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Gimme's Admin Application


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Minigames Admin Application

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:45553178

Steam Name: GimmeYoFries

Age: 17

What Server: [KZG] Minigames

Who will vouch? :
@"Not A Cop" 

Description of yourself:
If I had to describe myself in terms of personality traits, I would say I am: Helpful, kind, smart, friendly, mature and competitive to name a few. I am also part of the current Jailbreak team with around 180 hours on the server. I would also like to say I'm relatively above average of my ability on course maps as I have spent about 6 months on KZ climb servers that have allowed me to be quite efficient at climbing/strafing/bhopping etc (cheers gargos). I’m currently Le on Csgo and I usually only play comp a couple of times a month as my main priority lies within KZG community servers :). As both Jailbreak and Minigames are my two favourite game modes on CSGO, I like to juggle my time between the two, hopping back and forth throughout the day. I’m glad KZG accommodates for these two well-polished servers especially by having one of the top Minigames servers in AUS. Another description of myself is that I joined CSGO back in 2013 as a irl mate recommended me to play and 3 years later, I have ended up accumulating 3200 hours on csgo and around 500 comp wins as I have pretty much been playing csgo every day for a few hours with the exception of exams and a 6 month break at the start of 2016. In saying that, my recent comeback to CSGO has been great! Especially by being warmly welcomed onto this community. I really do love the vibes and positivity around here and it’s definitely a community that will continue to grow in the foreseeable future.

Why you deserve this rank over the other applicants:
I don’t necessarily think it’s a matter of why I deserve this rank over the other applicants, It’s more of the fact that Minigames has been growing at an exponential rate to the extent where it’s one of the most popular Minigames server in AUS. As a result, this server definitely needs more admins that know what they’re doing and able to handle mic spammers, delayers, trolls and general nuisances that negatively impact the server. I strongly feel that I could be able to contribute my time spent on Minigames to help control the server and take care of the issues that arise, as players on the Minigames server knows, there’s always something happening pretty much every round or two. I know I barely touch the time required to be able to apply which could be considered a relatively small time frame but I’ve always been wanting to play on Minigames more and more, however being a current Jailbreak staff member, I have prioritised keeping Jailbreak under control. However, It is great to say at this point in time, there is a highly desirable jailbreak staff team with top notch admins that are really active. Only recently, this has allowed myself to be able to effectively juggle more of my time between Jailbreak and Minigames more frequently so I feel I will be able to contribute myself onto both servers to help it grow at the same time. This means whether I get accepted or not, I will definitely have a big improvement on my time spent on the Minigames server. Lastly, I have known a lot of the Minigames players in the past which will allow me to be able to differentiate between good players, annoying players, mic spammers, and trolls. This means I will be able to make according judgements in terms of punishing players for breaking rules and/or negatively impacting the server. Ultimately, I honestly do feel like I could contribute myself with the relatively small Minigames staff team to help maintain this server and help it grow into the best Minigames server in AUS.

Additional information which you believe may help you in becoming an admin:

I don’t really have any other additional information which I believe may help me in becoming an admin as everything I have stated is what I can offer + you can judge from my current ability to administrate the KZG Jailbreak server. 

Just to conclude, I have tried getting into the wider aspects of this community instead of just being a regular staff member. I have been nominated for the ROTM and I am also a current representative in training for Human Resources. I hope to try become more part of this community as time goes on :)

I would highly appreciate any constructive criticism as I can use it to not only improve my presence on the MG server but become a better Jailbreak admin :)

Cheers for reading x
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Plays mg a lot, knows the maps, knows what hes doing and ive seen his capabilities of handling multiple servers at the same time.

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o.O Does this smell like chloroform to you? o.O
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+1, is a great admin on jb, nice, mature and well put in effort application.


Legend tells of a legendary warrior whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend.  

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yo,yo,yo MY BOI GIMMEYOCHIPS UP INT HIS SHIZNIZZ nah but for real always keeps jailbreak controlled and never slips and has experience being a head admin for a sever yoyoyo yaboi Pepsi is out xD memes

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Ok, fuck it. I tried for at least 20 minutes to give you some criticism. I couldn't think of anything at all.

Your a great admin, You make these servers fun and playable. Your approachable and great at dealing with problems. You have excelled in jailbreak and show over-the-top skills throughout KZG. You have a great reputation from past servers as well which will assist you over the time.

but, I personally haven't seen you "out there" in mini-games which is perfectly fine.

You've already shown dedication to the server and your obviously willing to put in more. 
Thats my input. 

Fuck you


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+rep puts an amazing amount of effort into kzg. Overall a kind hardworking person (;
Good luck

- nysm -

- MG | Combat surf | Jailbreak -

- Jailbreak Staff -

- 76561198204235404 -


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Goes with what everybody has said. Honestly, don't even need to read the application. Top notch effort as always, showcasing how much you care about the servers. +1

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Well just straight up +1 great fun to have on the server does what is needed and goes that extra mile. Goodluck (Not that you'll need it :P)

if you dog the boys you're invited to be my coffin bearer just so you can let me down one last fucking time cunt

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Im in his vouch section need i say more....respected admin amongst KZG ultimate carry to have on your team active in game on forums and teamspeak and is very well known among our community i think he is a prime example of what admin is as his stature never fails nothing but respect for Gimmie plus who dont like fries wont be taking mine though hahahaha



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