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Showing content with the highest reputation since 22/03/18 in all areas

  1. Goose

    [Fun Mod] Bismuth's Administrator Application

    +1 I have seen Bismuth on several different servers over the last year and he has definitely improved over that time. It doesn't matter how many words you have in your app, its how you act on the server that actually matters. I feel like nitpicking different points of his app just show how mature you guys are. Bismuth, your reactions to these posts have shown your maturity, and you guys who have actually responded to his app is showing your immaturity. Fun Server has 2 staff members, realistically requiring more experience and more staff members. Let the guy go on his trial period and then see how he goes, its literally what the trial period is for. Good luck dude, looks like you're gonna need it
    10 points
  2. Dubzz Fx

    skill surf

    Hello I am Dubzz Fx and I'm 15 years of age, I've been playing for while now I'm currently rank 4 on skill surf and here is a small list for now with some of the easiest bugs to fix that would make the server alot better and more enjoyable for the people, so lets get started cheated times/glitched times: most of the t1 maps have cheated time such as surf_summit, surf_reprise, surf_nyx, surf_mesa_fix these are not all the maps but their are time are just unbeatable because remove a skip or the start zone like surf_rebel_resistance, surf_egypt and surf_overgrowth2. speedcap/server down: Kzg has alot on maps on it that don't have the right speedcap on it such as surf_fornax should be uncapped instead being 3500 surf_interference should be uncapped, surf_reprise should be 4500 surf_flow should be uncapped again this isn't all of them but it is a start. Now with the servers it always to be the top 200 and expert surf are always down so for the people that want to learn t4 plus we can't at this time. teleport: On some maps that would teleport you do a different part of the map can sometimes make you face backwards witch would make the map unplayable, I don't the maps names but the map would mostly have no completes and I would find them if a admin contacts me. max velocity: For the largest problem that effects all maps that actually requires max velocity, there is a peculiar bug which allows your speed to actually reverse your velocity while you should be maintaining max velocity, for example as you come off a ramp at max velocity while gaining velocity in the y direction from gravity, entering a ramp will sit you at 3300 adn you can see it battle itselft to increase speed but ends up losing speed, this should obviously not occur. This is especially frustrating for maps such as utopia which has max velocity as a major component to the skilled bunch or choose to surf the map for a good time. 2500 speedcap: There is a bug occurring on multiple servers which caps a players speed at 2500, they are not able to exceed this speed throughout any part of the map. Players have tried restarting their game and it becomes a game of luck whether the player can re-join without the speed cap. If you did take the time out of your day to read this and you agree to what I have to say about the surf servers please tell people so we can spread the word to start making this a more enjoyable to play on Dubzz Fx
    9 points
  3. Snapz

    [Fun Mod] Bismuth's Administrator Application

    Seems to be a sudden change of mind from some people from what i see on this app ? I was surprised that Bismuth is only 15, i have found him mature for his age in the servers i have seen him in. I have found him more patient and mature than a multitude of the people that have come here and -1'ed him. I haven't seen him on the fun mod server as i don't play there but i have never had to mute/gag him and i'm sure he is capable of controlling this kinda stuff on the fun mod server. Idk why people are mentioning his age and now that he fixed his app, the number of words in his app. His age doesn't matter, i can tell you for a fact being 18 doesn't make you mature and his app currently has more words than my application ever did so i feel like he is getting hard done by with these responses. So taking into consideration "MY" experience with you and the fact that the server needs more admins, +1, also since you have had to remove some vouches, chuck he in there.
    9 points
  4. -K.

    [Fun Mod] Bismuth's Administrator Application

    I'm actually quite surprised that Bismuth is 15 years old, and I feel like people who commented about his age have not played with him at all. This "GUY" literally stated what's on my mind while reading this application. While being contained by rules, people generally choose to play community servers to have fun, while other people enforces these rules. Saying these points, Bismuth matches both of these description while seeing him play in a different server. -Bismuth has been helping people out regardless of their status on the server (beginners/regulars) , age, and nationality. -In my opinion, this application may be short BUT, if you people gave the chance to clearly read his answers, all of these answers are the only things needed for someone to know that he is devoted to the KZG servers and I DOUBT he would tarnish that by showing favoritism towards his friends, or abuse his powers. -His gametime on a server such as funmod is plenty enough for someone to get familiar with the rules, and based on what I'm seeing, funmod would need a helping hand by at least adding a moderator. It's a massive plus one from me +1 for reasons stated above ^ The fact that some people have actually -1 him for the sake of having a short application and his age disgusts me. I know i don't play FUN MOD server but from seeing him play in jailbreak (arguably one of the challenging servers in KZG to manage) he is MATURE for his age and he knows the KZG general rules by heart. -K.
    8 points
  5. Blobby

    [Fun Mod] Bismuth's Administrator Application

    +fuck*** rep, fun mod needs a big boy not the best thing to say on an app, but no need to attack him for it. Literally everyone fucks around with their mates. Doesn't mean he doesn't deserve admin/mod cause of this. The challenge for him would be to do this in a mature way and control his friends which is something he will need to prove on his trial period and I believe this won't be a challenge for Bismuth. nothing!!! I was surprised to read that you were only 15, I believed you were at least 17-20 by the way you conduct yourself on the servers. This is to say Bismuth is extremely mature for his age, he has never mic spammed nor harassed other players and plays along with jokes. When Bismuth joins JB he tries his best to enforce the rules he knows and learn the ones he's unclear with. Doing this on another server he isn't applying for demonstrates inherent staff qualities. I think most people are overlooking the purpose of the trial period: "I believe you would do this as admin..." There's no need to -rep or flame Bismuth for things you assume will happen. You may be right, you may not be, but these will surface during his trial period, so give the guy a chance. Bismuth is a prominent member of the KZG community hopping from server to server and always adding input on the forums. It is clear he wants to better the community. Good luck, I think you would be a good addition to the staff team :))
    8 points
  6. RealTwipel

