H1Z1 Updates
159 topics in this forum
[H1Z1 Updates] PC Game Update: Season 2!
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
All PC Live servers will be coming offline at 9AM PDT on Thursday, July 26 for an estimated 4-hour update to bring you Season 2, bug fixes, the new Fumigator Collection, and more! Season 2 This update marks the start of Season 2! For more details on scoring and rewards, check out our in-depth guide here.[www.h1z1.com] Game Updates Spawn select has been enabled in Solos, Duos, and Fives; however, the gas ring preview and player heat map have been disabled. This provides players with agency over their starting location while removing some of the predictability around where other players are spawning and where the safe zone will be. Slightly increased ATV spawns and sl…
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Spring is in the air and there's a brand new Chocolate Rabbit Mask waiting to hop into your inventory! From now until 10AM PDT on Monday, April 2, log in to H1Z1 and play 5 matches of Battle Royale (Solos, Duos, or Fives) to complete the Show Me The Bunny Event Challenge this holiday weekend. Are you dressed in your Sunday best? Share your latest outfit using the Chocolate Rabbit Mask with us on Twitter, Reddit, or Instagram[www.instagram.com]!View the full article
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AR-15: Slight reduction in vertical & horizontal recoil on the first shot. Slightly more recoil growth over time. AR now deals 40 points of damage when hitting a helmet. This means that 1 Headshot and 3 Body will be enough to kill a target. Projectile Speed decreased AK-47: Slight reduction in vertical & horizontal recoil on the first shot. Slightly more recoil growth over time. Damage decreased to 23 AK now deals 40 points when hitting a helmet. This means that 1 Headshot and 3 Body will be enough to kill a target. Added semi-auto fire mode (default ‘X’) so now you can choose to be in Full Auto or Semi-auto. There WILL be a HUD element that denotes the differen…
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Play a Game: We’re really close to getting everything that’s on Test over to Live. We’re going to be doing one final playtest today on the NA Test Server. Please join us today from 4pm – 5pm Pacific (handy tool to find out what that means for you time zone). Myself and the team will be playing DUOS only, all other game types will be locked. We’ve made a few small adjustments to recoil based on survey feedback. Please keep all your feedback in this thread. If everything looks good and smooth we will proceed with the plan of bringing down the servers tomorrow (1/17) at 7am PT for a game update to Live. No prizes associated with game performance for today’s playtest. AR-…
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update: May 16
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
All H1Z1 PC servers will be offline starting at 4PM PT on Wednesday, May 16 for an estimated 2 hour downtime to bring you updates on ping restrictions and more. Read on below for all the details: Ping Restrictions In order to maintain a fair and consistent gameplay experience in our competitive modes, connection quality restrictions now apply to all ranked matches. Players with a connection quality that fails to meet ping threshold requirements will be unable to join ranked matches (Solos, Duos, and Fives), even if they are able to connect to that region. For reference, ping requirements are 150ms for North America, South America, and Europe, and 200ms for Asia/Pacific …
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Hey everyone! We appreciate all the feedback already given so far. We want to reinforce a few points. 1.Provide your direct feedback via the in-game survey. Posts on Reddit are great to share your experience with others but the survey will be our main point for collecting player feedback on this particular topic. 2. Please set all of your visual settings to default. You can up the quality and resolution as you please but we need to get feedback from a universal standard across all players. 3. Do not use any external tools to adjust the colors while conducting your experiments. This will skew you results even if you only use them lightly. We are going to add two addit…
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This weekend's Arcade mode features a recent community favorite making a comeback - Revive Fives! Read on for all the details, rewards, and more. Arcade Mode: Revive Fives Revive Fives is BACK in Arcade mode for the weekend, with the same rules as last time around - it's a regular Fives match, but you have the ability to pick your teammates back up once they're incapacitated. In true H1Z1 style though, a headshot is still a kill (so two-tap to your hearts content!). Weekend Challenges and Rewards Starting at 10AM PT on Friday, June 15, play 5 matches in Arcade mode to complete your Weekend Challenge and earn a Victory Crate! Grab 4 friends and take it to the next…
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GRAB A FRIEND AND TRY OUT THE NEW GUIDED ROCKET LAUNCHER! This weekend only, we're adding a new variation to Auto Royale - Duos! From now until 10AM PT on Monday, March 26, it only takes one driver and one passenger to bring home the win. To celebrate Auto Royale Duos for the weekend, there's also a limited-time Event Challenge: complete three games of Auto Royale and you'll receive the Red ARV skin! Plus, we've added a brand new weapon just to Auto Royale - the guided rocket launcher (LG-IR)! If you thought this mode was an explosive spectacle of mayhem before, wait until you get your hands on this weapon out of Purple or Gold pickups. The guided rocket launcher is …
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Hey everyone, The H1Z1 Test servers were just updated with a round of bug fixes and changes that we plan to publish to Live tomorrow. Please take a moment to login, check everything out and let us know if you have any feedback. We will post more info about Live release timing later today, after we've had a chance to review feedback. Players can no longer shoot over the police car light bar and most of the roof, as well as over objects of similar height such as certain hay bales, semi-truck cabs, dumpsters, and half walls. Please send your feedback on this change! Please provide screenshots and clips of locations where you can still shoot over an object but feel like …
[H1Z1 Updates] Win a Match, Get Rewarded!
