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- [H1Z1 Updates] PC Maintenance: February 19, 2020
- By KZG Bot,
3 topics in this forum
Who's the better player? 1 2 3
by SpaceJam2k- 58 replies
Who's the better player? The guy that camps and plays with the gas the whole game and only gets 1 Kill which is at the end to win the game. or The guy that goes around killing a lot of people and then dies to the guy that camped and played with the gas at the end of game and places 2nd. ------------------------ What's your answer and ur reasoning behind it. I honestly think that the person that comes 2nd with (way more kills then the winner) is the better player because camping and playing with the gas requires no skill which is with the other guy that came second gets a lot of kills. ----------------------- This thread came across a di…
H1Z1 Ranks
by Ec1ipse- 16 replies
So we have being playing h1z1 and grinding a little of it ! Ec1ipse (Plat 3) Skyprah (Plat 4) Sirtron (Plat 5) Thrasher (Gold 1) Acid (Gold 3) Space (Silver 4) Alright post your stats below ! Unless you are better than Ec1ipse
H1Z1 2'S.
by Acid- 0 replies
JOIN OUR H1Z1 2'S GROUP NOW. We will be doing them most weekends. Read the group description. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/KZGH1