Casual Competitive
Discuss the Casual Competitive server here!
63 topics in this forum
How to record Demo's for evidence
by -[pkN24!7]-- 8 replies
In the future if you do happen to stumble across a hacker you can record them using this sequence. PLEASE NOTE THAT NO QUOTATION MARKS OR BRACKETS SHOULD BE USED IN CONSOLE Open console type "record (their name)" Once you have sufficient evidence. Open console again and type "stop record" From here you can do one of two things first being submit demo to us, through file sharing sites such as dropbox, onedrive uploadfiles ect You can locate the demo in your csgo files somewhere like this location but in the selected drive that you have the game installed on (F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo) The…
Complete the Map List pt 2
by caramel- 0 replies
de_vertigo should be added since its the final competitive map that is missing from the Casual Competitive server.
What happened?
by _-Zen1th-_- 1 follower
- 3 replies
What happened to the casual comp server? I remember making lots of friends and having a really good time there, it was my go to place when i wasent feeling mm or faceit, so id like to know if it has been fully shut down or will be back up after a few updates or something. Thanks.
New lvl system broken
by Reginald-- 1 reply
Anyway my points can be reset back to what they were at mg2 1160 and 7th place in new level system, i got on today and ive been reset back to 0 points and silver 1, steam id Reginald-
Bring back radio commands
by ZimkZ123-iwnL- 2 replies
I think they should bring back radio commands so people with out mics can say things quicker but have a 30 or 50 sec delay before u can do another one thx for reading.
- 6 replies
Hello, is it possible to get rid of seeing enemy radar dots in the casual comp servers through smokes (not talking about smokes that are fading, but smokes that are supposed to be up for 15seconds)? This completely ruins any type of ninja plays and makes it impossible to stop a huge rush with minimal people on site etc. Cheers
- 4 replies
Oreos here - rank 1 on KZGs casual competitive. I'm here to request the removal of some of the maps from the map pool - in particular Nuke, Overpass and Train. Why? Because without the ability to veto maps like we used to have (RTV broken for months), the population of the server has declined dramatically. This is quite obvious if you have been there to play. These maps are not played often by the more newer csgo players and so they will leave since we have no option to play them. And more experienced players will also leave because playing on an empty server is quite boring. Other higher ranked players will also agree with me like Bear (rank 2 kzg). Please cons…
by paradiso- 3 replies
Bring back the store and the VIP shit, I miss swinging a purple dildo around :9
Replace cs_assault with de_cbble
by paradiso- 15 replies
Seriously, barely anyone plays assault and it gets rtv'ed very quickly. Even if cobble isn't in the rotation it'd be better to play than assault. I vote to bring back cobble to replace assault! (or just add it back in) EDIT: typo
maps you miss (de_aztec)
by BuLLee- 6 replies
If you are a 1.5 and 1.6 cs player you would appreciate this map. de_aztec is the perfect large map for a full server, so many peek spots and perfect for long range aim. i am angry at how the cs community over the years over played the shittiest map de_mirage for its small size over de_aztec a larger map I also miss fy_pool and fy_iceworld .. quick maps that require intense close range skills. Should we bring de_aztec more to the table and in the cycle?
- 2 replies
It's obvious you can't name your gun anything racist but what about other names?