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Playing H1Z1 just got even more rewarding - you can now earn the NEW Victory Crate for winning and Skull rewards for placing well in different match types! Read on below to see how you can earn exclusive new skins through gameplay, leveling up, and the Skull Store. How To Get Victory Crates There are a few ways to get your hands on the Victory Crate: Winning a match of Solos, Duos, Fives, or Auto Royale will reward 1 Victory Crate After you reach Level 10, each subsequent Level will reward 2 Victory Crates Victory Crates can be purchased from the Skull Store for 7,500 Skulls each Completing the Tutorial Challenges will reward 2 Victory Crates All Victory Crates come…
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Spring is in the air and there's a brand new Chocolate Rabbit Mask waiting to hop into your inventory! From now until 10AM PDT on Monday, April 2, log in to H1Z1 and play 5 matches of Battle Royale (Solos, Duos, or Fives) to complete the Show Me The Bunny Event Challenge this holiday weekend. Are you dressed in your Sunday best? Share your latest outfit using the Chocolate Rabbit Mask with us on Twitter, Reddit, or Instagram[www.instagram.com]!View the full article
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update: March 22
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Live servers will be coming down at 8PM PT tonight (approximately 8 hours from now) for an update which is estimated to take 4 hours. Test servers will be unlocked for play at that time, and patch notes will be added into this thread once the downtime starts. View the full article
[H1Z1 Updates] 3/20 Hotfix - Cursor Issue
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Hi all - we've just pushed a hotfix to Live that only contains one thing: a possible fix for the ongoing cursor issue. You should see a small download hit Steam momentarily (or you can grab it right away by verifying your files). If you're still seeing the cursor issue AFTER you've patched, please document exactly what you were doing before it occurred, along with your location and the region you're connecting to. You can then submit a ticket directly to us using this link[help.daybreakgames.com] and make the subject of your ticket "[reddit] Cursor Issue Steps" to help us further - we appreciate it! View the full article
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update: March 22
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Live servers will be coming down at 8PM PT tonight (approximately 8 hours from when this was posted) for an update which is estimated to take 4 hours. Test servers will be unlocked for play at that time, and patch notes will be added into this thread once the downtime starts. EDITED 5:38PM - Full Patch Notes Below! Today's patch brings a brand new weapon just to Auto Royale - the guided rocket launcher (LG-IR)! We're also introducing a new Auto Royale Duos mode. General Updates There was some logic behind the scenes that would allow players to get into games that were close to starting which caused numerous issues including those players parachuting in before others…
[H1Z1 Updates] PC Game Update: July 13
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
All PC Live servers will be coming offline at 8AM PDT on Friday, July 13 for a 2-hour maintenance to bring you the below updates: Match-based ping restrictions are now applied to Solos, Duos, and Fives on the remastered Z1 "Outbreak" map. Fixed an issue where teammate's health occasionally is incorrectly shown as full despite having taken damage. Fixed two Tutorial Challenges that could not be completed. Fixed two issues that were causing rare crashes. H1Z1 Pro League Team Packs Looking for the perfect companion pieces to your original H1Z1 Pro League team collections? New H1Z1 Pro League team packs (with Helmets and Backpacks) are now available in the in-game "B…
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There was a quick update that went out yesterday which required no server down time. Change List -Swap Xmas loot bags back out to the normal loot bags -Turn on Heavy Metal for the weekend Arcade Mode.View the full article
[H1Z1 Updates] Test Server Schedule
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
In an effort to get more Solo matches kicked off (because that's where you'll experience the majority of the new features) we're going to be locking the Test Server and only opening it for certain hours in each region. We understand that this might be inconvenient for some players schedules but it should lead to a better experience for most. These times were determined by peak population data in each region. We'll be rotating what is open during these times but starting tomorrow, Monday February 19th, we will only have Solo games available. Keep an eye on this thread for updates on what modes will be unlocked and when. The Test Server will be open during the following t…
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update - October 26