    Bid Dik Twipel Resignation

    Hello It’s everyone’s favourite admin here (obviously). I’ll be resigning as I haven’t really had the motivation to play CS:GO anymore and the fact that I’ll be in between America and Australia for the next couple months. Hope you all have had a wonderful time and will continue to have a wonderful time. Goodluck future applicants and current. see you around
    7 points
  7. skyprah

    Dandy's Unban Appeal

    Sorry but you're incredibly toxic and promote drama and bullying. No place for you here or any of your friends who want to continue to act like idiots. You've had more than enough chances. Denied
    7 points
  8. toehunter

    I have a problem with My Name Is Tito

    The title reads true, I do indeed have a problem with @My Name is Tito I mean fuck if this cunt messages me one more time while I'm in my intense gaming session I'll fucking scramble the dog, I mean fuck and its never about something interesting and its definitely never close to anything intellectual, so why can't he just message someone else, e.g his best mate @Nyalon, his daddy @Krypt. or some random cunt in the server. He always messages me, and its hard because his sentences are incoherent, so when normality goes anywhere close to the guy it just tears an irreparable rift in time and space, you know the metaverse or some shit. This week the nutjob even cleaned his pc with baby wipes, his shit bricked the next day like the fuck are you smoking bro, pauly falzoni couldn't find a dumber malaka employee if he tried! Its getting long, just wanted to say Fuck you @My Name is Tito
    6 points
  9. Robert

    [Fun Mod] Bismuth's Administrator Application

    I've seen bismuth on JB, he's extremely mature for his age and I strongly believe he deserve a chance. +1 for mod
    6 points
  10. CL | trigga

    [JAILBREAK] blobby's Administrator Application

    although blobby is complete garbage at the game, has no skills, cant rebel for shit, cant aim for shit, no idea how to bhop and has never won a map game in his life, he has mastered the 'rules' of jailbreak, and wants to create a better community, +rep ~ best jb player au ~
    6 points
  11. skyprah

    Racism rule

    "There's a lot more going on than an individual person. There was a lot more going on in 1933 than Adolf Hitler. History is not made by individuals alone: it's a combination of larger forces" What about the millions of innocent people the American Government has killed in the Middle East over the last 15 years. Or the 20+ million it has killed since World War 2 ended. Shall we remove the Obama, Trump skins and any other american symbolism? The American Government of 2018 is not so different to the German Government of 1933. History is always written by the winners. Back to the topic of the original post. Racism is not allowed on the server. I don't see people walking through the shopping centres yelling out that particular word. I don't see news reporters using that work. Why because it's racial slang and we want to provide a environment where people can feel welcomed and accepted. How hard is it just not to say it and then you say it and you complain about getting muted. Just because you think its okay because you hear it all day due to you jumping on a band wagon. I know you love your mumble rap because every kid at school loves it, doesn't mean that you have to be disrespectful individuals and our server rules. We provide servers as a non profit community not forcing shitty pay to win perks, so just respect the rules. Easy.
    6 points
  12. drk

    [KZG] Competitive Night 2021

    Hello everyone, KZG is looking to host its first competitive night for the community in September, Event Info: Date: TBD (To be decided) Time: TBD (To be decided) SIGN UP FORM Server Info: Server will be 64 tick IP address and password will be released before the match Only 1 account will be allowed to play which is the account you have listed under the sign-up form, Anyone who isn't listed in the team playing is not allowed to join About: The comp night will run for approximately 3 hours, with 2 semi finals and 1 final game. There will be forum awards given to the winning team to commemorate the win, and another award given to match MVP's. There will be a random VIP prize for a random player for participation, and for match MVP for each game (3 in total). Users who are signing up for the event will have to agree to the rules below in-order to player, breaking any of the rules will result in a month ban and you will have less priority for future events as punishment. Any fake/trash entries will be deleted from the sign-up and when signing up make sure what you put down is correct or you may be disqualified and you will have less priority for future events. When the event is about to start we will have all participants in their respective discord channels (Will be created on the night of the event), and we will get the captain of each team to pick 2 maps out of the active map pool that they would like to play and ban 1 map each until it is decided which map will be played. We will start the game off with a knife fight to see which team gets to pick which side they would like to start off with. Each match will be approximately no more then a hour, so make sure you will be able to stay for 3 hours. The event servers will be hosted in Australia. Rules: If you are participating in the event you are to follow these rules: Any names in-game/discord are to be set to your forums name. Any inappropriate names are not allowed and may result in you not participating Any abuse in any form is not tolerated during the event towards any player Impersonating any player is not allowed and will result in less priority for future events Leaking event server information is not allowed and users who are not in the match that is going to be played will not be allowed to join (including spectating, you will have to watch via the twitch stream or discord live stream) Hacking/scripting is not allowed Ghosting during the event or using any external info during the match is not allowed. You are only to talk via discord not in-game, so make sure you are in our discord --> discord.gg/kzg Teams: We would like team name suggestions commented down below and a poll will be made in a weeks time to pick our 4 team names, The sign up forum is above or you can click here. The team names will be updated once the community has picked the best suggested names and the team names in the form will also be updated. If you would like to change any preferences please message drk on discord: drk#6492. Team 1: Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 Player 5 Player 6 Player 7 Player 8 Player 9 Player 10 Sub-player Team 2; Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 Player 5 Player 6 Player 7 Player 8 Player 9 Player 10 Sub-player Team 3: Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 Player 5 Player 6 Player 7 Player 8 Player 9 Player 10 Sub-player Team 4: Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 Player 5 Player 6 Player 7 Player 8 Player 9 Player 10 Sub-player
    5 points
  13. Shep <3

