Hello All,
The casual competitive server has been around for many years, and will hopefully be around for many more years. With this being said, we would like to hear your opinions on whether or not Casual Comps points should be reset for all players. This idea has been around for a while now but with this post, we are hoping to get everyone's opinions on this first.
The pro's of this are as follows:
- The reset provides all new and old players to start with everyone and creates a new environment where everyone has a better chance to become the #1
- The server has not been reset since it was created, which means no more top 10 players 10k+ points in-front of you.
- With the new update to points being shown on the scoreboard, it provides a perfect time for the points to be reset since you'll be seeing yourself go from silver 1 to global in no time.
The Con's of the point reset are as follows:
-Whilst with the points being reset there is the possibility there will be an influx of people playing for points
I've only outlined some of the most talked topics when it comes to the point reset, but if you have any more inquires please comment below.