KZG Executes right now isn't how it was a year ago, I've played on this server for over a year and ever since the new cache came out there are spawn stuck spots on the server, this forces us to not vote cache and we were fine with that but then recently there are also more stuck spots on overpass and that just forces us to not play another map and now we are stuck with just 4 maps mirage, dust2, inferno and train. Dust2 also has 1 problem and thats the B door smoke since the doors are flipped the smoke now doesnt land on b doors and that is quite annoying.
Our suggestion (the community) is asking to fix the spawn points and if you can, nade spots, add more maps (not necessary but would love that), give ct smoke grenades (thats part of executes right?), make a second Execute SG server (the one server is always filled up with 15 people, again not all that much necessary but with love that)
I would just play with what i have because i love this server and everyone else who plays also do, we would play with these problems everyday, but i saw that KZG had a forums so i decided to make a suggestion and in hopes of enhancing the player experiences on the KZG Executes.
We love this server, we all go there everyday to have fun and kill each other and i hope you accept my suggestion, me and along with all the good friends ive made on this server and other players would be very grateful.
Im sorry if this was lazy, its because its 4am here am im trying to get this out as soon as possible in hopes of getting a reply as soon as possible. Thank you
-Best regards, zoRRy