    AWP Tournament

    Hello KZG Players Some other AWP administrators and i have decided to restart the AWP Tournament as the last post had been filled with spam this left the idea to be deserted. Because ofthis i have tried my best to take over the idea and changing it to make it as fun as possible for all KZG players that decide to play. Here are the current rules and regulations: - Normal kzg rules, (no hacking, no racism, no scripting etc.) - There will be teams of 3 players as it is easier to handle and easier to get teams online. - The games will be first to 10 - There will be a max of 8 teams, so first in first served! - All games are knockout - Only top 2 teams will get prizes - The final prize has been undecided but will be something special - There will be no /shop this means no miscellaneous items to give yourself a disadvantage (laser site, trails etc.) - I will be monitoring the teams making sure they are not stacked (max of 1 top10 player in your team) - If you're unable to make a game one of your "Registered" Sub's can Sub in - The date is still TBD but you will be updated shortly NOT ALL RULES ARE FINAL AND CAN BE CHANGED OR ALTERED AT ANY TIME. The maps will be voted on by the teams out of this selection: AWP_Gade AWP_India AWP_India_small AWP_India_Winter AWP_Fort AWP_Pro PRIZES TBA! Format: Team Name: Player 1 (Captain) Name: Steam ID: Steam Link: Player 2 Name: Steam ID: Steam Link: Player 3 Name: Steam ID: Steam Link: Sub 1 Name: Steam ID: Steam Link: Sub 2 Name: Steam ID: Steam Link: Make sure at least 1 player in your team has me added. please refrain from spamming this thread, and contact me if you have any questions: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198303208684 Choose your team wisely and good luck! @Awp Admin
    5 points
  14. skyprah

    im dumbest idiot ever live

    Closing this to stop you both from looking like bigger idiots who know nothing about the csgo engine/servers lmao.
    5 points
  15. skyprah

    athy's Unban Appeal

    Unfortunately you do not spend hundreds of dollars a month and all your free time developing for someone to play on who cant show any respect and be hostile towards me in MM. I'll ban whoever I want to ban.
    5 points
  16. Vert

    [SKILL] Nolesy's Administrator Application

    I had Discussion with Dex Earlier and i have Revoked my +1 from his Application and turned it to a -1 from the shown behavior, i'm more disappointed on how Nolesy acted last night than anything i know he can be a good person and player but the people hes surrounded in just ruins it. Staff disrespect and player disrespect for that matter shouldn't go on in that manner and people just need to stop being so over the top and just generally toxic it ruins every community on every Game.
    5 points
  17. qd.

    Bad Mod

    Dog is not admin... Looks like he was impersonating a staff member. As staff of combat surf I apologise for what has been said and action will be taken. Thank you for addressing the issue.
    5 points
  18. cjm8

    veX's Unban Appeal

    @krewzy it's all sorted now thank you, no need to start pointless arguements. Me and veX have talked about it and have resolved the matter.
    5 points
  19. Snapz


    worst jb admin ever
    5 points
  20. jordan882

    [MINIGAMES] lighten's Moderator Application

    Sorry Lighten i love you but -1. You arent mature enough to be a successful team member. I have known you for many years however i do not believe you will be able to keep the server under control and use your powers in a positive way. In your time as a trusted member on the banhammer jailbreak server, you never used your powers for good and only made people want to quit. Do not give him mod. -1
    5 points
  21. fix the hitreg for the sake of csurf i cant play its bullcrap i hit a shot it wont hit me and every1 think that too its not just me so whoever can fix it pls fix it its annoying its bugging i cant hit shots i hit good shots minium dont say its good bc thats wrong see ng and dxn had good hitreg do that get there hitreg make it like theres dont just leave it pple wont play on it as much even tho theres like aton of poeple on there it goes down by night if you had good hitreg then i wouldint have complained but this is a reason i am bc me i like playing i like hitting shots but however you guys decided nah the hitreg is fine but its not its really not even ask jdogie or umm teddie or others they think its crap they dont wanna say it to hurt your feelings but it is and im sorry but it is and you need to fix it pls i cant play like this i cant just hit beside them it will not register if i hit on them im not gonna just hit a unconnected shot bc you cant fix it if you cant fix it get some1 to if you dont have good hitreg just idk lock the server an then try to fix it thats what ng or dxn does you had good hitreg before but then it broke and now its poor and i told you guys athousand times to fix it and yes i am bothered by it but theres no other servers that has good hitreg were you can hit easy shots moonglow has good hitreg but the speed isint fast enough even era or bloody scs so pls fix the damn hitreg i dont like it i only play on it bc thats my only option and i really think you should fix it bc thats my reason here thats a vaild reason and if your gonna have a csurf server get a good hitreg bc thats important not bloody paying for stuff is hitreg matters bc thats how poeple want it i do too you dont think i dont want it but i do i have told skyprah alot to fix it but hes lazy too im not being mean this is just were im comming from me wyning bc i hate it so much why cant you just fix the hitreg bc i know me i like a hitreg that make it easier for me to hit shots faraway and putting on sv_accelerate_use_weapon_speed makes it worse you lose speed instantly if you idk get off the booster and it goes down i dont like it its not a good style fix the combat surf server its not proper like before if you cant pay some1 to fix it pls i cant stand it and yes i am complainning and wyneing bc that annoying i hit a shot but when i go pass the other person i get hit even tho mine was accurate so that being stand pls fix the hitreg if you cant fix it either get some1 to pay for it and disable sv_accelerate_use_weapon_speed pls bc its bugging me alot and the hitreg so pls fix it i beg
    4 points
  22. haydenn

