832 topics in this forum
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Current Steam Name: Kaleb Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:173270022 Discord Handle: Kaleb#8281 Age: 17 Gender: Male Description of myself: previously moderator on skill surf for like a year or something (greatest reputation on staff team) Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: ah nothing i just like surf lol Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: i think i had something like 700 mutes or something crazy like that lol ( correct me if im wrong bc someone over took me or i dont remember correctly but besides rensta i think i had like the most mutes out of all the staff lol) Bc i was definitly not responsible cuz i was like 13? maybe who know…
- 1 follower
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Current Steam Name: Nufty Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:568131273 Discord Handle: hey man#8850 Age: 17 Gender: Female Description of myself: I am a gamer on KZG (killzonegaming) Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: I can mute Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: I have played kzg Play time on the server group I am applying for: 500 hours Vouching staff member/s: night Vouching player/s: angelo doshi dako akmal jary stone cold steve autism I have read and met the application requirements for the server group I am applying for: YES I have read the Community Rules: YES Are you currently a staff member of anoth…
[AIM] compAdre's Moderator Application
by compAdre- 2 followers
- 9 replies
Current Steam Name: compAdre Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:571480372 Discord Handle: c0mpa#4906 Age: 16 Gender: Male Description of myself: I'm a student who loves to play cs in my free time and enjoy meeting new people. I am looking to become admin to add to my leadership roles to further enhance my skills in the real work environment. Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: Honesty - I am quite honest to tell people if they are doing something wrong and will not hesitate to contact others in superior position than me to help me. Responsible - As I have previous leadership experience I can take a responsibility and handle it professionally without abusing …
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Current Steam Name: auqx Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:512805328 Discord Handle: auqx#1092 Age: 18 Gender: Male Description of myself: 18 year old male from victoria australia, love the aspect of self improving and pushing myself which is infact why i surf as im a very competitive person. Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: very active community member as of recent (out of a job for the time being) respectful and always love a good laugh. Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: Made a VIP donation a while back so i could have the John Wick skin, always helpful when people ask for help commands or how to complete a stage in surf. Play…
[SKILL SURF] Blakey8360's Moderator Application
by Blakey8360- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Current Steam Name: Blakey8360 Steam ID: Discord Handle: Blakey#8110 Age: 25 Gender: Male Description of myself: Hi, I'm a chill guy from the UK who from July learned to surf myself and being in the KZG Skill Surf servers has aloud me to get to know a lot of people that I have regular friendly chats with on the daily. I am a regular player as I am on the servers most days. Whenever a new player join I am always friendly and try to help them to get adjusted to being able to learn surf as i can remember what it was like for me trying to surf when i first joined and got get from one of the mods. Qual…
[SKILL SURF] Pumpkin Face Music's Moderator Application
by Pumpkin Face Music- 1 follower
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Current Steam Name: Pumpkin Face Music Steam ID: PumpkinFaceMusic Discord Handle: Pumpkin Face#0001 Age: 21 Gender: Male Description of myself: (first of all I want to apologise for a lack of playtime in the past 2 weeks or so, I had some real life business that got in the way but i'm all clear now) Hello, I've been skill surfing for around 6 years now, I used to be a moderator on the well known surf network Nexus Nation before it went under, and in recent time i've been playing on KZG skill surf, mainly on easy 2 as it tends to be the most populated, and I enjoy the social aspect of KZG arguably more than the gameplay. I want to a…
[SKILL SURF] Stinky Bee Bottom's Moderator Application
by stinky bee bottom- 1 follower
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Current Steam Name: Stinky Bee Bottom Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:117339503 Discord Handle: stinky bee#5499 Age: 27 Gender: Male Description of myself: Currently studying accounting and finance. I've been playing Kzg surf for around 4-5 months continuously. Somehow ended up running a cult like operation on the server, and feel with the current lateral chain of command can't enforce rules, duties and obligations among my constituents. Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: Its believed already that I have administration duties among my peers, due to the previous uproar within the community it's less of an offering of my services and more of …
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Current Steam Name: HkS Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:12707491 Discord Handle: GodMxR#2538 Age: 21 Gender: Male Description of myself: i have been playing csgo since 2013 on multiple accounts have played team cs since 2015 - currently a twitch streamer and semi professional player for REV.ES - positive personality with a fun loving vibe keen to keep positive vibes while enforcing rules Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: good at working plugins on servers, love to learn moderation and a genuine person who enjoys helping others, have a lot of experience playing with good players as well as telling who is actually cheating …
[AIM] Ent1ty's Moderator Application
by Ent1ty_331- 2 followers
