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[SKILL SURF] FabØss's Administrator Application


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Server Group You're Applying For?: SKILL SURF

Steam Account Name: FabØss

Steam ID: STEAM_

Age: 19

Description Of Yourself: Hello I am Fabo, known as Faboos for all surfers from ZTS or Fabonus on KZG servers. I have a well-known reputation on the servers (don't know if it's entirely bad or good) for doing only bonus times to get a high rank as a joke.
I am an average surfer that is on every day (if not every 2 days) just to beat any new bonuses and chat with the server.

Play-Time On Server You're Applying For?: 1 days 10:14:46 hours

What Time Do You Normally Play On The Server You're Applying For?: during the days of Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday (on and off from morning to night time). So usually I play games on days I have off and staying at home. I would be playing surf as early as 9am and as late as 1am from staying up all night.

Vouching Staff Members Of The Server You Are Applying For?: Rensta
Raven (Scarlet Ibis)

Players Vouching Your Application?: Vastly_corporeal, Rektora, Droplet, .. (dot dot), Min-Metal, duck, Ms. Skrrt, Always Classy

Why Do You Deserve To Be A Part Of The Killzone Gaming Staff Team?: I believe I should be apart of the KZG team is because my opinion/view on server problems have been minuscule and irrelevant even till now. I have been abused by admins and abused by other normal players and I have had a very little impact to stop these players. Most commonly I witness other players being abused whilst no KZG staff team is around. I respect server rules very closely and you can see my effort in taking on anyone of any rank in my posts I have made in the past. I don't brush problems under the rug and I get the job done in taking out abusers and indecent users (doxing, spam, racism, admin abuse) from the community. I want to be part of the KZG team to make myself more useful to the servers instead of dusting up more than 25 hours a week on the servers and still not being apart of the KZG team. I will be a very useful KZG member to the community.

What Qualities Can You Bring To Killzone Gaming?: My presence in the server is a more of a joke to many and it is this type of quality I focus because the community needs more variety. As it is known I do a majority of bonus completes to get a high rank in the server and to other people they find it funny hence my nickname Fabonus. It is this very quality I believe that the KZG team is missing, it is too serious in players who rack up less then 5 hours a week on the servers who dont talk to the server and surf rather then having people who can show a quality that people can find amusing and something to talk about.

Checked The Application Requirements?: Yes

Read The Server Rules Of The Server You're Applying For?: Yes

Have A Loud And Audible Microphone?: Yes


Edited by FabØss
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9 hours ago, BurnZZ said:


your a admin and you have a great input on someones application at least show a reason and not just act like a cunt smh 

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Do you want to see me help out people? You don't need to see me helping out to know if I do, you only on the server at night times at peak hours so you wouldn't know. I help people out when there's only a few people in the server so it's  easier talking to them as suppose to when there is like 5 other people talking in chat. Hypernate you are a negative person as seen as your name towards yams (and allot of players) and you dislike me because you don't take anything serious, even this application. Don't falsely make these comments about me 'ranting' and never helping players out. Have more respect for people and maybe they will like you back too.

Edited by FabØss
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  • 2 weeks later...


Reapply sometime in the future.

As I become more present now, I can't see through the pain. A hollow cut through my veins. Scars and a Phantom Pain
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