    Skill surf points adjustment

    So right now the point system is completely messed up and pretty inequitable considering the tiers. Tier 1's give way too many points for little effort, while t2,3 and 4 give low points if you compare the skill and effort required to complete them. Surf_ebony(t2) Wr gives ~ 200 points whilst ~1500 points for surf_pantheon(t1) for group 1, surf_calamity(t4) wr giving ~500 points. (aircontrol literally gives 2600 points for g1 and 10k points for wr) It goes without saying this makes no sense. If you are good enough to get wrs/top 10s on maps, getting group 1s on tier1 maps literally take 1 attempt. This makes it way less motivating to get times on these tiers. Right now points given are calculated by a constant dependent on tier and a multiplier based on completes. Though the multiplier only starts applying at a certain amount of map completes. (Note: this is literally just my speculation, I might be completely wrong but it makes sense if you compare how points scale on tier1s.) T2 - 6 are significantly harder than t1s and will need lowered multiplier number. For tier 2 >500. tier 3: >100 tier 4: >50 tier 5: >25 tier 6: >10 This is just where I believe the multiplier should start taking into effect for these tiers but you should ask other people. This doesn't have to be the only method, using KSF's method of calculating might be smarter but this seems more practical because it keeps the current system without a drastic change. Plenty of people would agree with this change! 44
    4 points
  23. maz03

    [AWP] are koreans really people's Unban Appeal

    doesnt cheat
    4 points
  24. haydenn

    pls just hand over skill surf

    kzgs skill surf is the only big surf server run by a person that doesnt surf. I can think of two servers on csgo that compete with kzg in size, but the server is ignored. please just hand it over to someone that actually will run the server and that doesnt struggle on t4s. it is literally the only au server with people playing on but it is complete garbage.
    4 points
  25. Kora

    [AIM] Notorious BOT's Unmute Appeal

    Right. All I am reading right now is "mute evade". And as a matter of fact, it is actually bannable. Not only have you mentioned that you have made more accounts just for this, you have over 30 different comm bans added up on each which was clearly pointed out by Diamond. Not only that, there have been many complaints from staff about you. On many accounts you have been told to stop by countless staff and have failed to listen. You continue to mic spam and disobey the rules and have always been ignorant towards staff. On top of all of this, I was informed that while all of this was happening, you were also being disrespectful towards Retro via d'ms. You have been warned many times by staff to stop and every time you have failed to comply. I would also love for you to look at this link, Mainly rule 5 and 8 which quotes "Mic/Chat spam is not allowed. You are not allowed to play music over your microphone unless you have a Staff Member's permission.". Also rule 19 which states "evading any punishment is punishable by a longer sentence". Senior staff and I have decided to deny your appeal with a 3 month ban on top of that (on all your accounts) for mute evading, for the failure to follow rules and the sheer disrespect towards staff. After your ban has expired you will remain perm muted unless an appeal is accepted. Any attempt to evade said ban/ mute will lead to your ban being extended for a longer period of time and will eventually lead to you being perm banned indefinitely. I hope you understand the extend of your wrong doings and I hope to see a change in your attitude towards staff and players alike. Yours sincerely, Kora (with a hint of Retro)
    4 points
  26. ElementX

    skill surf

    Hi, Thank you very much for taking your time to respond to Clifford, unfortunately acting like an idiot isn't going to get anything anywhere. Now if you are unhappy with servers please go somewhere else, oh wait my bad you've already spent half of your play time on the Killzonegaming skill surf server and have no where else to go. Yours Truly, IrrelevantX
    4 points
  27. toehunter

    [MINIGAMES] JEFF's Moderator Application

    I've known jeff for awhile now, after being asked for a +1 i thought i'd come rushing over. Here is your +1 to not get staff. Unlucky dog
    4 points
  28. Zing

    [MINIGAMES] JEFF's Moderator Application

    Hello Jeff, I would like to take time out of my day to explain to you why you should never in your entire lifetime get admin on any server you lay your IP on. To start things off your application is pathetic and almost everything you have stated is a lie. I don't know a single player on Minigames that will vouch for you, I'm pretty sure this app is actually going to make players join the forums just to -1 you. This can't be true because most days of the week you are banned. Somehow you managed to self-increase your initial 1 day ban to 8 days over 2 accounts. I couldn't imagine what kind of problems you would manage to get into if you were given even the slightest amount of power. Your humour consists of saying racial slurs, telling people to kill themselves and exploiting bugs to give yourself advantages. I'll admit, you had a few people that "liked" you but I'm sure after what you've said to people and how you act on the server that is now no longer the case. All you bring to the server is toxicity. You're a troll and you don't even know it. I honestly can't work out why you would post this app but I for one am glad you did because giving you this -1 would probably have to be the single most satisfying thing I've done this entire week.
    4 points
  29. Robert

    [MINIGAMES] MissC's Administrator Application

    +1 simp gang
    4 points
  30. KennyS

    [AIM] KennyS's Administrator Application

    Steam Account Name: KennyS Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Gwenyaboy101/ Age: 16 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am a gaming enthusiast with an undying passion for games including CS:GO. The servers are an extremely well structured and enjoyable playing experience which allows to spend a great amount of time playing without any symptoms of boredom. My desire is unquenched and the fulfilment I receive is incredible. I enjoy gaming development and ensuring the playing field amongst myself and peers are positive and delightful. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming My extensive knowledge for games including CS:GO is quite broad and it allows for me to deliver a better playing experience for my friends and I. I believe my experience is a great quality to bring to Kill Zone Gaming, as the company is evergrowing and the demand for developers to lead this company in the future is extensive. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: Killzone gaming represents a vast community of gaming enthusiasts which I value myself as, due to the passion and enjoyment I receive from playing the servers and creating a dynamic playing field for myself and others around me. I spend a lot of time trying to better myself when playing, by aiming to unlock multiple skills and striving to increase my potential as a player. Play-Time on Server Group: 60 hours Times Usually Played on Server Group: Most week days and a lot on the weekend. Weekdays: 1-5 Hours Weekends: 2-10 and Lots more Vouching Staff on Server Group: Administrator Vouching Players: None Have Read Server Group Rules: Yes Have Met Server Group and Application Requirements: Yes Have working Microphone: Yes
    4 points
  31. Just gonna give these away because i dont care No particular thing you need to do just enter (Edit to enter just comment)
    4 points
  32. Mashiro