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Patch Notes: You now have the option to Spectate your Killer. The system will try to find the next nearest player if it can’t find your Killer (he dies during the transition). There is a known issue if you die and you hit Spectate but there is no one nearby. Your UI can disappear leaving you stuck until the match ends or you close the client down. There is a little number on the HUD that denotes how many spectators you have at the time. Don’t mess up! Updated the Graphics engine for better performance and stability. Swagnum Opus Arcade Event – kill 5 players with the Swagnum to complete the Event Challenge Fixed several issues with loot distribution when…
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Most of what is covered in the blog below was also visually explained on a recent Community Outbreak: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/222719994 What’s up everyone! We wanted to take a few moments to talk about an important topic amongst the players, streamers, and pros alike: ENAS. For those who may not know, ENAS (also known as the Eastern North American Strafe) is a method of movement that involves moving your mouse back and forth rapidly while running forward and strafing to make yourself extremely difficult to be shot by other players. We can give credit to the naming to CDNThe3rd and the technique has become so popular you can even find it in the Urban Dictionary[www.u…
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Hey everyone, We've just published a new build to the NA/EU/Asia Test servers. Below is list of details about the changes that have been included. Please post any feedback about the changes, or bugs encountered, to this thread. The team will keeping a close eye. Only Solo mode and Combat Zone will be available. We plan to unlock team modes Monday (January 29th). Thanks again for your help! Movement Changes We have done several changes and adjustments to both movement values and how the movement system works to improve gameplay and nerf ENAS. The details are provided below. Added functionality that slows player movement on rapid mouse input to combat ENAS. *We are ke…
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We're going to bring what's on the Test Server over to Live on February 5th. Servers will come offline starting at 7am PT and will remain down for approximately 6 hours. Full patch notes will be made available at that time. View the full article
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We have unlocked the test server in all regions. Solos are now open for play. Hop in and test out the shotgun, m9, magnum, and sniper rifle. View the full article
[H1Z1 Updates] Welcome To Season One!
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Starting with Preseason One, we set out to make H1Z1 as competitive and rewarding as possible. We added Team Scoring for Duos and Fives to continue that trend. With each Preseason we shook up the point values and Tier distribution numbers and made future decisions based on previous Preseason data. We gave out rewards for end of season placement and players were fully sporting their accomplishments in-game. Now that we're leaving Early Access, it's time to put Preseasons behind us and get started on the culmination of all that work: Season One! Season One comes with a new way of evaluating overall player performance. During the Preseasons, Royalty was solely achieved by …
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update: April 12
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
This patch focuses primarily on optimization for micro stutters, bug fixes, and more. Micro Stutters Performance and micro stutters have been our top priority for many months. Recently, we have been focusing the internal structures that were optimized pre-Windows 10 Creators Update. These should reduce many of the micro stutter symptoms that have been idenitifed by our internal QA teams as well as the community. A huge thank you to everyone who has sent videos and information - these have been immensely helpful as we have been able to reproduce and address specific issues and find opportunities to optimize the game code. Here are the specific changes in this update: Op…
[H1Z1 Updates] Game Update: March 15
by KZG Bot- 0 replies
Live servers will be coming down at 8PM PT tonight for an update that includes Shotties & Snipers for the weekend, the retirement of some classic Skull Store items, the animated update to the 2018 Showdown Participant AR, and some additional fixes. The downtime should be approximately 3 hours - full patch notes below! Retired the below items from the Skull Store Brightened non-drivable vehicles and several warehouses in The Arena in order to help with visibility and target acquisition. Players are no longer able to switch seats in Auto Royale until all teammates have loaded in. This prevents a few bugs that occurred as a result of this behavior. Royalty icons are …