832 topics in this forum
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Steam Account Name: Jerry Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:1543368 Age: 16 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am from New Zealand enjoy counter strike and I like to play sport and I hate all fortnite players! Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I bring activeness as combat surf is missing this. I enjoy the game mode and I also enjoy the servers would like to help a dying game mode. I also believe that toxicity is more than the game mode itself on the server at the moment and I would like to be apart of the change to bring combat surf back to the non-toxic way it was at this time last year. Where new players won't be bullied or got hearing loss after playing for m…
[COMBAT SURF] harbinger's Administrator Application
by harbinger- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: harbinger Steam ID: [U:1:921070831] Age: 15 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: Im cheerful and always willing to help where and when needed Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming happy and cheerful towards community and always helping people when needed Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I want to help the community in as many ways as possible and make KZG servers friendly and welcoming for all users Play-Time on Server Group: 40 hrs Times Usually Played on Server Group: usually 3 hrs a day Vouching Staff on Server Group: Vouching Players: Marq Have Read Server Group Rules: Yes Have Met Serve…
- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: vegito__ Steam ID: meme6969 Age: 15 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: Hey, I have been playing this server for quite a while, used to play invex a lot. I have a passion for counter strike, but enjoy combat surf much more. Especially on KZG, where most people are friendly. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I am quite skilled as i have been playing surf, bhopping and combat surf for years now. I can promise a fair admin to your staff as someone who knows most of the active players on this server. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I will usually be active, fairly use administrators roles to mute anyone who could …
[COMBAT SURF] Hereticc's Moderator Application
by Hereticc- 7 replies
Steam Account Name: Hereticc Steam ID: Age: 18 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I have around 5k hours on csgo through all my accounts and am very friendly to people and play by the rules. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming consistent on the server. known on server and respected by people. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I have been playing KZG combat surf for about 300 hours and am very active on this server. Play-Time on Server Group: 3d 22:41:26 hours Times Usually Played on Server Group: I play every day around 3:30 pm till 6:00 pm Vouching Staff on Server Group: htt…
[COMBAT SURF] ₦Ї₦ℑ₳ SKINHUB.COM's Administrator Application
by ₦Ї₦ℑ₳ SKINHUB.COM- 22 replies
Steam Account Name: ₦Ї₦ℑ₳ SKINHUB.COM Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:456364997 Age: 15 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: My bad i accidently submitted another application but i wasnt signed in so now i signed in and doing another application... A normal teenager that plays games, listens too a lot of music and watches anime most of his time that has been explained as a "fun and playful person with a lot of free time on there hands." If I am confused or can't do something I will speak to people that have been an admin/staff longer than me to try and solve any problem I have correctly. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming As Katana stated "₦Ї₦ℑ₳ is the best combat …
[COMBAT SURF] Percy's Administrator Application
by Trozzikz- 14 replies
Steam Account Name: Percy Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:165498131 Age: 16 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: Im one British lad that moved to Australia that loves to play games and talk to friends i love to interact with alot of people that i feel safe around, i love hanging out with friends and i love school and im just a nice kind hearted young man. aka u can call me Cameron Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I can bring alot of qualities to kzg that i could bring last time when i was admin i can make a change this time i can bring less toxic player to the server and alot more friendly conversations amongst alot of people including other admins. Why I D…
- 10 replies
Steam Account Name: Tiki Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87584318 Age: 14 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am smart and calm. My old name was Charmander. (If you Remember that) Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming -There being a staff member on -Being calm -Having experience of being a moderator on a server -I know the rules well Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I have been on KZG Combat surf for a long time maybe like 4 years or something. During this time I have met people like Trumpery Pear, Pipulp and etc. It's been fun and even though the server is dying a little bit. I would still love to be mod. Play-Time on Server Group:…
[COMBAT SURF] ApocalypticPancake08's Administrator Application 1 2
by ApocalypticPancake- 35 replies
Steam Account Name: ApocalypticPancake08 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:435024074 Age: 14 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I'm just an Aussie kid who lives in sydney i love listening to music, reading about history and playing CS:GO even though i am extremely shit at it. I try to make friends with people and be friendly although sometimes i dont really get the message through. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I try to be friendly even though that mightn't end up being the case i am relatively known in the community and uhh tbh some of those people may not know me for good reasons. I am gooding at stopping and assessing arguments and also making quick decisio…
[COMBAT SURF] Fat Eshay's Moderator Application
by FatEshay- 7 replies