    [AWP SG] Mashiro's Administrator Application

    Steam Account Name: Mashiro Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:441441069 Age: 17 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: Hi my name is Mashiro and ive been playing KZG Awp for quite a while now. If i could describe myself, i would say that i am forth going and friendly to other players and enjoy all that this community brings with open arms. I try my best to intergrate with other players, and play constantly. My hobbies are Anime, Gaming and Hentai and i hope you understand that english isn't my first language when reviewing this application. <3 Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming One of the qualities i bring to KZG is my friendly nature, I believe that i get along with many of the players on the server and hope to make even more friends and meet new people if i'm given this role. I find that there are a lot of people playing throughout the day, but not many admins to provide help to players, but with my active stance in the community, i believe that i could provide a response to the needs of the players and server alike. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: As stated before, there is a lack of staff in the Asian server, due to Ashaz's inability to play, Winnies inactivity and Springpizza's schooling and bitchy mum. I have a strong belief that i am able to be dependable and reliable as an admin. I understand the rules clearly and find myself rarely being punished due to this. I find that at every challenge, I have the ability to overcome and strive to improve the community for the better for KZG and the players experience as a whole. With this said, i believe that i provides a good understanding of why i should be accepted as admin and provide players with a better gaming experience. Kind Regards, Mashiro :3 Play-Time on Server Group: 13 days 12:21:54 hours Times Usually Played on Server Group: i play about 4+hours a day almost everyday Vouching Staff on Server Group: Springpizza Vouching Players: nil Have Read Server Group Rules: Yes Have Met Server Group and Application Requirements: Yes Have working Microphone: Yes
    4 points
  33. my time was overtaken 5 minutes later.
    4 points
  34. Chibiz

    Chibi and $5 hentai Breaking Rules etc.

    Hey Dark ? I'm so darn sorry ? for saying mean ? words and saying the n word ?. You are so renstarted ? for thinking I was ? admin you borderline mute cunt I hope you die a slow ? death while you stream to your 2 fans on twitch.
    4 points
  35. Goose

    [SKILL] Dandy's Administrator Application

    Pretty bad at handling criticism and dealing with problems (calling someone a fuckwit on their ban appeal is pretty disrespectful) How about you stop being so disrespectful to people just giving their opinion on you. This is all forum based so I'll follow Snapz's opinion on this
    4 points
  36. Snapz

    [SKILL] Dandy's Administrator Application

    Very little effort for the application and you average like 30 mins a day, not close to 2 or 3 hours link - http://www.killzonegaming.gameme.com/player_histories/sessions/40888 Can't really comment on the "other stuff" but replying to criticism doesn't look good mate
    4 points
  37. Super_Soc

    [SKILL] Dandy's Administrator Application

    Honestly putting all of our past behind us Dandy you do have some positive qualities that you could bring to the admin team. You are confident, experienced and well equipped with people's skill. However you are arrogant and cocky and show no respect to anybody except those who have the tendency to bully and victimise younger and less experienced players. What you lack dandy is something that you are incapable of retrieving and that is morals dandy. You would not be the person to guide a new player on the server but rather victimise that player for not knowing what they are doing. If a younger player was getting bullied you would not step in and mute the people bullying him, you yourself would join in. There have been countless times when I have witnessed your bullying first hand and even experienced it first hand. You lack a soul dandy. But anyway best of luck i am neutral on this one.
    4 points
  38. Lethiem


    -1, Is this a joke. Lim is one of the most annoying cunts ive ever known
    4 points
  39. Raven

    Raven Signing Out

    It is with a heavy heart and soul that I am writing this. It has come time for me to resign from my position as Skill Surf Manager. I have enjoyed my time immensely surfing on kzg and have enjoyed every interaction I have had with the players and admin team. I joined kzg in mid 2016 and became admin in December of that year. Since that time I have seen a lot of players come and go, the vast majority of current players were not around when I became admin and the majority of players that were on when I started are no longer with us. The question that may be on your mind is why am I resigning, upon going back to my admin application I noticed one thing I have been failing to do as I promised... I haven't been pouring Bob Ross a Rum and also because I don't want to get any older I have had far too many birthdays on this server. Jokes aside in my personal life I have been going through some physical and mental changes and will continue to go through these, I have also been busy with work and doing long hours unfortunately this means I can no longer dedicate as much time and passion to the kzg community as I once did in the past. Because of this I feel I need to vacate this position to allow someone else to one day fill my vacated position. I would like to thank Skyprah for creating this amazing community and allowing me to be part of the staff team, Tito for being a great mate and for convincing me to apply for the position, The Community Directors for helping to manage the community and always being there when I needed some advice or something done above my position level. I would also like to thank the current skill surf admin team B1N, Bubble, Cjcambo, Doshii, Senpaii, Kin37ik, Naga, Serenity, Spongey, Tay, Vert, Hairy Cherry, Motion you have all been a great help and I wish you all the best in your future admining (please don't mute me for signing on the server you know it’s my thing). Also all the past skill surf admins I have had the pleasure of knowing Harry, Barchy, Delroy, Sid, BurnZZ, Rensta, Gerald, Lucify, First Class, 1DJ. I would also like to thank my right hand man, my partner in banning Dexy Wexy you have been a great help and have always been someone to turn to when I have been unsure of any situation, now that you are the sole surf manager you will have to step up and take over. There is great potential in the community and I wish to see it to continue to grow even if its only from the side lines. I think you will all be happy with the things that are planned for the servers. Lastly thank you each and every one of you, you all have been a big part of my life over the past 2 years and it will be sad not to have as much contact with you as I have in the past. I am not leaving the community just going to be less active and step down from admining. Yours Truly Raven Surf Server Princess
    4 points
  40. skyprah

