174 topics in this forum
Reverse #IEMSYDNEY's Ban Request
by TheRiddler- 1 reply
Your Ingame Name: TheRiddler Thier Ingame Name: Reverse #IEMSYDNEY Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:157897690 Which Server: Scouts and Knives Reason why they should be banned / muted: Aim and walls hacks Proof / Evidence: Link to download of Demo: Clear aim and walls wasnt able to get more as he was in server only for 2 rounds, can see kill feed of pervious round at start of recording of wallbang headshots
Stacy's Mom's Ban Request
by jackson- 9 replies
Your Ingame Name: AKM Thier Ingame Name: Stacy's Mom Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:196680583 Which Server: Jailbreak Reason why they should be banned / muted: So we are all just playing and of course, he breaks rules like usual when no staff are on. Favoritism and gun planting is what he shows, pretty much ruining the experience of other players such as Justin who was killed by Squigga when Stacy gun planted. After this, he delays and just griefs. I have a video evidence that I will have linked below. I have also had previous footage that I have given to staff members that shows him baiting and free killing, he is a frequent rule breaker and it is ruinin…
ムムムムムムムムムム's Ban Request
by ioutrankyou- 1 reply
Your Ingame Name: =|[K|T]|= I Øut rànk yõu Thier Ingame Name: ムムムムムムムムムム Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:200112061 Which Server: Scouts and Knives Reason why they should be banned / muted: Aimbot Proof / Evidence: 1 got evidence of only 1 kill. But it's pretty clear he was on the gear.
- 5 replies
Your Ingame Name: Harik Thier Ingame Name: Salam // Wasteland Rebel // Potato Their Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:134300064 Which Server: Minigames Reason why they should be banned / muted: This kid has literally 166 mutes/gags. The large and important punishments that should be considered include: 2 month silence, a permanent silence and 2 permanent bans which is included with his overall 20 bans. He hasn't learnt his lesson at all and it seems like he isn't making an effort to improve. Since his permanent silence was removed he has recieved 63 more communication blocks. He makes admins job much harder then necessary and I am quite frankly sick of it. Wheneve…
Koi and Justin's Ban Request
by jackson- 3 replies
Your Ingame Name: AKM Thier Ingame Name: Koi and Justin Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:78944183 (Koi) and STEAM_0:0:170985439 (Justin) Which Server: Jailbreak Reason why they should be banned / muted: They kept fucking free killing me and the rest of the server, free wounded me twice as well. They even left saying "Let's leave before we get banned". Hope these dumb idiots get banned. Proof / Evidence: And all the normies in the game at the same time.
Zaccode20 XD's Ban Request
by Ec1ipse- 5 replies
Your Ingame Name: Ec1ipse Thier Ingame Name: Zaccode20 XD Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:165021546 Which Server: Minigames Reason why they should be banned / muted: Zaccode has been banned now 4 times and also has 26 mutes/gags/silences. He is currently sitting on a 3 week silence since he was racist towards players and bullying others. I'm not the only want that wants this kid heavily dealt with, i could say most of the community wants him gone. He also was banned off teamspeak for being annoying towards others and being rude towards everyone, also asking to be unsilenced and unbanned. This kid deadset is the most annoying kid and has no respect for …
✪ sqυïggα's Ban Request
by Codex.- 9 replies
Your Ingame Name: Codex Thier Ingame Name: ✪ sqυïggα Their Steam ID: Don't knwo how to get it. Link= Which Server: Jailbreak Reason why they should be banned / muted: So, I was play playing a comp match, when I finished I went bakc onto jb, everyone said I ahve Mass Freekilled heaps of people with a negev, I automatically said no because I didn't do it. Then after a few rounds Beats told me that someone had made there name Codex and and they freekilled everyone. I have proof! Proof / Evidence: Look recent names + Ask Beats he saw everything!
その's Ban Request
by ioutrankyou- 2 replies
Your Ingame Name: =|[K|T]|= I Øut rànk yõu Thier Ingame Name: その Their Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:119984573 Which Server: Casual Comp Reason why they should be banned / muted: Continuously uses racist remarks. Has been banned multiple times previously for same/similar offenses. Always comes back and continues this disgusting behavior. I Gagged him today for a racist remark. After i ungagged and left he continued it. I would prefer a 30day ban aswell as a Perm/Mute Gag. As they have used their name in the past. Proof / Evidence:…
BOT Shark's Ban Request
by medzii- 1 reply
Your Ingame Name: ✪ mEdZ • KZG Thier Ingame Name: BOT Shark Their Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:202374024 Which Server: Scouts and Knives Reason why they should be banned / muted: Hacking. I banned him for 6 days but perm bans are still not possible on scoutz (i think) Proof / Evidence: I do have a small recording but it was blatantly obvious plus I couldnt be fkd to figure out how to trim and adjust volume and stuff. Messeeks, Fr3Ash and Shaka were on as staff at the time who can vouch but lemme know if u need the evidence.