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Current Steam Name: Ent1ty Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5779348 Discord Handle: Ent1ty#8203 Age: 17 Gender: Male Description of myself: just an average fella. like playing a bit guitar and realistically any instrument I find fun. I work in a local pub at night shift and really find it fun because of the funny stuff you see there. im currently in a band and we commonly just go around to pubs playing gigs till what ever time we wish. easy money ;) Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: honestly. ive played this game for around 3 years and can confidently tell if someone is using a cheat or some sort of script. I do also like getting involved in the community …
[SKILL SURF] Himeno's Moderator Application
by -_Elira_-- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Current Steam Name: Himeno Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:741211629 Discord Handle: -_Elira_-_#4250 Age: 19 Gender: Other Description of myself: I'm Japanese and I'm working on my English. I've been playing Csgo for a while now, same with surf, I have alot of time in surf and arround the comunity however my main Elira account got hacked recently. I'm a very calm and relaxed person but I also have an immune deficiency and I get sick a lot but ill do my best. Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: My main ideal is to stop toxic people Because I've been harassed and called racist and homophobic slurs and seen it happen to other people. I…
[AIM] ✪ Lowgz's Moderator Application
by ✪ Lowgz- 1 follower
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Current Steam Name: ✪ Lowgz Steam ID: STEAM_76561198116689916 Discord Handle: Lowgz#3259 Age: 20 Gender: Male Description of myself: I used to jam KZG religiously back in 2017/2018, then gave up when I got a girlfriend. Recently sold her for a new PC so we back Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: I got a deep voice, some people say that's an advantage. I have a slightly below average pickle, but it does work. Umm, shit, you kinda put me on the spot here... I'm really good at uhh.. dammit. I can make a pretty bangin banana cake. Certainly enough to go around... that's uhhh... that's about it Contributions I have made towa…
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Current Steam Name: lexx Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:114652412 Discord Handle: Lexx#0411 Age: 23 Gender: Male Description of myself: I keep to myself mostly. Former admin for ZTS surf from 2015 to when it combusted. Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: Previous moderation experience. Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: Play time on the server group I am applying for: 8 days with some change Vouching staff member/s: Vouching player/s: I have read and met the application requirements for the server group I am applying for: YES I have read the Community Rules: YES Are you currently a staff member of an…
[SKILL SURF] YAO's Moderator Application
by Plooto- 3 followers
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Current Steam Name: YAO Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:91253012 Discord Handle: Pluto#3883 Age: 20 Gender: Male Description of myself: Top 50 KZG surfer. I am on a lot when I can be (currently I am not on a lot. I will not be on until November 9th as that is when I will become more available). Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: I know the rules and am willing to give fair punishments (please take note that I specify fair punishments). I believe that I will be one of the most unbiased staff members KZG has ever seen. If my best friend, with his dying breath, broke the rules, I would mute him. It is the right thing to do. I do not believe in leniency. I do…
[AIM] Coomvent's Moderator Application
by cumvent- 1 follower
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Current Steam Name: Coomvent Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:517906405 Discord Handle: TurdWaffleTurtle#4957 Age: 20 Gender: Male Description of myself: This application is for the awp server (there was no option so I selected AIM). Avid awp server player, qualified navy officer (world class leadership & managing) , gets along with everyone, mature. Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: Extra admin coverage, I play quite a lot. Have come across a few cheaters w/o any admins on recently. Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: As per my last application. Play time on the server group I am applying for: 15 days Vouching staff …
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Current Steam Name: Elira Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:720124505 Discord Handle: -_Bao_-_#4250 Age: 18 Gender: Other Description of myself: I'm Japanese and I'm working on my English. I've been playing Csgo for a while now, same with surf, I have around 1500 hours on surf on my main (witch I lost to hackers). I'm a very calm and relaxed person but I also have an immune deficiency and I get sick a lot but ill do my best. Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: My main ideal is to stop toxic people Because I've been harassed and called racist and homophobic slurs and seen it happen to other people. It's so not good when you just w…
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Current Steam Name: Sky-Fly Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:150840922 Discord Handle: Sky-Fly#3809 Age: 19 Gender: Male Description of myself: chill guy not the best at cs Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: chill guy help ban toxic players or cheaters with proof of rule breaking Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: i have helped ban 1 cheater by contacting an admin and sent clips of another cheater so admins and i have donated Play time on the server group I am applying for: 2 days 09:04:46 hours Vouching staff member/s: Pain Vouching player/s: I have read and met the application requirements for the server group …
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Current Steam Name: waterz Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:167978072 Discord Handle: water#5350 Age: 17 Gender: Male Description of myself: yo, so a description of myself would be that im just a normal person that likes to play skill surf and 1v1's but you probably havent seen me because when i do play i normally keep to myself and dont talk. Also anther reason why you might not has seen me is cause i havent been able to play csgo for a few months because i cant start the game and i still dont know why but i reset my pc and i fixed it. but when it comes to playing surf i think i am rank 2100 and i am trying to get better but i mostly play noob, and easy. anddddd about…
