1,538 topics in this forum
Flying Boat Builder's Unban Appeal
by Bobbby- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: Flying Boat Builder Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:59193369 Server Group: SKILL Server: Easy Date / Time of Ban: 06-28-18 19:33 Admin that Punished You: Cj Reason for Ban: I made a joke about cj touching kids (that kid was captain Jack) Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: it was meant as a joke. Now That i can tell it wasnt taken as a joke by the bigg fella him self
idfk anymore's Unban Appeal
by idfk anymore- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: idfk anymore Steam ID: mangomel0n Server Group: Server: Casual Competitive Date / Time of Ban: 06-30-18 15:32 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: multihack? Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: ok so i already put up a request that was denied, saying that i had already been banned my other servers for using multihack. let me explain my situation. ok so i am on a macbook, which has a console called terminal. i had never previously joined invex and when i had gone to their jb server, i was instantly perma banned. im not sure if this is what happened with this server, with it being a console ban not a manual b…
5mile!'s Unban Appeal
by 5mile!- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: 5mile! Steam ID: jungle_jim12 Server Group: Server: Retake Date / Time of Ban: 07-30-18 11:42 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: duplicate account Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: i dont own a duplicate account?
[OTHER] Kw.'s Unban Appeal
by Kai...- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: Kw. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:466676194 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_0:1:455857542 Server Group: All Servers Server: All Servers Reason for Ban: Multihack Admin that Punished You: wolfleader Reason for Ban: Multihack Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I believe that i should be unbanned because its has been 2 years since i last hacked on any game and the kzg servers were always my favorite server to play on even before i got before i hacked. I will be a supportive and legitimate player moving forward as i have been since the very day i was banned. I realize that what i have done is wrong and i have changed. i have become a re…
divide's Unban Appeal
by divide- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: divide Steam ID: STEAM_ Server Group: Server: Date / Time of Ban: 12-19-17 18:21 Admin that Punished You: Console Reason for Ban: bhop scripts Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I didn't realise I still had scripts on and thus, got banned. I enjoy KZG servers so I would love to get un-banned. Regards.
RESPECTFULLY Yassuo's Unban Appeal
by Fedora- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: RESPECTFULLY Yassuo Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:202752906 Server Group: AIM Server: ==AIM== Date / Time of Ban: 2-3 weeks ago? bad memory <3 Admin that Punished You: Auto Banned Reason for Ban: Banned for 60 mins for being a cuck and annoying the admins! so sorry bout that (60 mins). I got the extra 4 weeks because my brothers Jack & Tom connected on two different accounts (Acetylation and Tom). Each time they joined any server (including AWP server for some reason). FYI Banned across all servers inc AWP Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Yes i admit i was being an annoying minge but i expected a mute or small ban or wha…
Obscure's Unban Appeal
by woods- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: Obscure Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:76411470 Server Group: SKILL Server: Easy Date / Time of Ban: 8/8/18 Admin that Punished You: skyprah Reason for Ban: Obscure asked me to make this for him since, he can't use the forums for some reason. Fake binds about admins Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: obscure sent me this to post I'm truly sorry for making up binds about admins, i know you warned me once but i beg you please give me one more chance. I've recently looked back and realised the mistakes i've made and i do wish to correct them. I was only doing it for the banter but i realise i went to far and m…
//「✪ JaYDawG ✪」\'s Unban Appeal
by J-DawG- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: //「✪ JaYDawG ✪」\ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:210733807 Server Group: AIM Server: Retake Date / Time of Ban: (UNKOWN) Admin that Punished You: (UNKOWN) Reason for Ban: Legit Cheating, to See If players thought i was SUS got called out an banned on an alt account. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Honestly going to be Blunt Was legit cheating on an alt account trying to see if other players thought i was playing sus B4 going to play a comp an got called out, Tbh Havent cheated Since that day will 100% never cheat again boring an ownly a loser cheats! Was Cheating in a retake server Over a Year ago So unfortunately i couldnt find …
[] Kw.'s Unban Appeal
