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[AWP] VacCheater's Moderator Application


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Steam Account Name:  VacCheater
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:220038870

Age:  17
Sex: Male

Desciption of Myself: Well I'm 17 and play a lot of games one of my most played games is
CSGO. I mainly play the KZG AWP on CSGO, I've been playing CS for about 4 years now and
feel that i have had a connection with the game. all tho i've only on the AWP server for about
about 8 months I've made really good friends and they all treat me with respect and I the same.
I’ve got a lot of energy and don’t sleep much that's why I'm on a lot, over the past couple of
months I started playing AWP a lot more and now i feel at home when i play, Because of the
community and how they treat all the players. over the time that I've been playing I've gotten
better and feel comfy on AWP and want that for others, I'm constantly growing as a person and
will give anyone a helping hand, I'm always looking to meet new people and make friends to join
me on the server more, that a bit about me VacCheater

Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming  I’m mostly a positive player and happy to help anyone that needs it. I'm active on the KZG so
you’ll always see me and know me so I'm not a stranger to most witch makes me easy to talk to
when u need to, I'm also against racism because I've seen what it does to people and think no
one should go through that or have to deal with it either.

Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming:  I’m very driven to get admin and help the server if set a goal and I think it's right, I feel that this
is the right path for me and I'll see it to the end, as fellow Awper on the server I know what goes
on in the server and know what to do to resolve an issue in the best way possible. I know what it
takes to be an admin and I know that I can help out on the server and make it a better place.
I've seen what the server can turn into with no admins or mods and would like to make a good
environment for the AWP players to feel at home and want to player more

Play-Time on Server Group:   6d 16:55h
Times Usually Played on Server Group:  During School Period
Monday - 5pm - 12am If Free
Tuesday - 5pm - 12am If Free
Wednesday - 5pm - 12am If Free
Thursday - 5pm - 12am If Free
Friday - 5pm -12am If Free
Saturday - 12am - 3am - 2pm -12am If Free
Sunday - 12am - 3am - 2pm -12am If Free
Holiday Period
Much as I can over the Week and Weekend.

Vouching Staff on Server Group:  sha, Nala
Vouching Players:  ColourX, mgblots, jake, tropiiiical, Acerraced , Aiko 木枯らし

Have Read Server Group Rules:  Yes
Have Met Server Group and Application Requirements:  Yes
Have working Microphone:  No

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