea man! +1! Look, as you can see I am saying this in the most polite way, but for you and everyone or anyone intending to make applications like this, just don't, it's not funny, no one cares, you will just cause hatred for yourself and ultimately end up not playing on KZG servers. So my personal view Jeff, if you are even capable of reading this far, although you are a younger kid that hasn't matured at all, i truly believe you will never be mod
Lastly, I have wasted my precious time that could've been spent on over 1 million things, on this piss take of a mod app.
gg Jeff