by Kai...- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: Kw. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:466676194 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_ Server Group: All KZG servers Server: All KZG servers Date / Time of Ban: 12/12/18 Admin that Punished You: wolfleader Reason for Ban: multi-hack Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: i believe that i should be unbanned because its has been 2 years since i last hacked on any game and the kzg servers were always my favorite server to play on even before i got before i hacked. I will be a supportive and legitimate player moving forward as i have been since the very day i was banned. I realize that what i have done is wrong and i have changed. i have become a re…
Daddy Bags's Unban Appeal
by Daddy Begs- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: Daddy Bags Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:441647966 Server Group: Server: Date / Time of Ban: 09-07-18 23:00 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: For using a duplicate account - the account that first got banned was for bunny hopping Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I was messing around with cheats on my other account and ended up in one of your servers with my friend, after really enjoying it and as I'm about to get off I was banned. The next day on an account (I'd never dare cheat on) I hopped on your servers again and was insta-banned for having a dupe account. I really want to play legit on your server…
Dandy's Unban Appeal
by Dandy- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: Dandy Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:91835999 Server Group: COMBAT Server: Date / Time of Ban: 07/10 4:47PM Admin that Punished You: Skyprah Reason for Ban: I was having a conversation with a very toxic member, who constantly complains to everyone that i got him banned from another server (which i didn't) so i told him off for making up lies about his ban and i got punished for that? Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I got banned for a pretty silly reason?
MIL3Y's Unban Appeal
by MIL3Y- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: MIL3Y Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:160534759 Server Group: SCOUTZnKNIVEZ Server: Scoutzknivez Date / Time of Ban: 01-30-18 12:26 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: Cheating Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I'm sorry for cheating in one of the best if not the best servers in Au, I think i should be unbanned because at the time i was banned i was really bad at the game than came across a cheater who obviously cheated than he got me hooked, I mainly cheated on your servers because i didnt know what i was doing nor was i really good at the game. But i hope we can let this go by as ive learnt my lesson its been al…
lowpriority's Unban Appeal
by lowpriority- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: lowpriority Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35341213 Server Group: AIM Server: Retake Date / Time of Ban: 01-10-17 22:36 Admin that Punished You: skyprah Reason for Ban: Multi-hack in 2017 October Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: not sure where this came from since i'm 100% i've never cheated so was wondering if you guys could help me get unbanned also not sure whether i've even played kzg before.
Re / Supreme's Unban Appeal
by qd.- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: Re / Supreme Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:197999119 Server Group: Server: Date / Time of Ban: 06-16-18 18:19 Admin that Punished You: skyprah Reason for Ban: abusing powers Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I am not supreme, I am making this for him as he cannot post. These are his words; "I am very sorry for abusing powers and I have taken a break from playing cs, I don't see why I shouldn't be unbanned (seeing I don't have any perms). It seems like there aren't really any other good communities apart from kzg and I would love to come back to the community, staff or not"
Cludes/Pr0x's Unban Appeal
by Cludes- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: Cludes/Pr0x Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:7705186 Server Group: AIM Server: FFA DM Date / Time of Ban: Not sure, years ago Admin that Punished You: Not sure it was years ago Reason for Ban: Cheating apparently. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I just want to be able to DM, i didnt cheat but i wont cheat on the servers
-Capii's Unban Appeal
by Capii- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: -Capii Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:449102492 Server Group: AIM Server: 1v1 Arenas Date / Time of Ban: 12-08-18 19:19 Admin that Punished You: Console Reason for Ban: Bunny Hop Scripts Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I honestly didn't know that a bunny hop script would be such a harsh punishment but i now know that and I am requesting an unban from the KZG servers so i can play the 1v1 server, the AWP server and the Combat Surf server. I will never script again, Cheers - Capii
slow aim | Munckey's Unban Appeal
by Munckey- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: slow aim | Munckey Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:457255337 Server Group: AWP Server: Other Date / Time of Ban: 12-09-18 15:50 Admin that Punished You: skyprah Reason for Ban: aimbot Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Link above, shows I didn't engage in any combat (0% accuracy) and 1 death. Not sure how this provides evidence that I was aimbotting? Was on the server for less than a minute (evidence in the link) and I'm randomly banned. Not sure if Shep has anything to do with this (was online at the time) because there's been a bunch of rumo…
