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[AIM] iver$ ツ's Administrator Application

iver$  ツ

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Server Group You're Applying For?: AIM

Steam Account Name: iver$ ツ

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:209083962

Age: 17

Description Of Yourself: Currently rank 14 on the server, SMFC matchmaking, hate cheaters, hate toxic people. I currently haven't had a forum account for a month

Play-Time On Server You're Applying For?: 40 Hours

What Time Do You Normally Play On The Server You're Applying For?: Usually I just get on when I first open cs for the day and then whenever I'm in ESEA queue I'll hop on

Vouching Staff Members Of The Server You Are Applying For?: SpaceJam2k and Blizz,

Players Vouching Your Application?: erkaSt, don't really talk much in game. Just keep to myself

Why Do You Deserve To Be A Part Of The Killzone Gaming Staff Team?: I play CSGO a lot, I know exactly what to look for when spectating someone suspected of cheating, everytime I see someone I believe looks suspicious first I'll check their csgo profile, to see whether it's a new account and what medals they have. Then I'll check previous aliases and friends list and try to match names, then I'll start spectating them. Big signals of a cheater for me is if they have terrible movement or crosshair placement but they run around corners one tapping everyone. I've seen a fair share of hackers in CS and I think that I have what it takes to reduce that amount on KZG

What Qualities Can You Bring To Killzone Gaming?: I know how to balance being fun and being serious, and when people take things too far I know when to stop. As I stated I think I'm pretty good at recognizing cheaters so I'll be able to help in that aspect along with moderating chat.

Checked The Application Requirements?: No

Read The Server Rules Of The Server You're Applying For?: Yes

Have A Loud And Audible Microphone?: Yes


  • Pepe 1
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As you yourself have stated you don't exactly have forums requirements or the game hour requirements at this time and seeing as you didn't read them (or didn't meet them and ticked no?) I'll post them here for your next application when you do meet them.


  • 30 forums posts OR have had a forum account for at least 1 month.
    • That is either helping develop the server you are applying for or being a constructive member on the forums.
  • 48 hours on the server you are applying for.
  • You must be over 15 to apply for the position
  • Have at least two administrators or moderators of the server you're applying for to vouch you [trial administrators and/or moderators can not vouch for you].
  • No server bans in the past month.

In the past I have put application on hold until they do meet the requirements but that isn't right of me to do. Please feel free to reapply when you do meet them.


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