Steam Account Name: Fat Eshay Steam ID: Age: 15 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I can be annoying ill admit, im a kind person and strive to obey the current rules. I Have previously been a admin on, Matrix surf servers so i have a little bit of experience Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I will try to apply a non-toxic culture to the kzg combat surf servers. As i applied i am a nice and kind person if you treat me with respect. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I deserve to be in killzone as i have been playing this server for a while i am estimating around 6 months +. I know all the r…
[Combat Surf] ?? Łukso♟♞'s Moderator Application
by [GG] ℓυкѕσ я | ѕ ♥- 5 replies
Steam Account Name: ?? Łukso♟♞ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:163003638 Age: 14 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: A nice person, who is willing to help others in any circumstance and loves playing games. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming Friendly experiences, Kindness, Helpfulness and Excitement. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I believe i deserve staff because i have been in this community for over 2 years (On and off), i know most of the kzg combat surf community, i have experiences on gmod and csgo on staffing, i can help new players with anything needed that is common for example: "How do i get a knife and change my weapon skin", i would…
- 17 replies
Steam Account Name: Josh Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:97878909 Age: 17 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am a 16 old who has been combat surfing since 2015, I have enjoyed playing on kzg for a year now, originally playing on minigames and have moved over to combat surf in the last couple months. I enjoy play sports such as volleyball and hockey and look forward to playing this server in the future. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I am a patient and approachable person, who is able to have a conversation with nearly everyone on the server. I can approach difficult situations calmly before necessary action is taken. I have previously assisted the server b…
- 6 replies
Steam Account Name: Gappy Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:41620825 Age: 20 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I like to take care about servers and i have alot of experience and also i tryhard all the time everything what i want to reach. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I invite all my friends and i want to make server clear without abusing like some admins and moderators do all the time. I want take care about the server 24/7. I'll show you alot of experience i do and i'm ready to help everybody in the server ofc if i can. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I already say that i have alot of experience with beaing stuff and everything…
[COMBAT SURF] SKITTLES's Moderator Application
by SKITTLES- 2 replies
Steam Account Name: SKITTLES Steam ID: https:/ Age: 23 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: i'm 23 nice caring and very helpful Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming more people on the server and less people being toxic Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: i would like to try make the community less toxic and make it fair for everyone but i'll be strict on the rules when needed Play-Time on Server Group: 37 hours Times Usually Played on Server Group: most of the mornings or afternoons unless there's mic spamers Vouching Staff on Server Group: Vouching Players: n/a …
[COMBAT SURF] ✪ iiLuminate HT's Moderator Application
by ✪ iiLuminate HT- 11 replies
Steam Account Name: ✪ iiLuminate HT Steam ID: 76561198291880015 Age: 14 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I'm silly when there's no need to be strict, but I am strict when needed. I'm not very organised but I'm a people-person and I'm active most of the times. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming The qualities I shall bring to Killzone Gaming are: enthusiasm, dedication, self-motivation, leadership, teamwork and communication. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I deserve to be mod because I will not abuse my power, and I will work very hard on this server. I would be fair to everyone and lead by example. I am a …
- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: mav Steam ID: Unique ID: STEAM_0:1:67616177 Age: 20 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: Long time veteran to combat surf, started back on css 24/7 griver. got my admin experience from saltvex, recently came back from a 3 year vacation from csgo just getting warmed up. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming High quality administration, Reliable judgement, Staff Training, Fluent with procedures, Leader. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzone Gaming: I have an extensive knowledge on server administration and value being part of a team. I understand the importance of representing…
[COMBAT SURF] Griffalif's Administrator Application
by Griffalifxd- 9 replies
Steam Account Name: Griffalif Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:246331835 Age: 17 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am going to be the only admin who is an eshay braaaaaaaaaa Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming i bring only the best bong rips to kzg Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: i rip billys every day Play-Time on Server Group: 00:08:18h Times Usually Played on Server Group: when ever its active lol Vouching Staff on Server Group: Lukso, Clifford, potato, spinner, braided Vouching Players: Nero, Elite, Lukso, Sexy Smexy, Drip, Katana, Have Read Server Group Rules: Yes Have Met Server Group and Application Requiremen…
[AWP] MutatedURMum's Administrator Application 1 2
by MutatedURMum- 35 replies
Steam Account Name: MutatedURMum Steam ID: 76561198436583520 Age: 17 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: Im a very active person i participate in sports eg; cricket football and have enjoyed playing csgo for over 967 hours I like to play with people and have fun. I always like to communicate with other people I Love to make people smile I have put many hours into KZG in awp server Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I comminicate with other people and the people of this server are very kind hearted and no one toxic here i would love to bring excitement and stupidly funny conversations to each map i wont be perfect but with time i can understand sit…
- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: GriZ Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:160336955 Age: 17 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am a 17 Year old Male, I like to have a joke but I can be serious and mature when needed, I bring the skills required to make KZG a better server for everyone to play. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I bring many Qualities to KZG. Being able to have a joke being one, meaning I will bring the server to a tighter community as a whole. I have many other qualities too such as being able to be serious if someone is being abused in a racist way, or if they are being personally attacked. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I would be active a…
[SKILL] Billie Eilish's Administrator Application
by Billie Eilish- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: Billie Eilish Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:84327572 Age: 17 Sex: Gender Neutral Desciption of Myself: Very funny and good to have a laugh with. Always welcoming to everyone that speaks no matter the gender, race or other. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming Equality! Fun vibes as skill surf is not all about sweating out the best time but rather having a fun time with the community. I am not offended easily if ever so it is very easy to have a joke with me without me getting all upset and crying about it. I have also had past moderation experience in real life. I am loyal unlike a certain previous staff member who shall not be named. Being…
[SKILL] Alpha's Moderator Application
by alphabravo6- 4 replies
Steam Account Name: Alpha Steam ID: ab676 Age: 16 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I'm just a beginner surfer who's been surfing for a while although still trash. I'm also a pilot IRL ;) Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I hate people not following rules so I will proudly enforce them. Hard-working. Dedicated. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I'm a cool guy who fits in well and can make many people laugh. I won't betray the KZG team too. Play-Time on Server Group: Couldnt find? Times Usually Played on Server Group: 5pm-7pm on weekdays. 8/9am-11pm saturday Vouching Staff on Server Group: …
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Steam Account Name: tgr Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:243929781 Age: 15 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: my name is noah, im 15 and live in melbourne. I have been playing on the kzg servers for over a year now. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming i can work well with others, active and experienced mod, always available to help out Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I have had experience being a mod for a fortnite scrim server with over 40k members. I am very active and will be on whenever needed Play-Time on Server Group: 30 hours Times Usually Played on Server Group: monday to friday 5-10 weekends whenever Vouching Staff on Se…
[AWP SG] ✯ DesmonD's Administrator Application
by ✯ DesmonD- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: ✯ DesmonD Steam ID: Age: 18 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I'm from Malaysia. I'm studies at UTAR. Gaming is a part of my life but I won't play too much in a day. I play CS:Go since 2016 or 2017 and this is my fav game. My English not that good but I still can chat with player in the sever. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming Friendly. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: Make sever become better and bring fun to them. Also, I would like to improve sever become better and better. Play-Time on Server Group: 3 days 18:37:27 hours Times Usually Played o…
- 13 replies
Steam Account Name: Aqua Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:240009206 Age: 15 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: Hey everyone. My Steam name is Aqua and I was previously a Moderator for KillZone Gaming Aim servers, I was demoted due to making my own Discord server very similar to the KZG one. I want to apologies to SkyPrah and all the other admins for my mistake. KZG feels like my home soil so that's why I want to give it another shot on applying for the Servers. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I have always been a trusted and consistence Staff. I also have tons of experiences when it comes to problems whether in-game or outside game play. Before I got to know KZ…
[AIM] негр's Administrator Application
by Terminal ^v^- 7 replies
Steam Account Name: негр Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:27910531 Age: 16 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: Out going guy, always approachable, give my honest opinion and fully send it on Saturdays and Sundays :) Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming Good admin skills. Been admin for District Nine Host 10 mans, retakes and popcorn 10 mans. Good at handling situations brought up by players and staff. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I think i deserve admin as i have the experience through other servers. Very approachable and nice Play-Time on Server Group: 9 days in total with all previous aliases added Times Usually Played on Server Group:…
[AIM] TreMMA™'s Moderator Application
by TreMMA TV- 9 replies
Steam Account Name: TreMMA™ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:149258672 Age: 16 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: Actually applying for KZG Casual Competitive but couldn't find the option. I've played cs for almost 5 years and i'm still horrible at it, but these servers make me feel better about sucking. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming Leadership, fun and reliability Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: Constantly online and keen to have a chat with anyone I meet Play-Time on Server Group: website says 0 hours Times Usually Played on Server Group: Most weekday afternoons and almost every weekend Vouching Staff on Serve…