Koupah's Unban Appeal
by Koupah- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: Koupah Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:113661047 Server Group: COMBAT Server: Casual Competitive Date / Time of Ban: 09-26-18 17:19 Admin that Punished You: gimmieyofries Reason for Ban: Multi-Hack Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I would like to start off by apologising, not only to the staff but to the community. I cheated on KZG when I first acquired CS:GO because I wasn't good at the game. I had a temporary ban on the AWP Server but then chose to cheat later on the Casual Competitive server. I really do regret this as now I have been unable to warm up for legitimate play with my friends (they play KZG). I would like to as…
dickem's Unban Appeal
by dickem- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: dickem Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:120656321 Server Group: COMBAT Server: Other Date / Time of Ban: 11-18-17 21:37 (Copied from sourcebans) Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: Advertising (When KZG had a bhop competition and a few of us AUSGO/AUSBHOP players joined to be cunts). Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Just want to game whenever I jump on CSGO. I was playing on my alt account (qt eagle,) but I didn't know I was also banned on the casual comp on my dickem account. The reason I've been playing on my alt account rather than my Dickem account is that I've just been messing around with a couple of mates that …
Aero's Unban Appeal
by TG Aero- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: Aero Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:440412401 Server Group: JUMP Server: BHop Date / Time of Ban: 18/12/2018 7:18pm Admin that Punished You: soahk Reason for Ban: Inappropriate language Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I should be unbanned because i didnt say anything to him on the server its self i private messaged him on discord saying "nigger" because he said next person to says it on this server will be banned. And i then messaged him on discord saying it. Heres the proof of saying it to him on discord and then banning me 2 mins later on the server.
- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: trap Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:171202362 Server Group: MINIGAMES Server: Minigames Date / Time of Ban: 08-26-17 17:37 Admin that Punished You: "Admin deleted." Reason for Ban: being rude to an admin / shit talking Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: because i wasn't thinking about the consequences, and i am ready to come back to kzg servers as a friendly user. (i can not link forum account to steam, it says - "Your Steam Integration account is already associated with another member." when i don't remember making another forum account.)
Nicholxs's Unban Appeal
by Nicholxs- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: Nicholxs Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:216552267 Server Group: COMBAT Server: 1v1 Arenas Date / Time of Ban: 5/12/2018 - 6:36pm Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I want to be unbanned as I love playing csgo online servers, and I feel like such a dumb idiot. I want to get better versing the better parts of the community on the KZG servers, and I feel very stupid for using bhop scripts. The only reason why I got them is because I wanted to fit in with the community who are very good at bhopping and now it just made me look worse. It will …
Nicholxs's Unban Appeal
by Nicholxs- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: Nicholxs Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:216552267 Server Group: COMBAT Server: ==AIM== Date / Time of Ban: 5/12/2018 - 6:36pm Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: SMAC AutoTrigger Detection: BunnyHop Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I am truly sorry for cheating on your server. I admit, I was using dark aim, a "legit" hack client. I was just so annoyed that everyone was soo much better than me destroying me and I felt like I could never get better, so I bought a hack client. I now realise how stupid and foolish that was, and how I wasted money on it. I really just want to come back and play the serv…
Stephanie Dola's Unban Appeal
by Stephanie Dola- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: Stephanie Dola Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:165413306 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_I don't remember Server Group: AIM Server: 1v1 Arenas Date / Time of Ban: a week or so ago?? Admin that Punished You: auto banned Reason for Ban: Autostrafing on a smurf account Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Because an ip ban is a bit unfair seeing as I can't join 1v1 servers on my main as I do not use hacks on my main account
NOS's Unban Appeal
by NOS- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: NOS Steam ID: STEAM_ nos1qsadfsfd Alternate Accounts: STEAM_i have no other acc related Server Group: COMBAT Server: Casual Competitive Date / Time of Ban: november 20 2018 Admin that Punished You: dont know the admin that ban me Reason for Ban: I had cheats and I was on the community because I nothing to do so I join KZG and was play on the sever and I got banned . Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I want to get Unbanned from KZG because I want to play with my mates (NOY , Snypa and sen[Z]) can u please Unban me Tito