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A formal apology to RENSTA and Tara


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After asking 2 admins to vouch for me I realised that the consequences of my actions were harsh but rightfully so as what I said to Tara was unacceptable as pointed out by rensta and as I am looking to become admin this is a real hurdle and I know that nothing I can say to Tara will fix this , I want to say the best thing I can , sorry, my actions were unacceptable I let my impulses and though the 7 day mute was resolved I feel I have finally learnt my lesson but I guess that's not for me to decide and if anyone has the right to decode it is Tara.

but to rensta I also apologies to you as I'm sure there is no bad blood I still want to say sorry as it must have been a hassle for you and as I am sure you probably don't like me as of the experiences from our interactions I want to clear the air and start again and you might think this is just because I want admin but I want to stop the feeling I'm having I'm not sure if you have it to but when your on surf I feel awkward and I don't feel like talking as I don't want to make your life harder than it has to be  so I hope we can put this aside start again and be friends 


But the biggest apology I have to make is the skyprah and the community as I have not been contributing to the well-being of KZG and have been one of the people causing trouble for the server and I hope this hasn't completely ruined my chances of being admin as I want to give back to the community 

I'll end it here so I don't bore you burbs feel this is a good first step to mending the wounds and gaining back respect 

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Thanks skyprah I feel terrible about this and wish I'd done this earlier I can't say sorry enough 



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I appreciate it dude, I hold no grudge or anything against you at all I promise you. You're more than welcome to be on any server you like, that's your choice. You shouldn't feel ashamed to activate your mic in game just be mature about it, the reason why sometimes it gets hard on surf for me is because in reality I am the only active admin, and yes... It's true to say that if you make my job harder as an admin on the server to keep it a clean community, I generally don't take a liking to you. Things can be mended with time though which I have no doubt you're fully capable of. Sure there may be other admins but they have other things to do these days and they stop by for no longer than half an hour during the night at most. I would really really consider though and this is what you need to ask yourself Do the other players see you as an admin. Now I am not talking myself up or bragging, but I am admin because I had more than half of the active players on the server plus some the staff team telling me to apply. Why did they do this? Because I showed my care for the server, the players and the KZG community as a whole. Additionally, on Easy Surf you have 7 hours played time. That's astonishingly low to want to be an admin for it. 


That said, thanks for the effort and care. Say no more, I'm not your enemy :) 


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Thanks man I know my time is low but I feel like I am ready but as I said I'm not someone who decides this stuff 

As for others seeing me as an admin I can't say anything as the people on the servers don't take a liking to people who sound younger than 17 I would say even though I've tried to stop people doing bad things and asked people to remove websites from there names it finally goes unnoticed and as for you being the only active admin is one of the reasons why I want to be one as I see people doing things they shouldn't slot but I can't do anything to stop it 

but thanks you the main thing is there's no bad blood and I can try to be your friend 



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Also sorry for my spelling mistakes I was typing on my phone 



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