H1Z1 Updates
159 topics in this forum
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Play a Game: Hey everyone! We're cleaning up the last of the remaining issues on the Test Server in preparation for a push to Live on Monday or Tuesday. We could really use your help in the final hours. One of the last bugs holding this publish back was a crash related issue. We think we've got it but we need to test it with some scale. Sorry for the late heads up but the fix just came in and we can't sit on it. Jump into Solo matches during these times: * EU Test at 12:00pm - 1:00pm PT (9:00pm - 10:00pm CET) * NA Test at 2:00pm - 3:00pm PT Other members of the Dev team will be in there so keep your eyes open for those red names! Cosmic Jester Masks are on the lin…
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Play a Game: Hey everyone! We're cleaning up the last of the remaining issues on the Test Server in preparation for a push to Live on Monday or Tuesday. We could really use your help in the final hours. One of the last bugs holding this publish back was a crash related issue. We think we've got it but we need to test it with some scale. Sorry for the late heads up but the fix just came in and we can't sit on it. Jump into Solo matches during these times: * EU Test at 12:00pm - 1:00pm PT (9:00pm - 10:00pm CET) * NA Test at 2:00pm - 3:00pm PT Other members of the Dev team will be in there so keep your eyes open for those red names! Cosmic Jester Masks are on the lin…
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Starting with Preseason One, we set out to make H1Z1 as competitive and rewarding as possible. We added Team Scoring for Duos and Fives to continue that trend. With each Preseason we shook up the point values and Tier distribution numbers and made future decisions based on previous Preseason data. We gave out rewards for end of season placement and players were fully sporting their accomplishments in-game. Now that we're out of Early Access, it's time to put Preseasons behind us and get started on the culmination of all that work: Season One! Here's a breakdown of our new Scoring System now that we have data to work with and we understand how players are behaving. Seaso…
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Starting with Preseason One, we set out to make H1Z1 as competitive and rewarding as possible. We added Team Scoring for Duos and Fives to continue that trend. With each Preseason we shook up the point values and Tier distribution numbers and made future decisions based on previous Preseason data. We gave out rewards for end of season placement and players were fully sporting their accomplishments in-game. Now that we're out of Early Access, it's time to put Preseasons behind us and get started on the culmination of all that work: Season One! Here's a breakdown of our new Scoring System now that we have data to work with and we understand how players are behaving. Seaso…
Top Teams CLG, Cloud 9, Echo Fox, Luminosity, Rogue and TSM Will Compete in the Inaugural H1PL Season Livestreaming Exclusively on Facebook From the New Twin Galaxies Esports Arena Beginning April 21<sup>st</sup> Daybreak Game Company Adds to the H1PL Momentum by Announcing H1Z1 Goes Free To Play BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., March 8, 2018 - The H1Z1 Pro League™ (H1PL), the first professional battle royale esports league today unveiled the 15 charter teams that will compete in its inaugural season beginning April 21<sup>st</sup> in Las Vegas, Nevada. The H1PL also announced that it has teamed up with Facebook to exclusively broadcast all digital content…
[H1Z1 Updates] 3/20 Hotfix - Cursor Issue
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Hi all - we've just pushed a hotfix to Live that only contains one thing: a possible fix for the ongoing cursor issue. You should see a small download hit Steam momentarily (or you can grab it right away by verifying your files). If you're still seeing the cursor issue AFTER you've patched, please document exactly what you were doing before it occurred, along with your location and the region you're connecting to. You can then submit a ticket directly to us using this link[help.daybreakgames.com] and make the subject of your ticket "[reddit] Cursor Issue Steps" to help us further - we appreciate it! View the full article
[H1Z1 Updates] 3/20 Hotfix - Cursor Issue
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Hi all - we've just pushed a hotfix to Live that only contains one thing: a possible fix for the ongoing cursor issue. You should see a small download hit Steam momentarily (or you can grab it right away by verifying your files). If you're still seeing the cursor issue AFTER you've patched, please document exactly what you were doing before it occurred, along with your location and the region you're connecting to. You can then submit a ticket directly to us using this link[help.daybreakgames.com] and make the subject of your ticket "[reddit] Cursor Issue Steps" to help us further - we appreciate it! View the full article
[H1Z1 Updates] A Discussion About Voice Chat
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Voice chat. We all know and enjoy it inside of H1Z1, because it allows you to communicate quickly not just to teammates, but other players in-game, without needing an outside service. As we’ve seen over the life of the game, having in-game voice chat can be both outstanding and lead to some entertaining moments, but it can also lead to some unwanted toxicity among individuals and groups. We also understand that games of skill will often bring about some creative trash-talking which is accepted in most cases, but some individuals have been pushing that a bit too far, leading to a vastly toxic playing experience. We recently rolled out a new system that will help keep vo…