keith's Ban Request
by ioutrankyou- 1 reply
Your Ingame Name: =|[K|T]|= I Øut rànk yõu Thier Ingame Name: keith Their Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:194289862 Which Server: 1v1 Reason why they should be banned / muted: Aimbot - already banned him for a week Proof / Evidence:
Demise's Ban Request
by ioutrankyou- 1 reply
Your Ingame Name: =|[K|T]|= I Øut rànk yõu Thier Ingame Name: Demise Their Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:23397479 Which Server: Casual Comp Reason why they should be banned / muted: Aimbot - already banned for 1 week Proof / Evidence:
99's Ban Request
by ioutrankyou- 1 reply
Your Ingame Name: =|[K|T]|= I Øut rànk yõu Thier Ingame Name: 99 Their Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:204056101 Which Server: 1v1 Reason why they should be banned / muted: Wallhacking. I've already banned for a week. Proof / Evidence:
zaccode's Ban Request
by CheekyMyBabeh- 3 replies
Your Ingame Name: sarah Thier Ingame Name: zaccode Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:165021546 Which Server: Minigames Reason why they should be banned / muted: hes silenced for being a shit stirrer and constantly changes his name to communicate omfg Proof / Evidence: idk just look at the recent names ffs
ca1's Ban Request
by queenos- 3 replies
Your Ingame Name: Queeno Thier Ingame Name: ca1 Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:191528396 Which Server: 1v1 Reason why they should be banned / muted: Blatant Spinbotting, evidence below sorry for the long upload time Proof / Evidence:
Shifty as.'s Ban Request
by ioutrankyou- 1 reply
Your Ingame Name: =|[K|T]|= I Øut rànk yõu Thier Ingame Name: Shifty as. Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:91167866 Which Server: Casual Comp Reason why they should be banned / muted: Aimlock/Aimbot Proof / Evidence:
Naruto Uzumaki's Mute Request
by ioutrankyou- 1 reply
Your Ingame Name: =|[K|T]|= I Øut rànk yõu Thier Ingame Name: Naruto Uzumaki Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:185793531 Which Server: 1v1 Reason why they should be banned / muted: Continually spamming mic after being asked not to multiple times. He even Acknowledge's it by saying he will stop but still continues. Proof / Evidence:
Clutch:q's Ban / Mute Request
by Sting- 3 replies
Your Ingame Name: Sting Thier Ingame Name: Clutch:q Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:114272476 Which Server: 1v1 Reason why they should be banned / muted: I Hopped on 1v1 for abit to practice my aim before i head into a Comp game and clutch:q was abusing this Moey Person who I believe had him on block communication (not sure) and then continued to impersonate an admin to try and scare him. Hopefully this is enough evidence. Proof / Evidence: [S.W.A.T] clutch:q : Moey stfu [S.W.A.T] clutch:q : Last warning [S.W.A.T] clutch:q : Stop argueing [S.W.A.T] clutch:q : last warning [S.W.A.T] clutch:q : !admin [S.W.A.T] clutch:q : big b…
spoof and yawn's Ban / Mute Request
by jiggzy.- 2 replies
Your Ingame Name: Justin Thier Ingame Name: spoof and yawn Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:197514362 and STEAM_0:0:186705472 Which Server: Jailbreak Reason why they should be banned / muted: They were endlessly delaying for the entire round on a special day. Proof / Evidence: Screenshots - - As you could tell from the chat it was quite obvious how the…
g h o z t's Ban / Mute Request
by ioutrankyou- 2 replies
Your Ingame Name: =|[K|T]|= I Øut rànk yõu Thier Ingame Name: g h o z t Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:193711988 Which Server: Casual Comp Reason why they should be banned / muted: Aimbot Proof / Evidence: Tick -40000Tick+ is the Aimbot with deagle on Pistol round. Their might even be some walling in the demo aswell. Haven't had a decent look yet.
- 2 replies
Your Ingame Name: Shep <3 Thier Ingame Name: Pugloaf, {lance}, ragnar Their Steam ID: ItzIDK Which Server: Scouts and Knives Reason why they should be banned / muted: They were using a glitch in the map still after me and gogurt warned them Proof / Evidence:
Milk House's Ban / Mute Request
by quint3n- 4 replies
Your Ingame Name: quint3n Thier Ingame Name: Milk House Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:153073579 Which Server: Minigames Reason why they should be banned / muted: Ever since milk house and who ever he plays with has joined the server all he has done is try to annoy admins, and the players by usually constantly screaming/shouting into his mic. I know Harik and Knxwledge have had to put up with muting this guy many times over the small course he has been playing. After telling people not to "Glock spam" he goes on to do it many rounds in a row and then delay until last alive along with CloudRush. imo shouldnt be allowed to play at all but thats probab…
Refusing to listen to admins
by CS:GARBAGE- 8 replies
Was slain for being in an abused spot on a map by an admin. He was warned afterwards that if he kept at it he'd be banned, the admin left shortly after he warned him. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40112785 Steam profile link:
Mute Request
by J_VilL- 1 reply
Thanks for reading guys just looking for a mute like i said constantly spamming however on mic and chat sick of him and i want a punishment on him thank you.
by J_VilL- 3 replies
I obviously reported this man for breaking two Rules. No advertising servers or websites. and No Spamming. We obviously do not want this in our servers so i decided to report him and especially for advertising INVEX this is up to you's and what you want to punish him with. hehe xd
by SuS-250 | Lipton- 5 replies
Hey guys willywanaka and pikachubro have been abusing me and i have got so salty i have bothered to post a thread on here please help. They were american.