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[AIM] BabaYaga's Moderator Application


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Current Steam Name: BabaYaga
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:83063163
Discord Handle: VirusKraken#9754

Age: 27
Gender: Male

Description of myself: Good active player who is always positive and friendly

Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: I have never been muted or baned and i use to be admin long time ago on my other acc where i have another almost 3k hours on cs 

Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: i helped staff find who is potensional hacker not long ago i used !calladmin couple of times and a lot of time i am warning ppl who are flanking not do it 

Play time on the server group I am applying for: 43

Vouching staff member/s: pain
Vouching player/s: ArtPoP

I have read and met the application requirements for the server group I am applying for: YES
I have read the Community Rules: YES

Are you currently a staff member of another community: NO,

Edited by Бáба
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Hi Бáба,

We wish you all the best in your Staff Application!


The Staff Application Process usually takes between 2-3 weeks upon making an application.

- Killzone Gaming Management

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Hey Baba,

* I just thought I'd let you know that your Steam ID is actually STEAM_0:0:83063163 and the one you provided is your custom vanity URL and not ID. *


I have just took a look through your comm blocks and bans list and looks pretty clear which is a good sign considering your lengthy playtime. And I have memory of playing with you on numerous occasions, although I can't recall seeing too much interaction from yourself in-game. It sounds like you've got some great intention with your application, although from what information I have available to me, I do not believe that I know enough about you to give you a positive vote. You could try playing on Retakes #1 and using the !calladmin feature more often to greater your chances of receiving a successful vote for your application. My neutral vote can easily be changed to a positive one if you start to develop more of a presence on the servers and take my recommendations on board.

Good luck with your application!

Aim Admin

Discord: ecixj

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hey mate,

seen you in the servers a fair bit - but dont really know much about you.

I'll kinda echo the rest of his statement as I feel the same way.

A bit of interaction is good, most of us aren't cunts - I can completely understand people have differing personalities and maybe thats not your style, thats cool but we then need a bit more info in the about me section to get a basic idea that has a bit more depth to it than the sentence you provided.
I'd recommend checking out some accepted applications to get an idea, these can be found here; https://kzg.gg/forum/189-accepted/

Good luck with your app

-neutral from me for now

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Hi baba, like the other lads, it has to be a neutral from me. I do recall seeing your name in the servers a fair bit (though I can only play on weekends atm) I do not ever recall having interacted with you via text or voice chat, so I cannot offer an informed vote either way. You have plenty enough play time and no comm or general bans that I can see which is only a good thing. BTW you have "43" listed as your play time when so far as I can see you have "11 days 02:55:51" hours, which is way more than that. However this does all seem to be in the Retake servers. Some play time on 1v1, retake executes and AWP servers will only help your case, as these all fall under the AIM category on KZG servers.


I'm sure most of the guys here would encourage you to reapply in a bit if your original application is not accepted, as I think all it would take is chatting and talking to the current staff a bit/a bit more in the servers so they can get to know you more as a person, not just your in game behaviour.

Best of luck for now.

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