189 topics in this forum
Ability to spectate
by smokey- 2 followers
- 4 replies
Tonight me and a couple of others ran into a cheater around 11pm. Because it was so late, there were no admins online to do anything about it so we all lost a good amount of points. Giving players the ability to spectate would be extremely useful, especially for those late week nights where people turn their cheats on to farm up as much points as possible. Tonight I had to try gather as much evidence as possible by climbing up into Arena 1 every time and baiting out suspicious shots (which is extremely hard when they try and hide their cheats). Please take this into heavy consideration, because enabling spectate will allow players like me to be able to reco…
hitreg sucks i hit good shots and even tho i just to get you guys to admit it sucks and you need to fix it
by Zurls303- 1 follower
- 4 replies
fix the hitreg for the sake of csurf i cant play its bullcrap i hit a shot it wont hit me and every1 think that too its not just me so whoever can fix it pls fix it its annoying its bugging i cant hit shots i hit good shots minium dont say its good bc thats wrong see ng and dxn had good hitreg do that get there hitreg make it like theres dont just leave it pple wont play on it as much even tho theres like aton of poeple on there it goes down by night if you had good hitreg then i wouldint have complained but this is a reason i am bc me i like playing i like hitting shots but however you guys decided nah the hitreg is fine but its not its really …
Mobile accessible
by Bxamzyy- 1 follower
- 2 replies
With sourcebans, make it more mobile friendly. As I was trying to get a link for a fellow community member but the website was too compressed and made it hard to navigate Possibly make an app for everything forum/website related?
pls just hand over skill surf
by haydenn- 5 replies
kzgs skill surf is the only big surf server run by a person that doesnt surf. I can think of two servers on csgo that compete with kzg in size, but the server is ignored. please just hand it over to someone that actually will run the server and that doesnt struggle on t4s. it is literally the only au server with people playing on but it is complete garbage.
discord new channel in discord for bots
by Bque23- 1 follower
- 3 replies
we used to have @ for the bots on discord. So we can see what on the server like maps, player and how much time left on a map. like this images but i don't see it in discord now ? . can we have it back plz.
2v2 wingman style server?
by Gypsy- 2 replies
WINGMAN STYLE 2V2 ARENA This is just an idea so please don't roast me too hard Server consisting of 2v2 duels (Wingman style) ➤ Small maps ➤ Party up system (if possible) but if not all players get randomly selected for teams ➤ If uneven numbers, e.g. 2v1, 2 players are auto picked to play a 1v1 match while the odd player sits out for the round or all 3 players sit out for a round ➤ Bombsites for potential bomb plants for situational practice. ➤ Bomb plants give extra points ➤ Defuse give extra points Obviously it can be tweaked/improved. -Gypsy
Deagle only server
by ₣Ł€ŦĆĦ_19- 4 replies
Although it was a while ago, I talked with an admin about a new server, and he/she said that if I got 50 signatures for people who would play, they would make it happen. I lost the doc I had with about 40, and gave up. After hearing peoples interest and enthuisiasm on them wanting to play a server like that, I decided i'd come here and propose it. I understand you may not have the equipment/time/staff for something like this, but if you do, I am willing to do a signature count sort of thing. Ty in advance.
Server names consistency
by Astellis- 2 replies
I have said before in dms but I am going to make an official post now, the names of the servers are not consistent and therefore annoying too look for in some cases. here is my favourites sorted by title to show an example
Auto select only
by PredatoR- 5 replies
Can we add an autoselect on option on CSGO servers for whatever team to play so you can't choose T or CT you can only do autoselect. because im sick of these rank whores just joining ct all the time. and then when half time comes and they have to play T they quit and then the same process happens why cant they play Terrorist everyone else has too or they sit in spectator waiting for an opening on ct
by sown- 4 replies
Hey, just asking if or when demos will be added again. They help a ton with "unban" disputes and could also be used as a form of media production. I know they require alot of memory but they shouldn't last long (2-3 days maybe?). I don't know if they'd be required on all servers but definitely more staff intensive ones. Although we have chat logs, alot can be said on the mic and also "in action" eg: Jailbreak. It is also important to have demos in an under-staffed server, that way the average and honest player could have a liable source to track misdemeanors If demos do comeback i hope that they're advertised in server chat, as it would be benefitial for members to r…
New Map
by jdogie- 0 replies
for combat surf surf_bigloop_go_r3 (map may not have awps maybe u could add some)
Combat Surf Clan Tournaments
by jdogie- 0 replies
Once a month, every month, clans from all over KZG will fight for No 1. There will be tryouts, where 2 clans fight against each other and the one to fail will not be committing in the challenge. Than the elimination rounds, where clans will fight until semi-finals, where only 4 clans are left leading up to the grand finale. Winning clan and it's members will receive 1 month vip, Pos 2 clan will receive 1 week vip, Pos 3 clan will receive 10000 credits, Pos 4+ will receive 5000 credits. (rewards are subject to change from administrators) Thanks for listening.
