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[SKILL] Meatbxll's Moderator Application


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Steam Account Name:  Meatbxll
Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/1728924288/

Age:  16
Sex: Male

Desciption of Myself: I am a 16 year old and am about to be in year 11 of high school. I play guitar, soccer and enjoy pc building and things alike. I have been playing on kzg for about 2-3 years now and really like the community.

Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming  I am a quick learner, i can work well in a team, i put my all into everything i do, and i have been on the server for a while and have a good idea of the community and players.

Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming:  All the staff members I have talked to have been really nice and helpful to not only me but my friends too. I have seen this server grow with its ups and downs and have supported it through all. I want to help people out like the others do and I feel I could do good in this community you have built.

I always try my best whether it be learning a new skill, helping and teaching people about different things on the server, etc. A lot of the staff for this community are a lot older and, in some cases, younger people may want to ask another teen or someone alike for help, due to them being scared to talk to older people.

I have wanted to be a moderator or admin of some sort for a while now but i never had the chance, either due to my age or from being a lazy stereotypical teenager. When I first started on KZG I was too scared to talk to the admins and such because they were adults and older teens, but when I did, they were extremely nice and taught me how to surf and bhop. I was really happy and excited to go on the server from then on. That’s the type of person I want to be, and I honestly just want to be the best person I can be on the server.

Overall, I just think I deserve a position as a moderator or administrator because I have been on this server for a few years now, I have good experience with the community and players on the server and I am looking to help the server grow and be the best it can be. Thank you for your time and I really do hope you consider me for the position.

Play-Time on Server Group:  69 hours (i think more but?)
Times Usually Played on Server Group:  Weekdays usually around 4pm-8pm, Weekends are anytime after 1pm to midnight

Vouching Staff on Server Group:  
Vouching Players:  Jmeph, Festy Turtle

Have Read Server Group Rules:  Yes
Have Met Server Group and Application Requirements:  Yes
Have working Microphone:  Yes

Edited by Meatbxll
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Good luck with your application, which admins have you spoken to at the moment? I hope to see you soon, maybe you on a different time to me.

Technician by trade, gamer by night...





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please fix your steam id, it should read like steam.0.1.12345678

Technician by trade, gamer by night...





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I'm going to be honest here, I havent spoken to an admin in a fair while, just due to me not talking too much recently.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I am sorry to inform you that your Skill Surf Moderator Application has been denied.

Your Application was voted on by the Skill Surf Staff Team at our most recent meeting.


Yours Truly,

My Name is Tito
| Killzone Gaming

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