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In the past few months, NantG Mobile has been working feverishly on rebranding Z1 Battle Royale and reverting the game back to its glory days. We’ve since made countless changes to Z1BR in an effort to recapture the moments that once made the game vastly popular and truly unique and special to many of you. Despite the team’s determination and commitment to revive Z1BR’s player base with our recent Season 3 launch update, we soon realized that the road is still paved with many challenges that preclude us from long-term success, including the confusion it caused by having both NantG Mobile and Daybreak managing the same game under two separate brands. Based on these …
[H1Z1 Updates] Audio Hotfix - 2/12
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
You'll see a small download on Steam today for a hotfix that includes the following: Footstep Audio Adjustments: Increased priority of footstep audio so it no longer drops off due to other sounds playing. Increased volume of footstep audio in general. Normalized footstep volume regardless of shoe type. Adjusted interior/exterior occlusion filtering so footsteps are easier to hear. Increased the range at which footsteps maintain priority allowing them to be heard from further away. Bug Fixes: Fixed a rare issue that could cause keyboard input to stop functioning. View the full article
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There are tons of things to be excited about within the competitive community right now: the H1Z1 Pro League is in the midst of selecting teams, the Elite Series at DreamHack Winter is just around the corner, there are lots of competitive Hosted Games occurring, and Combat Zone and Daily Challenges are getting fired up with this next update. With all the positive momentum around tournaments and competitive play, we want to take a moment to address cheating. We’ve talked about it before[www.h1z1.com]; we take cheating and hacking extremely seriously here at Daybreak. Cheating contradicts the competitive spirit of H1Z1 and ruins the fun for the other players. We’re const…
[H1Z1 Updates] Client Hotfix March 7th, 2019
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
We have just pushed a hotfix with the following list of changes: UI: The in game HUD should now match the HUD from Solos in Duos and Fives. UI: The Killfeed will no longer start rotating the feed into itself as it gets longer. UI: The Arcade Challenge is no longer available. This should not have been showing up since there is no active Arcade Mode running at this time. UI: The Hotshot Crate confirmation will no longer refer to it as “Premium3 crate”. Weapons: Fixed mismatched M9 refire timing. PS3 timings on the M9 had the ADS fire rate set to a faster refire than hipfire. These timings now match up to PS3 values. Animation: There was an issue occurring w…
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Hey everyone! We appreciate all the feedback already given so far. We want to reinforce a few points. 1.Provide your direct feedback via the in-game survey. Posts on Reddit are great to share your experience with others but the survey will be our main point for collecting player feedback on this particular topic. 2. Please set all of your visual settings to default. You can up the quality and resolution as you please but we need to get feedback from a universal standard across all players. 3. Do not use any external tools to adjust the colors while conducting your experiments. This will skew you results even if you only use them lightly. We are going to add two addit…
[H1Z1 Updates] Coming March 6th, 2019
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Over the past few months NantG has taken over development of H1Z1 and has been re-branding it to Z1 Battle Royale, the team has been working feverishly to recapture what made the game so special. The return of classic H1Z1 that everyone fell in love with, the classic movement, gun mechanics, feel of the world/environment, the works. It's all getting overhauled, and we are bringing it all back. The team has touched just about every existing system the game has, while also bringing in some brand new systems to give players more to do and interact with. This is our biggest update yet, and the kickoff of what the team here at NantG believes the game should have been all along…
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Ever since rolling out the new Daily Challenges system, we’ve seen players across the board respond positively about getting rewards on a more frequent basis for accomplishing in-game actions. However, we also realized that some of the Challenges were imbalanced and needed additional tweaking. Instead of just making small tweaks, we wanted to provide larger positives for the biggest accomplishments in-game. For instance, winning a match is more significant than getting a handful of random kills across multiple matches with the shotgun, so it’s now rewarded in that way. Daily Challenges should be a reflection on the game itself, so the larger milestones deserve more of a r…
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Most of what is covered in the blog below was also visually explained on a recent Community Outbreak: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/222719994 What’s up everyone! We wanted to take a few moments to talk about an important topic amongst the players, streamers, and pros alike: ENAS. For those who may not know, ENAS (also known as the Eastern North American Strafe) is a method of movement that involves moving your mouse back and forth rapidly while running forward and strafing to make yourself extremely difficult to be shot by other players. We can give credit to the naming to CDNThe3rd and the technique has become so popular you can even find it in the Urban Dictionary[www.u…
