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[Minigames] Wisey's Admin Application


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Server you're Applying for?: Minigames

Steam Account Name: Wisey

Your Steam ID: STEAM_STEAM_0:1:27852441

Age: 15

Description of Yourself: Hi Guys!
-I'm sure most of you already know me if you play minigames but I'm Jackson also known as Wisey on Steam.
-I have been a member of the KZG community since the start of last year and i currently have 8d 22:37h on minigames
-I enjoy playing Minigames the most out've all KZG servers because of all of the nice people that always great me on the server whenever i join.
-I am a very loveable and charismatic person, i enjoy a laugh always and love to have banter throughout my time on the server.
-I am applying for a minigames Moderator/Admin because I value the server that we have and many times I've had to contact a member of staff because no staff are on and people are breaking the rules. I am extremely active there is not a day where i haven't logged onto minigames and said hello to the community. I am very loyal and helpful towards the new comers of Minigames (via helping them pick skins and knives or showing them what to do) and have also helped many admins with the server.
-I know what and what not to do on all servers and if I'm lucky enough to get a spot as Moderator/Admin I know how to treat the community and what not to do s staff.
-If you have any more questions PM me or feel free to send me a text if you have my snapchat :D

Play Time on the server you're applying for?: 8d 22:37h

What time do you normally play on the Server you're appplying for?: Anytime between 3:45-8:30 on Monday, Saturday, Sunday.
On Tuesday and Thursday i have school sport and local footy training on.
On Wednesdays i have Vic training for footy so wont be on for the whole night.
If i have any spare time i usually come onto Minigames and say hello and help out people if needed

Vouching Staff Members of the server you are applying for?: Collector, Hrollo

Players vouching your application?: Chewbacca, Steph, Ray ShadowZ, KegMeister, Critical

Why do you think you deseve to be a part of the Killzone Gaming Staffing Team?: I think i deserve to be a member of the KZG staff because i am on pretty much every day and i see the amount of mic-spammers, glitchers, rule breakers, swears (you know what i mean) and all of those things occur pretty much instantly as soon as a admin is offline and countless times ive had to call Hrollo or Collector on to mute/gag them due to their actions. I have 8 days on the server so i know how it works so i can hlep out the new comers and show them how to do the maps and what to do on the maps. I have qualities such as fairness, equality, kindness and leadership when it comes to dealing with certain situations. I believe me admining skills would be excellent and the players that enjoy MG will have a good time with me being on to make sure no one breaks the rules.

What qualities can you bring to Killzone Gaming?: I am a very loveable, kind, charismatic, authoritative, professional person

Have you checked the application requirements?: Yes

Have you read the server rules of the server you're applying for?: Yes

Do you have a loud and audible microphone?: Yes


Edited by Wisey
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+rep Wisey is a nice kind respectful guy, never had any problems with him, he always helps me out when im stuck on minigames. He would make a great member to the KZG staff :D

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Critical ain't admin, anyway +1 Wisey is mature and fit for admin 


Good Luck! 

  • Like 2


Most Reformed Player 

Most Negativity 

Global Moderator of the Year

Type Race Champion


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8 minutes ago, Macgregor said:

Critical ain't admin, anyway +1 Wisey is mature and fit for admin 


Good Luck! 

Thanks Macgregor <3 hahaha just changed it silly me 

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1 hour ago, Harik said:

He isn't an idiot and he knows the rules. Give him a shot.


EDIT: Don't thank people on the post, thank them via steam or any other service. :)))) Good luck

was just letting him know i changed it


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+rep havent really talked with wisey that much but he seems like a pretty cool guy, we joke around in mg sometimes and he is very mature and fit the job!

Best of luck to you wisey!


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I have been playing mg for a while and he always gives me a heads up and some help. Cool guy mature would be good for the job! +rep


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I'm a little offended you didn't ask me to vouch for you! Wisey is a calm, collected and respected member of minigames and is 110% suited for this position. +1 good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

bull-e, active minigames player.


Edited by knxwledge


                                                            WHERE THERE ARE CATS, THERE ARE NO RATS



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+1 wisey is a nice guy who i think would do well with admin. Wisey is mature, Enforces rules, And is good with all the players.


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I'll reiterate how important wisey is to the minigames community seeing as the admin app has been up for just under a month. He is a vital and key figure within the minigames community because of the way he enforces and sticks by the rules. He had shown myself and the active minigame admins that he knows the rules and enforces them. He helps players when ever he is on the server and with admin powers his effect on the community will become much larger, in a positive manner. Wisey has shown me and the other minigame players that he is extremely mature and can deal with almost every scenario. Good luck.

Edited by Harik


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+REP when i was admin and online i never had a problem with Wisey he follows the rules and is respected in the community.


Good Luck Mate!


peter pan tinkerbell GIF


Motherboard: the good one 
Graphics card: the good one 
Power supply: the good one 

Case: the square kind 
Cpu: The square one 
Fans: the cooling kind 

Mouse: One with snakes on it 
Keyboard: The old one 
Monitor: CRT one 
mouse pad: Paper

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