[SKILL SURF] the godfather's Moderator Application
by the godfather- 1 follower
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Current Steam Name: the godfather Steam ID: STEAM_76561199195849680 Discord Handle: jackbruv#4535 Age: 15 Gender: Male Description of myself: im not toxic and ive never been muted or banned and im pretty cool Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: i will stop racism on the servers im in Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: stopping people from saying slurs and alerting staff when needef Play time on the server group I am applying for: 100 hours i think Vouching staff member/s: Vouching player/s: upu I have read and met the application requirements for the server group I am applying for: YES I have read …
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Current Steam Name: FlowK Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:585392477 Discord Handle: niratt#1465 Age: 17 Gender: Prefer not to say Description of myself: look like the dude from lorax (guy who cuts trees closing bracket. im actually korean believe it or not. when im go serious mode im a danger to society because i have several unregistered weapons on me at all times. serveral convicted feleonies and 4yrs behind bars. no children(dead) just a wife (backflie* Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: Activity: normally on atleast once a day for however long until people leave. Knowledge: With years of combat surf experience, handling almost any situation is…
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Current Steam Name: <---- This makes me gay Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:571102772 Discord Handle: Marios#9044 Age: 18 Gender: Male Description of myself: im like a sick cunt who plays combat surf and thats all i play cos its fun and every other game sucks. I have been banned for advertisement but that was a mistake and i repented from my sins. Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: fuckin top notch management, good communication. Active and like so polite. Also very informative Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: Made it a greater place and brought many players as combat surf is dying Play time on the server group I am applying…
- 1 follower
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Current Steam Name: <---- This makes me gay Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:571102772 Discord Handle: Marios#9044 Age: 18 Gender: Male Description of myself: im like a sick cunt who plays combat surf and thats all i play cos its fun and every other game sucks. I have been banned for advertisement but that was a mistake and i repented from my sins. Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: fuckin top notch management, good communication. Active and like so polite. Also very informative Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: Made it a greater place and brought many players as combat surf is dying Play time on the server group I am applying…
[AIM] Kunar's Moderator Application
by Lunar Effect- 1 follower
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Current Steam Name: Kunar Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:47798404 Discord Handle: Lunar#1886 Age: 18 Gender: Male Description of myself: I am a enthuasitic gamer, being playing cs for nearly a decade and i enjoy having a good laugh with the boys and meeting new people. Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: i am a very level headed individual, i know how to take control of situation and reach a resulouting that benefits all parties involved. I would say i am calm and don't get agitated very easily and find dealing with diffuclt situations not a problem. I am a good team player and know how to operate under leadership and follow direction. Contribut…
[SKILL SURF] TangoGrog72's Moderator Application
by Grog-TMPro- 1 follower
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Current Steam Name: TangoGrog72 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:602142213 Discord Handle: Grog#0621 Age: 17 Gender: Male Description of myself: I'm currently attending high school and I am in the VCAL program, I have 2 jobs at the moment but I still make a lot of time for playing online. I'm open to a lot of things and very non judgemental, I also believe I'm often told that I am very nice and I'm good to have debates with. I have not been on the forums or discord for long but I have been in the server multiple years on my old account. I believe I am a good fit for this server without my time on the forum and discord so I hope you take my applica…
[SKILL SURF] Ashored's Moderator Application
by Ashored- 1 follower
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Current Steam Name: Ashored Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:548253389 Discord Handle: Ashored#4618 Age: 15 Gender: Male Description of myself: A Teenager who has learnt to deal with people who constantly harass taunt and threaten others myself included I am a strong-hearted and Strong Spirited Person Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: Leadership, Assistance to New Players, Jokes (bit dogshit ngl), Conversation and Less Rule Breakers will be the first thing i do mainly the mic spammers and racism that as occurred recently Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: Play time on the server group I am applying for: 9d 22:57h noob surf 10:3…
[AIM] All Shots Missed's Moderator Application
by All Shots Missed- 4 followers
- 12 replies
Current Steam Name: All Shots Missed Steam ID: Discord Handle: All Shots Missed#2034 Age: 15 Gender: Male Description of myself: I am a computer enthusiast who likes to play csgo when I am not at school or studying. I try to be easy going and friendly. I am currently trying to improve at csgo as much as possible as I enjoy practice and improvement. My favourite CS team is renegades 😞 Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: I can bring a warm attitude, I am very social and can help to build connections with the community, I can also help to relate to the community because of my experience with the game and …