/dm broken af
by Taqo- 8 replies
So my friend Raizu and I were bored af and we came up with /dm on pistol round, we were running around with literal ump's and mp9's on pistol round, its almost impossible to beat that and you can also get fucking HELMETS on pistol round. Please fix this instantly bc others caught on and last pistol round I had was fucking crazy. @skyprah, @panthA Skyprah I know we've had differences but please fix this as fast as possible. this is beyond broken and I tried messaging a few staff and they weren't responding so here I am. who thought of this command, the concept of the command is good. But it's flawed beyond belief. just fix or remove the command ty.
Retake executes
by Macgregor- 3 replies
Well, I am resigned but I just wanna say that recently I have been playing on the executes server and I have been really noticing players going for these hero flanks. I think that certain spots should be blocked off because these hero flanks never really happen during in-game play. Thanks @Macgregor
Remove shadows from prophunt
by Eatthedead7- 3 replies
So I notice a real big problem with shadows in prophunt as in the picture below So I hope there's a way to remove it , either via the console or a plugin
Should jailbreak Change Player Model Skins 1 2
by Bismuth- 49 replies
All The Shop player models, wings and etc should be removed so guards can't call kos off skins and so prisoner's can't hide gun's in their skin's and another point is to make jailbreak clean. Please Vote This player model should be for warden only!! Website For The Player Model's @Jailbreak Administrator @Jailbreak Trial Moderator @Founder @Donator @VIP @Senior Member @Registered @Member @Community Director
by tommyboi_cro- 4 replies
Can we have deagle + knives oneday pls? I love the warmup on some sk maps where u have a deagle. Pls consider senpai.
Anime Section / Unturned Gaming Topic
by Supreme ❤- 18 replies
i know alot of people been playing Unturned so why not Also Would be nice if we can get An Anime Section there are alot of Anime Fanatics on KZG and would propably popularize
Update the reactions <3
by Eatthedead7- 1 reply
So this is really simple, just update the backgrounds on the reactions or the text because it's hard to see, it would be small but look alot better, I'll try get an image for u I suggest white or green for the text <3
Dust_2_overcore barrels
by Dandy- 4 replies
Can we remove the barrels on dust_2_overcore (combat surf) - i made this suggestion many months ago, it was accepted yet nothing ended up happening about the situation. Especially want them removed for the surf 6v6 tournament They were originally removed however added back in for whatever reason Thanks
Bhop FOV
by Eatthedead7- 6 replies
theres been so many times where a platform is just out of my periferal vision :)
Chat Box / Post count [SERIOUS]
by SpaceJam2k- 14 replies
I reckon, Chat box messages should equal to 1 post count. This will reduce shit posters and will put a heavy stop to people that want a lot of that # in their post count. This was suggested by cheese & I
[TS] Staff ranks
by ✪ Wolvez- 3 replies
I one played on another server and I went on there TS and there was Teamspeak Admin so I thought thats a great idea and hopefully this could be imputed into this server.
[TTT] 1-hit knife
by Giraffe- 4 replies
Perhaps limit the number of times it can be bought to once per round as it is extremely OP and skill-less if it's any more than that.
Dust 2 Beta Casual Comp Server
by Duck..- 2 replies
Hey, I play Aim mostly around these parts but I'm here suggesting a new server, one that doesn't exist or isn't active. As I'm sure a lot of you know, Dust 2 was released on the Beta Build of CS:GO for testing. I've been wanting to test it with others but conflicting times make me not able to. So, why don't we get a beta server up dedicated to Dust 2 Beta Casual Comp? It's fun and also is good for testing. Thoughts?