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Ando for Ban


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Your ingame name: .exe

Their ingame name: Ando / Ando Pando

Their STEAMID ( steamid.io ): STEAM_0:1:98047006 /STEAM_0:0:10653528

Which server?: JailBreak

Reason for why they should be banned: Ando is one of the more toxic players on the server he is constantly ct banned, muted and gagged. Ando never seems to learn from his actions and his punishments need to be much harsher

Proof/Evidence: here are two demos on separate occasions of ando doing something the first map exploiting and the second JB in its toxic state with no staff on.


Extra(If any): I was putting up with Ando until now but today on JB with his constant mic spam, talking over warden and ignorance to the rules he has brought me to this

A Fossil of the past


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BIG +rep. Ando is clearly one of the most toxic player on jailbreak to date, constant mutes and gags. Admins have told me after him threatening to DDoS that they don't even know how to punish him because he never learns.

Ando is CTbanned around 3 times a day from what I see, constantly baiting, mic spamming and talking over warden, freekilling and breaking most rules.

Ando's Bans:https://gyazo.com/b0f0339660335ada521f5eca3ee30c3c
Mute Page 1:https://gyazo.com/6326c859787d48f0b39d5424c65ad792
Mute Page 2:https://gyazo.com/992b52ee8d61e1955a64e04f14a343e4

Admins don't even know what to do with Ando and overall the community is sick to death of Ando ruining the fun of the community, and of jailbreak.

I would either like to see a lengthy ban or a PERM ban on Ando and if it was up to me it would be perm as he does not learn from his lessons.




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+REP I have no evidence, but from what i have encountered with Ando he is quite a toxic player. Today i was playing Jailbreak, i was classed as ct and randomly selected for warden one round, Ando constantly mic spammed and talked over me a number of times during my wardening, not major issues but this is my point of view, Ando would be a great member to KZG and Jailbreak if he learned from his mistakes. (which he doesn't)
Also requesting a lengthy ban/perm ban.

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Ando I tried talking to you man to man but you unfortunately misused my trust and broke it so unfortunately you have proven to me that you need to be seriously pubished. When we spoke one on one I addressed you with my concern that when we punish you like any other regular player you never learned and so I challenged you to tell me how to make you learn, and we came to conclusion that a day mute will make you learn from your mistakes, and from reading this thread it has become obvious to me that you will either never learn or think you are above the law. The only thing I can recommend at this point is a week long ban and hope and pray that you pull your head in because if you fuck up after that then you are looking down the barrel of a perm ban.


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I agree with everything previously stated. He has not learnt at all from his bans, mutes, gags or extended mutes what so ever. You're extremely immature and what I said in your mod app is exactly how I feel. I think a week ban is suitable, if found being toxic again I believe you should be removed from KZG.

I'm away so I can't review the demos but I really don't need to.


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'Ando' wrote:
Very mature reply, saying this because you know we're still getting more evidence even today ROFL




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