    MOTD Update

    Just updating everyone on the MOTD (message of the day) now being used for advertisements. For anyone who doesn't know, the MOTD is the page that appears when joining the server. For the last 8 to 12 months we have displayed the forum which was a great way for us to get announcements across to the player base with the sliding banners. I have chosen to begin using an advertisement service as the pros outweigh the cons. The main turning point was the fact that they now offer 100% silent advertisements, which was the main reason I decided never to use a service as it would have been disruptive upon joining the server. As you probably know, it's not cheap running servers. With the new MOTD page, it will give Killzone Gaming more financial stability now and in the future. We have always been a non-profit gaming community and always will be, so with this change, it will only benefit the community in more ways than one. It will allow us to improve our servers, website and much more. I had initially planned to run banner ads on the forums for guest accounts only. This would have allowed our forum to stay as the MOTD and also generate some extra funds. The banner would have only displayed when you were not logged in. Something similar may be trialed one day. What do we have planned? We have started working on moving our website/s from a VPS to its own dedicated server. Soon after, our primary database will move to a dedicated server with NVMe drives which will provide it with superior read/write speeds. Expect also to see all the private surf servers and any new ones have their own dedicated server which will provide performance, stability and auto updates as the OS will be now Linux. Minigames will be moved to a new dedicated server (once v2 is complete) and eventually have some new servers alongside it. The list goes on and on. Pros More giveaways More events with prizes Improvement to current servers More CSGO servers Expansion into other games Hiring developers Cons Ugly MOTD upon joining the server Less forum activity How do we plan to combat the cons? The MOTD appearance is currently out of our control but it is being developed to look and perform a lot better than its current state. We also have options available which we may decide to test in the future. We plan to develop a new chat message/ colored hud advertisement system which is manageable from a web panel. This will allow us to easily update and change messages to appear on one server or across all servers. We can keep the community updated on events, giveaways and another else instead of me having to custom edit 20+ servers chat advertisement messages. I am also about 1/3 done creating the members' store. If you haven't seen yet (don't look yet, it's not finished) the member's stores currency creating topics, posting, status updates, giving reactions, receiving reactions, joining clubs, adding images to the gallery, adding videos, signing up, referring friends and more. What can you do with these points? Once I'm 100% complete, you will be able to do a lot... You'll even be able to cash out points for such things as skins, steam gift cards, games or forum store credit. As well as even being able to bank them so that you can gain interest on your points for keeping them safe in the bank. Eventually, some groups will also earn weekly salaries as points. We also have a few new features coming to the forums. Such as; A brand new custom theme, discord integration, gameme ranking integration, raffle tickets integration (view who wins and how much % they had & more). Also, more statistics being displayed on your profile, such as how many raffle tickets you have, your play time on any particular server or all Killzone Gaming Servers as a whole and much more! Anyway, I've rambled long enough. If you have any suggestions for any of the above just let me know.
    4 points
  41. droppy

    sky's Unban Appeal

    tbh if this unknown person stays banned it would only have a positive impact
    4 points
  42. skyprah


    Always remembered as the guy who won a knife from a lootbag on jailbreak, gambled it the next day and lost ?
    4 points
  43. Silver 3