Ranking System
by The Aether- 5 replies
Hey guys, Happy Easter. I'm pretty new to the forums but i've been playing on KZG servers for a fair while now. I just wanted to bring up that the ranking system seems unfair to me. I'm ranked around 80th and i expect it to be harder to rank up than it was at first, but it seems impossible. Multiple times i have killed 5 or more people in a round and then died, and i lose about 10 points. It seems like it punishes you for getting a 5k. I know that if i die to a low ranked player then i lose more points than usual, but what's to say that the low ranked people aren't better than me, but just don't play very often. I'm not hating against the server or an…
Rant about server rates
by hashira- 8 replies
Big Fat Rant My game keeps spiking and choking so I want to rant hardcore about this shit .5 Mbps – rate 62500 1.0 Mbps – rate 125000 1.5 Mbps – rate 187500 1.57 Mbps – rate 196608 (New Default) 2.0 Mbps – rate 250000 2.5 Mbps – rate 312500 3.0 Mbps – rate 375000 3.5 Mbps – rate 437500 4.0 Mbps – rate 500000 4.5 Mbps – rate 562500 5.0 Mbps – rate 625000 5.5 Mbps – rate 687500 6.0 Mbps – rate 750000 6.2 Mbps – rate 786432 (New Max) MB/s = Megabytes per second, Mbps = Megabits per second, 1MB = 8Mbps Essentially the new locked server rate is 128000, which was meant for 12…
- 13 replies
Something needs to be done, these specific individuals make 90% of the servers playerbase angry and cause them to lash out at them in chat or at admins (Yes I am one of them), when they constantly save their weapons continuously and rarely attempt to retrieve/defuse the bomb, delaying the round that could just be ended in a matter of seconds, extending it out for 20-30 seconds longer etc. I can understand that saving is apart of competitive gameplay, but there has to be a line drawn between saving and delaying. I just had a heated discussion with pkN (who likes to jump down your throat when you to try explain your reasoning for complaining about these specific people ) h…
Team Collision
by MasterPhil- 5 replies
@Aim Head Administrator Could you please consider team collision on casual competitve so that we could have stacking in the game. eg. Cache 2 man stack to mid.
Shitty Rant 1 2
by angelo- 36 replies
In Casual Competitive some Players tend to not play by the rules, I've seen people say words they shouldn't and people who either play like idiots, Eg: Team flashing, make wrong calls, Annoy other people etc. Also people delaying the round, Eg: Hunter/Hehehe is a baiter, he baites every round he can and delays the round, he is around top 3 on positions but all he does is either get exit kills or leave so he won't die, people do not like him because he does that every time he is online playing, yes that might be his play style but he does it to a certain point where people will get angry and take that anger out in mic or chat. Also when staff members are offline or playing…
Built In skins
by MiloCS- 1 reply
Does anyone know why everytime i put gloves on, they dont show???
molotov kills team mates
by ZimkZ123-iwnL- 11 replies
molotovs should kill team mates it would make the server more interesting and fun.
[Suggestion] Add Maps
by JakeTheGod- 2 replies
I would like to see some of the CS 1.6 maps added to cas comp, like the old Mirage and Nuke and some others if you can.
Monthly Map Addition
by Winged_Raven- 10 replies
As we all know, the casual competitive server has either dust2, cache or inferno as the map ninety percent of the time. Would it be possible to add another map to the possible selections? This map could change monthly based on a community vote. It would obviously have to be limited to maps which have been available in game before such as de_season, de_zoo or even agency. Some variety could be nice every now and then.
by ZimkZ123-iwnL- 3 replies
yous should do a server that has ws but like where you can change your knife to anything like the admins can there is my idea thanks @Server Administrator
New Map's
by -[pkN24!7]-- 3 replies
So i was hoping we could maybe add some of the new maps to the cas comp list now that they are in official map list. Dont get me wrong i know alot wont be played but it would be nice to try and get them on once in a while.
Adding Canals to Casual Competitive
by at0mic- 2 replies
Hey There, I was wondering if we could add Canals to the map rotation in Casual Comp, It would be greatly appreciated, Thanks, at0mic
What is being done about abuse?
by Jazza123- 10 replies
Hey lads, just want to know what is the punishment of constantly abusing a good player for cheating? Sick and tired of it and so are a lot of other people. Everyone that matters has seen my demo's and knows how I play. But I am sick of the constant harassment by 1 or 2 individuals. Not going to name and shame because it's as childish as they are. Cheers Jazza
New Map List
by -[pkN24!7]-- 7 replies
So i know everyone has been asking for this for a while but i finally got around to talking to @skyprah about it and he has asked me to make a thread on what maps people would like to see in the rotation. Please list a few maps that you would like to see and hopefuly soon we can come up with a type of survey list. Im sure this shouldnt take too long to handle but i would like people to have a chance to have their say so the data will be collected on Sunday the 9th of April just so everyone has a chance to have their say. Then after that it will most likely be the start of every quarter of the year.