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What is up everyone! Today’s update touches all the guns in the game. We’ve brought back one of the most iconic game mechanics, fine-tuned the accuracy of the guns, and adjusted bullet drop and speed. There’s a lot to this update, but before we get into the details, we’d like to acknowledge and thank everyone from the Test Server and Focus Group who provided feedback to help us bring the best version of this update to life. One of the most notable additions from today’s update is horizontal recoil on the AR-15. As one of H1Z1’s most iconic game mechanics, it should feel quite familiar to those who have been around a while. Horizontal recoil keeps the firing pattern kick…
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What is up everyone! The H1Z1 team has been working hard and we're excited to share some details about today's major update. If you're looking for even more details, please take a look at the full patch notes for this update[www.h1z1.com]. This update casts a wide net in terms of what it touches, so without further delay, let's get right into it. Performance Let's lead off with one of the most important features of this update: performance improvements. The Core Tech team has been extremely busy diving deep into how the engine runs and they discovered quite a few issues when it came to multi-threaded vertex buffering. So, what does that mean? In short, there were a …
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Just an FYI for everyone.The estimated down time for today's Season 3 patch is 4-6 hours beginning in 5 minutes at 6 AM PST // 2 PM GMT // 11 PM JST. Patch notes will be up momentarily. -SUP3R View the full article
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update - 12/13
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Features The Compass has been improved and now shows the following items. The opacity of the items provides a hint as to how far away they are. Your grid location has also been centered in the UI beneath the Compass. Nearby points of interest Nearby airdrop crates The edge of the current gas ring (closest point to safety) Icons for your teammates This has been set to “off” by default and can be turned on in the settings menu Markers you or your team have placed on the map This has been set to “off” by default and can be turned on in the settings menu The all-new Icebreaker Crate[www.h1z1.com] is in this build. New Gun Models The Shotgun, Magnum, Hunting Rifle, and M9 …
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update - 12/7
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Servers will be coming offline on December 7th at 12:00pm Pacific and will remain down for approximately 5 hours. This patch focuses primarily on bug fixes and quality of life updates and also features Tutorial Challenges for new players. In addition, we’ve brought back an old favorite, Shotties & Snipers, as the first of three Holiday Events that will reward a special Festive Set (more information on that soon). General Updates Combat Zone time of day updated to be consistent with The Arena. Leaving Combat Zone is now immediate (removed the 10 second timer). Office buildings, residential areas, barns, trailers, and several smaller loot spots now have more balanc…
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update - October 26
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Patch Notes: You now have the option to Spectate your Killer. The system will try to find the next nearest player if it can’t find your Killer (he dies during the transition). There is a known issue if you die and you hit Spectate but there is no one nearby. Your UI can disappear leaving you stuck until the match ends or you close the client down. There is a little number on the HUD that denotes how many spectators you have at the time. Don’t mess up! Updated the Graphics engine for better performance and stability. Swagnum Opus Arcade Event – kill 5 players with the Swagnum to complete the Event Challenge Fixed several issues with loot distribution when…
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update - October 31
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Features: Witch Hunt Crate – 25 new items 6 of which are Ultra Rare along with 1 extra special LEGENDARY item. This Legendary item is in limited quantity with only 60 available Legendary Countdown System – There are only a LIMITED number of LEGENDARY items in each crate, as each person finds a legendary item the total number of legendary items available will countdown until that number reaches 0. ONCE ALL THE LEGENDARY ITEMS ARE FOUND AND THE COUNTDOWN REACHES 0 THE CRATE WILL INSTANTLY RETIRE FROM THE STORE AND WILL NO LONGER BE PURCHASABLE! Unopened crates can still be opened but no more Legendary items can be won. New preview functionality for the legendary it…
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update - October 9
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Patch Notes: Ping-monitoring for Spectator Cam. Our spectators will now be able to monitor player pings during the showdown to ensure fair play. Loading screens now promote the showdown events. Fall is here and Halloween is coming soon. A spooky phenomenon is transforming loot bags into pumpkins! E-tips - Airdrops will only contain 2 explosive arrows and the explosive arrow recipe now requires 12 shotgun shells. All current crates and skull store items are being retired! There's now timer in the marketplace and skull store to let you know how much time remains before these items are retired. You can now purchase 1 crate at a time. There's a one-time inte…
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There are less than two weeks left before the H1Z1 Invitational at TwitchCon[www.h1z1.com], and this update is all about correcting a few bugs and issues before the big tournament begins. As a reminder, we are not planning to make any major changes to the core gameplay between now and TwitchCon, as players have been training and prepping on the current build and we don't want to disrupt that. Updates: Improved smoke grenades obscuring of players and objects. Opening the inventory while running no longer briefly stops your character. Aim-point should be more consistent when aiming down sights as you exit cover. Items that are equipped via double-click while auto-running …