    Missing and Broken Maps & Other General Server Issues

    Hi, I’m Silver 3 :)))))))))))))) and recently I have been trying to complete as many maps as possible while surfing on kzg. I have never enjoyed surfing one map for hours on end to further beat my pb time, and found more enjoyment in surfing new maps for the first time and completing them, so I set goals of completing 200 maps, all tier2’s, 300maps, all t3’s, completing 400maps etc. Currently working through what remaining tier4 maps I can complete. This post is aimed at discussing issues found during my progression and some questions regular players haven’t been able to answer for me. The original purpose for this post was to ask about the unfinishable t1/2/3’s that are found under the console list, however seeing as there isn’t much in the way of bug reports that players complain about, I will be including some. Actual bug/maplist starts halfway down !p and the console map list/s This is my current profile as it stands, with 412 map completes so far, and below is pictured my current console listed completes. 412 verses 414, taken seconds apart, small inconsistency, not sure which maps it is caused by (too lazy to scan through al 414). Incredibly minor issue This is my current !p > completion menu > incomplete maps list as listed by the console. Currently it has tier1/2/3 maps unfinished which are either cannot be nominated, are glitched or unzoned. Also another completely minor inconsistency, 139 unfinished maps. 139 unfinished maps plus 412 completed maps adds to 551 total, not 555. Even with the added two from before still adds to 553, not entirely sure what is correct. Main issue that irks me is maps which cannot be nominated from the !nominate command. These maps are. TIER 1 surf_horizon_njv TIER 2 surf_atlas surf_holiday surf_klue TIER 3 surf_sinsane_ez_csgo surf_princess_v surf_tempest2 surf_jenocide TIER 4 surf_chateau_fix, surf_happyhug surf_lax_fix According to players I have talked with the solution to fixing this problem is to complete them on an admins test server… not ideal. Which still grants points due to the maps being on the current set of “555”. The tier4 section gets a little messier to see whats going on, but also theres 7 odd tier3s which I still have yet to complete. So the pictures aren’t perfect but all maps with issues will be listed. In the un-nominatable TIER 4 and below maps (haven’t checked t5/6) some have times others do not. Assuming there is a reason for the maps not being included in the “map pool”, is this a bug or some other issue? I’ve only been taking surf seriously within the last few months, before year long breaks and playing not knowing what I was doing. So I am unfamiliar with the inner workings of the server so to speak. Maps like surf_chateau_fix have no times associated, Other maps like surf_happyhug have times, however considering there is two completes with both very lengthy times, there was probably a reason for its removal. Maps like surf_atlas have a couple hundred completes dating back to around the middle of 2019 from my searching the map times My main reasoning wondering why maps which cannot be nominated exist is there seems to be roughly around 1166?ish maps within the surf database after using the command “!mtop surf” and then looking through all the entries and the map names within there. So why does the map pool go from 1166 to about 555? Again kinda new so got no clue. Obviously there is duplicate versions and refix versions and the like, however there is unique maps, just by looking at the end there is surf_whoknows, surf_whoknows2, surf_whoknows3 (will be mentioned again later) and only whoknows is currently in the nominate list. From what I have hear there is maps that are currently “out of rotation”, for either being too old etc etc. E.g. surf_spike, just as an example. So my question is are those maps which cannot be nominated meant to be “retired” or are they glitched? This image is a bit harder to read, however lists maps which are not in “mapcycle.txt” from the list of map completions within !p > completion menu > completed maps. Not entirely sure what this message means, however maps like surf_vale2 can still be nominated and completed for points. Wasn’t sure what this message is meant to entail so I figured I would list it as a query. After “!mrank surf_master” produced this result, which would be years old, my original guess was these maps were retired, but there is several on the list which can still be nominated. Final Map command irk, small inconsistencies with certain maps being graded higher or lower than their actual tier on the server. The most obvious is surf_constrictor1, classified as tier 4 on the console, but under nominate is t3 and named “KZG constrictor1”. There is several other subjectively incorrectly tiered maps, like surf_cavemissile_fix being t2, easily a hard t3, surf_psychedelia being harder than t3 (could be t5 idk), surf_zeonine being t4 (could be t6 idk). List goes on but that’s not what I’m here to write a forum post about… Major Bugs Most obvious bug that I’ve witnessed recently, being in the vicinity of the startzone on certain maps, using !showzones provides MAJOR fps drops. Pictured surf_plethora_fix with a fps drop from 353 to 28, over 90%, literally unplayable. I am confused how some lines cause this issue, if there is more to it, which there probably is, please fix :). However works fine on some maps and not others, pictured second is surf_adventure_final, with no noticeable fps drops. Lowest drop ive seen is from around 600 to under 10, don’t have evidence, just have to take my word. 100% can be replicated. Video showing fps drops go brrrrrr - https://streamable.com/h2p0cs Map Related Bugs Downloading map bug Currently there is several map loading issues, namely, surf_tempest (tier3), surf_whoknows (tier4) surf_stoneworks4 (tier6) I was able to download surf_tempest by downloading the map through the 100tick server, and while I was completing the map dozens of players could not connect. There is no 100tick for t4 and t6 so there is no current way to download them, par from finding the map file on some csgo surf map hub and hoping it matches the server file (haven’t bothered with this, purely hypothetical). What happens is currently you select these maps for the nextmap, server switches maps and downloads these maps for the first time, and kicks you from the server. 100% can be replicated, not sure if admins can replicate from already existing map files. Another similar issue, which seemingly wasn’t an issue today but has been in the past, but I will mention anyways, is surf_adventure_final, (potentially surf_facility?) had a similar error message, to the picture above but would refer to a server side failure to load the map. Don’t have a picture because steam doesn’t save messages for over a day now or something stupid. Unfinishable maps surf_lodypreview – Tier2, crashes game around stage 10/11 for entire server surf_numbers – Tier 3, stages 6 and 8 have no end zone and cannot progress surf_exocube_e and surf_exocube_h, Tier 2 and 4, both have an invisible first ramp, and missing ramps in stage 4. Unzoned maps surf_axiom2 – Tier3, has no startzones and cannot be started surf_sanctuary – Tier2, is also unzoned Wrong maximum velocity (for the map, making it impossible to finish) surf_overgrowth2 – Tier5, maxvel is 3500, should be 4500 or higher idk the intended value Maps with insta jails These are maps where after the map has loaded roughly 5-7 minutes depending on map, the entire lobby will get softlocked within the jail on the map aka unplayable [“doable” however must be rtv’d immediately and takes 5 rtvs to get back to the map for another 5mins]. Couldnt be bothered to load map and wait in spawn for 5 minutes and record it. Reason maps have less than ten completes... surf_sh – Tier3 (5 Minutes) surf_liberation – Tier3 (About 7 Minutes) surf_helium_v2 – Tier3 (5 Minutes) Maps with jails after completes Either from a player completing the map, or a player jumping in the designated jail trigger) https://streamable.com/mol0is in most cases one player will be the “king” and everyone else will have to watch him from a jail surf_curious – Tier4, end when going up through anti-grav tractor beam surf_torque – Tier3, when finishing the map surf_love – Tier4, when going into the pit at the end of the map All I can remember at present time, feel like I am missing a couple though Maps with inconsistent triggers surf_clockwork - Tier 3 - Triggers do not work on hard surf, but work as intended on top200 server. https://streamable.com/hzgipk (first is hard surf, then top200 only two servers which can play the map) Maps which cannot load server settings Surf_tronic_njv - Tier5 - https://streamable.com/zx0jzk Maps with landmark issues (broken?/random teleporters that spin you backwards) https://streamable.com/nc0mrr - this is a landmark, these are incredibly frustrating and off-putting, even for the best surfers and are not featured in the css versions of their respective maps surf_luminaris – Tier1? (should be 3) – has a landmark on stage 3, also bonus 2 I think surf_illumination – Tier4, https://streamable.com/nc0mrr Surf_drift_go - Tier4, https://streamable.com/bpafiw surf_desolate – Tier5, there was a recording but it didnt save zzz, there is many landmarks surf_nostromo – Tier5, https://streamable.com/wpibva surf_solace – Tier8 (should be t6), https://streamable.com/s91e1m Maps with weird mechanics surf_infected_njv - Tier3 and 5? Hard to explain heres vid https://streamable.com/jjizbs, these are barriers with collision, until they are damaged, and they fall off. ??? Guessing it isn’t a server side plugin doing this, so not sure how to fix. But “its common knowledge and everyone should be able to guess the barriers and ramp blockers are breakable” Bots not appearing in top200 server Frequently bots displaying the map/stage/bonus records will not be present in the server, definitely a downside as most players on this server are atleast trying to beat their pb’s and bots are super helpful. On hard surf and expert surf they work as normal. On top200 sometimes the bots will only appear and record times of the current session, eg if I was playing a map and loaded in without the bots, my times would become what the bot thinks is the wrcp for stage 1, however because I am a noob it wouldn’t be the actual wrcp for stage 1 displayed. The replay bots will sometimes showup randomly, interchange between eachother, and maybe appear then disappear minutes later. Example of no replay bots in top200 server from today. Misc and Minor Bugs Issues with Spectating Spec UI and other UI issues with keybindings 0-9 on keyboard (not sure if fixable) Personal pet peeve, as a left hander my keybindings are IJKL, and I have two binds on 8 and 9, what this means is the more important bind on 9 which creates a saveloc, cannot be used while being spectated, presumably because the spectator ui has like hidden inputs maybe? And that takes priority over the bind working, easily fixable on my end, but i'm lazy. Issues with voting This also happens when the vote becomes option 3. Tier 2, vs option 4. Vote Extend on the UI, and pressing a higher number eg 9 will default onto the closest number in the option menu, this has led to accidents selecting maps etc. infrequent issue but annoying nonetheless Servers not showing in server browser I cannot see the beginner surf servers under the community server list. Didnt know it existed until over a week ago. Can still connect by typing in console “connect <ip>” Above is the entire community server list and below is the search settings I use to connect to the kzg skill surf servers Inspecting map times revealing random profile Using !mtop and then selecting specific times within top10 to see who the players are recently has left me confused. The only explanation is this feature is sometimes bugged, works about half the time. Likely cause is with older players/not recently loaded profiles, selecting their profiles doesn’t work often, usually works with active players and not an issue. Super minor random issue tho. Thanks for coming to my ted talk. I tried to supply enough evidence for the claims, I can supply more if needed. I looked through the some of the existing forum posts within hard surf forum, most of which lack some evidence so I hope this can be of help. Just trying to make surf better on kzg. I’ve only been active for a few months now and this is what I have noticed over 400 map completions. I have no idea how to fix any of the issues, I am just aware of them. Thankyou for reading this
    3 points
  44. disfknguy

