The Lounge
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- Are use fixing the server lag on surf
- By Pyrowaste,
- 1.2k
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- Wordle, Nerdle and others
- By aha.jag,
- 587
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- Pro Surf Compilation
- By disfknguy,
- 242
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- What headset should I get?
- By ruthles_kila,
294 topics in this forum
Have a look :)
by $crim- 4 replies
by JohnnyO's- 3 replies
Feel free to put a poem you like, a saying you like etc in here
by RicedMk4- 3 replies
I love my bangers, Heres a list of songs that bump hard :) (Definitely worth listening to) (Not valued by number) 1. [video=youtube][/video] 2. [video=youtube][/video] 3. [video=youtube][/video] 4. [video=youtube][/video] 5. [video=youtube][/video] 6. [video=youtube][/video] 7. [video=youtube][/video] 8. [video=youtube]https://ww…
Pokemon Pets
by skyprah- 3 replies
I'm looking at adding Pokemon pets into some of the servers. These will be the same as the chicken/crow existing pets. I would like about 6 of them including at least two flying ones. They will all have basic animations like the existing pets. Please vote for the Pokemon that you want to see on the servers!
by Acid- 3 replies
Not got anything on tonight? GET READY FOR ROUND 2 Join our Teamspeak at around 6-7 for some classic banter. Then later, cover your assholes for the one and only Tinychat. Don't miss out on all the action, come along and have fun. RETURN OF JEWELS AND GOGGI And we also might be doing it tomorrow night as well... P.S I am sad to announce, we will be missing the life of the party tonight (DeadlyMullet), but we need to keep our heads up, and stay positive.
by kidx- 3 replies
Hey guys its ya boy lord farquad here sorry haven't be uploading but we are on Tinychat tonight come on Teamspeak for some banter first then get your LUBE for Jewels and shit!
Explanation of whats going on
by kennyT- 3 replies
So i was just trying to trade with someone but then some guy comes on and says Ill trade then cancels and then fakes that i attempted to scam him and i also have been bullied lately so i will be taking a break from CS:GO and KZG servers and im sorry but i will be taking a break for a week so i have time to let my sad emotions go :( -mae
Week Away
by Squizzy- 3 replies
Hello KZG Community I'm Squizzy and I'm a JB admin For most of you this thread doesn't really bother you but thanks anyway for reading and hopefully I will get the chance to meet you later. I'll being taking a week away because i'm going to be at a soccer comp / tournament. Love you all and will be missed. Thanks Squizzy
TeamSpeak - Issue Resolved
by AddicT- 3 replies
Some of you may of known I had a teamspeak issue (not with the KZG TS3, the actual ts3 programme itself.) It was fixed 2 days or so ago, and I am now on there a lot once again. My own room is ' The Majestic Lounge ' Password is ' majestictheaddict ' (my two names combined.. Both AddicT & Majestic c:) So, feel free to join and talk to me! :) (if my mic is muted it probably means I am AFK :D)
biggest trolls on minigames
by Sammy- 3 replies
who is more of a troll vote ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :tounge:
Black Chef Fan Fiction
by Macgreg0rALT- 3 replies
Once upon a time there was a family of three. The father was called Quinten, The mother was called Macgregor and there son was called sawed off. When sawed off was growing up he used to bully a little boy called Black Chef. The way he bullied Black Chef was called him names like White Chef, A born meme and the worst 11 rounds. The way he got the nickname "11 rounds" Black Chef was playing a computer game called CS:GO. He was playing a game mode Jailbreak and he was on the map JB_bravo and his son sawed off was in a room hidden from the rapist garcon. Quinten went to the room running away from garcon in his white van and his 2 ear piercings. Quinten sexually abused sawed o…
The Chewbacca rant
by Flexicute- 3 replies
Alright first things first this post is about chewbacca or as most people call him (Chewie) I don't want to get hate towards this post. Right so most people that play Kzg Minigames knows Chewie and if you don't well.. go on minigames so he's a good kid right but often likes to get "attention" & he loves to talk alot which is fine... but as soon as a Admin/mod mutes him everybody gives the admin/mod shit for muting him which I think is just bullshit... (Excuse my language) because half the time chewie is holding his mic down, his microphone is to loud, and is just mic spamming. I think the admins that are muting him are doing the right thing. But muting him and…
Millie B or Soph Aspin
by Real Element- 3 replies
really enjoying this grime battle tbh thoughts???? Cant believe they got Little T and Soph Aspin together! Mental
- 3 replies
This started last night out of nowhere, GO was playing fine all of yesterday. Nothing has changed to the game or it's files. I've been crashed out 3 times today, just out of nowhere, the game doesn't stutter or freeze, one second I'm surfing, the next I'm at the desktop with no CS in the taskbar. I've verified the cache, no improvement. I've enabled console debug, nothing to report.
How many down votes can I get?
by Macgregor- 3 replies
how many down votes do I get
I Spy ;_)
by Ec1ipse- 3 replies
Classic Game Of I Spy A photo is posted and the next person posts their own picture of something that they see in the previous photo. Of course follow up with "I spy.... (whatever it is you want to refer to)" It could be an object in the photo you see, a colour, a flower, animal, food, ect. Example: someone posts a picture of a couple at a picnic. The next person might see some cheese by the picnic basket, so they post a picture of some cheese. Then the next person might see a sharp knife by the cheese picture and decide to post a picture of a ninja or something. Just remember to state whatever it is you spy in the last photo. Sho…
Destiny 2 players
by Magic- 3 replies
Hey guys, just wondering if anyone that has pre-ordered or will buy destiny wants to play together through the game and have some fun. Chuck us a reply down below what your blizzard username is. Cheers, Magic
Lol Back Again...
by kidx- 3 replies
Back Again like 3rd time now. Pepsi's one and only return... gay
So i found a video
by VelxinOne- 3 replies
On youtube of this dude betting on csgoreaper well i noticed i was in the background betting xD doing 5k+ bets Mind you it shows me mostly losing but the dude i was vsing at the time it was going back and forth in wins/losses Biggest bet i won was 13K Biggest loss was 16k xD Over all i started with 1 Flip knife doppler that i won in a giveaway and Ended up with $80,000 " Yes cashed out " Note: I don't recommend gambling as it can fuck you hard
CSGO Gamblers
by Kaotic- 3 replies
We've got to have a few of them in the community right? Surely? or am I just an addict ;3 ANYWAY Post some of your best wins in here, Curious to know how you all been making dat money Ill post some of mine too ?
Big Things Happening
by ruthles_kila- 3 replies
R.I.P erica's eye
by Krizziii- 2 replies
Loving the new images
by Sirtron- 2 replies
The forums looking sexy now.
Jailbreak Admin Meeting
by Acid- 2 replies
11/08/2016 - Jailbreak Admin Meeting Tonight, we discussed rules regarding our Jailbreak server. If you are an Admin without any reasoning to not being present. That's kind of disappointing, especially because we are trying to better the server for the community and you couldn't take some time out of your night to listen in, or input. We have seen people's true colors tonight. There were some arguments, I hope we could all get over that. Especially because debating can become a little heated... Would like to thank everyone for their major contributions into the discussion and giving each other some piece of mind. Regards, Acid. :heart:
by Krizziii- 2 replies
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