JDee Posted November 24, 2021 Share Posted November 24, 2021 (edited) Skill surf commands A list of commands you can use on the skill surf servers - please keep in mind some commands are disabled on certain servers Checking Times/Ranks !mtop - Check the top ranking players on the current map. !btop - Check the top ranking players on the current maps bonus's !top - Check the overall ranks of the players !mrank - Check for group threshold times or a specific *online* players time. To check for group threshold - "!mrank @g1" Checks for the slowest group 1 time, you can put @g2 for group 2 and @g3 for group 3 ect. To check who is a certain rank on a map - "!mrank @*the rank you want to check*" eg. "!mrank @52" - which will print the 52nd time on the map. To check for your current time/rank on the map "!mrank" To check another *online* players time/rank on the current map "!mrank *playername*" To check your time on another map "!mrank *map name in full*" To check another *online* players time/rank on another map "!mrank *playername* *map name in full*" !brank - Check for bonus ranks and times or a specific *online* players time. (command can be used in the same way as mrank) !wrcp - Check checkpoint or stage records for the current map or "!wrcp *map name in full*" to check for another map !pr - To check your personal check point times for the current map or or "!or *map name in full*" to check for another map !cpr - To check your personal check point times for the current map against the current 1st ranked player for the map !avg - Prints the average time on the current map !pc - Shows map completion percentage !rr - Shows recently broken records !mi - Opens the map improvement information / shows you the points given per group/complete Navigation !styles - Opens the styles menu Ranked styles are - Sideways, Half-sideways, Backwards and Normal (default) Fun styles are - Low gravity, Slow motion, Fast forward, Parachute, No Max-Velocity, Drift King, Turbomaster 3000 !options - Opens the options menu to customize your HUD. !p / !profile - Contains the profiles (completed times/record info) for the players connected to the server currently. !bwp - Options the styles profile for a player currently connected to the server !bonus - Teleports you to a bonus if the map has one, If the map has multiple it will bring up a menu to select which bonus you want. !r / !restart - Teleports you back to the beginning of the map (stage 1 if the map is staged), without restarting your time. !b / !back - Teleports you to the start of the previous stage you were on, If the map is linear it will teleport you back to the beginning. !noclip / !nc - Lets you move around in no clip - (triggers will still reset you), using this command again will turn this off. !repeat - Toggles stage repeat on/off - Gives the player the ability to repeat a stage infinitely until toggled off !spec - Moves you to the spectator menu where you can watch a player surf or watch a recording of someone's run on a bot !stage / !s - You can use this command to navigate to different stages. eg "!stage 3" or "!s 3" !startpos - Creates a new starting position - you cannot use !stage or !s when you create a new start position, when used on a stage map if you use !b or !back it will restart you to the very beginning. !clearstartpos - Clears your start position back to the default. TAS / Practice commands !saveloc - Saves your current position and speed on the map !loadloc - Lets you set which saved position you want to use with !tele !tele - Teleports you to a saved position !loclist - Shows you the list of saved positions of other players on the server !savelocs - Shows a list of save loc's you have made !teleprev - Teleports to the saveloc made BEFORE your most recently used saveloc !telenext - Teleports to the saveloc made AFTER your most recently used saveloc To use these as binds Saves your current position and speed on the map- "bind *key* sm_saveloc" Teleports back to the saved position & speed- "bind *key* sm_tele" Misc commands !nominate - Nominate a new map to play eg "!nominate *map name in full*" or "!nominate surf_summit" !rtv - "Rock the vote" - votes to end the map early !knife - Gives you the option to pick a new knife model !ws - You can choose a new weapon/knife skin here !shop - Opens the shop menu where you can purchase player skins / fun items for points (you can earn points by improving your times and completing maps) !bhop - Toggles auto-bhop !nv / !nvg - Toggles night-vision !nvs - Allows you to modify your night-vision settings !tier - Displays the maps tier in chat !flashlight - Toggles flashlight on/off - Disabled in some cases. !usp - Brings your usp back if you dropped it !Hide - Toggles the visibility of other players !m - Prints map info in chat !newmap - Displays newly added maps !showzones - Toggles the ability to see map zones !showclips - Toggles the ability to see map clips !showtriggers - Toggles the ability to see map triggers !credits - Shows your current credits - which you can use in the shop (!shop) !gift - You can gift your credits to another player with "!gift *playername* *credit amount*" !servers - Shows a list of our servers that you can switch between !rules - Shows you our general KZG rules - for skill specific rules please check >>> "Skill surf rules" <<< Reporting a player or incident !calladmin - Notifies moderators/admins to join the server when someone is breaking the rules. !bug - Gives you the option to report a bug to our discord Skill surf VIP commands !title - Brings up the title menu !customtitle - Allows you to change your title "!customtitle "{colour} TITLE" / or in console "sm_customtitle "{colour}title" " !joinmsg - Allows you to change your join message "!joinmsg "{colour} JOINMSG" / or in console "sm_joinmsg "{colour}JOINMSG" " !write - Lets you write a colourful message that is displayed in the air on server !icons - Customize a leaderboard icon !mm - Applies a MM rank on the scoreboard !colours - shows the list of colours options for titles/names !paint - Gives the player the ability to paint on map surfaces !paintsize - Changes the size of your paint (small, medium, large) !paintcolour - Brings up a menu that lets you choose the colour of the paint used !fakeping- The ability to put a fake value where your ping would usually be on the leaderboard Edited June 9, 2023 by JDee added new commands 8-2-22 Plooto and mittens 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JD Skill surf Manager Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/JDqt72/ Discord: Jd#1037 Skill surf rules (click me) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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