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Showing content with the highest reputation on 29/08/20 in all areas

  1. mrjamal101

    [AWP] BabaJ's Moderator Application

    -rep, despite being an active player, from my knowledge many players would not feel comfortable with this person as mod for AWP, addition to that, there is also a very low amount of playtime on the server in comparison to previous and current mods.
    1 point
  2. jerome

    [AWP] BabaJ's Moderator Application

    -rep WHO?
    1 point
  3. Yuqi

    [AWP] BabaJ's Moderator Application

    -rep ?
    1 point
  4. faiz

    [AWP] BabaJ's Moderator Application

    eyy man , it's nice to see you telling about your routine activity . plus u put a good effort on this application . im still yet never met you, but i just wanna say good luck on this application mate ?
    1 point
  5. jacooby

    [AWP] BabaJ's Moderator Application

    Steam Account Name: BabaJ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:43685579 Discord Handle: BabaJ#4754 Age: 15 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am a good student who enjoys playing sports, playing video games and watching television. I play Piano and Guitar and my two favourite sports are Basketball and Kickboxing which I do quite often in my spare time if I'm not playing video games. I enjoy spending time with my family and listening to music and also hanging out with my friends (Pre COVID). Some personal qualities of me are that I am able to communicate with anyone by having a good chat and being friendly, I am a genuine teenager who and quite humble. I work at the local Woolies where I work on my customer service skills and make a little bit of money. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming Staff Team: I am a reliable person who is always willing to help a lending hand, I value others needs before mine so I am quite a selfless person. I personally think everyone should spread positivity and have a little banter, especially within the gaming community. As a hard worker, I am good with time management and enjoy learning but also helping others learn too. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzone Gaming Staff Team: I strongly believe that I should be apart of Killzone Gamings staff team as I am acquainted with the rules and understand the consequences for actions. I have previous experience on other servers and different games as staff and am able to communicate well with players and other staff members. I don't look at being a moderator as a hierarchy sort of thing and rather as an individual who would be more approachable for the community and ready to help others in need of it whether it would be finding something, talking to somebody who isn't in the right state of mind and just helping in any way possible. I will ensure that I am active on the server as I get on for half an hour or more almost every day and am willing to spend more time on the server to familiarise myself with other players and get to know as many people as possible. I try my best to enforce the rules and report anybody who isn't following them even though I am only a player within the community, as a moderator I will not have to go through the process of reporting them but taking action myself and if things get out of control I would be sure to call for help from fellow staff who will be able to deal with the situation accordingly. I am an honest person and I believe I could make a great addition to the staff team as a moderator, I would try my best to create a significant difference within the community and be sure to help anybody in need of assistance. As a moderator, I would not take the responsibility lightly and will be sure to not abuse any of the power that comes with the role and won't treat others as if they are any less of myself. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to consider my application. Play-Time on Server Group: 1 Day 11:33:44 Hours Times Usually Played on Server Group: On weekdays (MON-FRI) I play usually after 3:30 PM AEST and get off the PC around 11 Weekends (SAT AND SUN) I play anytime during the day or night Vouching Staff on Server Group: Vouching Players: Lord Cowingi, f0b Have Read Server Group Rules: Yes Have Met Server Group and Application Requirements: Yes Have working Microphone: Yes Are you currently a Staff Member within another Community: No ,
    0 points
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