    [AIM] Grandy's Moderator Application

    Grandy is a nice dude, active player and would make an excellent addition to the team +rep
    3 points
  45. S1nap5e

    surf_kitsune2 Walkthrough

    Hey guys, new map guide on in my opinion one of the best tier 3 surf maps. Comment below on what maps you would like to see next!
    3 points
  46. Sorrow [Not The Admin]

    [SKILL] Temperze's Administrator Application

    Do you ever proofread anything you write, there's over 15 grammatical and spelling errors that can be seen from a glance. I doubt an illiterate person can manage a server.
    3 points
  47. bigweldlover42

    [JAILBREAK] K.'s Administrator Application

    fart bum poo poo penis big weld for the reasons above, +rep
    3 points
  48. Jerkaa

    Jay's Unban Appeal

    Hey @Cookie_Jay. Hit me with your 200 IQ and explain this. @BuLLee @-2D-
    3 points
  49. ioutrankyou

    protectdog78's Unban Appeal

    I got a tip off that you joined on a alt. I joined to the server, asshat420 was talking on their mic. I don't know people's voices. So i did some investigations for verification and found out both accounts were you. So i banned you for a week for Mute Evasion.
    3 points
  50. TheRiddler

    [COMBAT SURF] Bubbles Admin Abuse Report

    All this happy stuff happening after i leave such a shame smh, The way this situation happened was serverly mishandled imo what raymond was muted for is justified and i would of done the same thing but not without giving warning which wasnt given by bubble and certainly not for that amount of time plus a gag even with his history. Also the way Raymond has described these events is mostly true other than a toned down verision of what he was like before the silence was issued after it was issued what he has said is true and entirely correct for the time i was on. Raymond's question of why uncle sam was vaild and should of always been answered by the admin so players are aware why he was punished and that they shouldnt do it themselves so players dont do the same thing again. Giving a silence for someone asking why a punishment was given over the mic cecoming a mic infraction that deserved a 5 minute at the most was over the top, also bubble not responding to raymond on why he was given the over the top punishment after messaging admin chat several times is just embarrassing for the server and disappointing to see as someone who once was apart of it as an admin. The fact that their were other players on the server using racial slurs over the mic aswell and they were not punished while i was still on the server is incrediablity disappointing and i dont know what the server staff team is up to right now and what they are doing but if this is the standard that has been set for the server now then i dont know what is going on but fix it. I once served this community as an admin and wanted nothing but the best for it, i still want nothing but the best for it so please take my critism and be proactive to fix the problems that made this occur.
    3 points
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