221 topics in this forum
[--SELECT--] Ducky's Abuse Report
by toggle- 2 followers
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Your In-Game Name: Toggle Your Steam_ID: 76561198068042421 Their In-Game: Ducky Their Steam_ID: 76561199172944587 Reason(s): is telling me to kill my self and hopes my family dies in a accident Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: the people in the server /kermit the fllog / OK. / Nosey
[SKILL SURF] Nasreddin's Abuse Report
by Sebastian_Vettel- 2 replies
Your In-Game Name: Sebatian Vettel Your Steam_ID: Their In-Game: Nasreddin Their Steam_ID: idk Reason(s): Joined the server, naturally played music like normal in order to start a music vote but was just immediately muted for 30 minutes with no vote. Asked him why he didnt make a vote in admin chat (which is its purpose if im not wrong) then he just gagged me for an hour Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: Ask him/check logs
[SKILL SURF] Console's Abuse Report
by Sebastian_Vettel- 2 followers
- 3 replies
Your In-Game Name: Sebatian Vettel Your Steam_ID: Their In-Game: Console Their Steam_ID: idk Reason(s): He went straight to a 240 minute mute for micspam followed by a 300 minute mute for micspam Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: Check logs idk
[SKILL SURF] Console's Mute Report
by zulumv10- 2 replies
Your In-Game Name: Zulumv10 Your Steam_ID: 76561198314641287 Their In-Game: Console Their Steam_ID: 76561199085305433 Reason(s): I understand I wasn't allowed to say the n word and i was muted for 15 mins, But when I was unmuted, I explained and argued that I was from an aboriginal decendant and he muted me again, I never said the n word after the first mute, but he still muted me. I am un happy with the racismn towards me, having been muted twice because of the fact that I am sticking up for my aboriginal decendancy. The second mute was apparently because of micspam, but as said previously it was me sticking up for my aborignal decendancy. additionally…
[SKILL SURF] sandals's Ban Report
by skillsau- 1 follower
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Your In-Game Name: skillsau Your Steam_ID: 76561198868108472 Their In-Game: sandals Their Steam_ID: Reason(s): i would like to get unbanned Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: i am guessing you banned for me for my vac game banned/ thats rust not cs go....and if thats not the case what in the hell do u think that i am hacking....i been playint surf combat almot 3 year now....and my old name is fantastic...skills....forever so on i cant remamber the rest
[AWP] sidTheSloth's Ban Report
by Papa Palpatine- 2 followers
- 4 replies
Your In-Game Name: Papa Palpatine Your Steam_ID: STEAM_1:1:61373188 Their In-Game: sidTheSloth Their Steam_ID: STEAM_1:0:77985237 Reason(s): Wallhacking, evidence attached. Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: VIVIA as a witness.
[SKILL SURF] .Night's Abuse Report
by .Daytime- 4 replies
Your In-Game Name: Un-Registered Sex Offender Your Steam_ID: .Night sucks Their In-Game: .Night Their Steam_ID: .nightsuckslol Reason(s): Bro this guy is the most power hungry fag. He legit only plays for the sole reason to kick and mute people. A guys tested his mic and it had static and he just kicks him. I also called him fat and copped a 2 hour mute. When hes alone he just goes power hungry crazy Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: legit everyone whos not an admin
[AIM] robert's Abuse Report
by mromz- 3 replies
Your In-Game Name: mromz Your Steam_ID: Their In-Game: robert Their Steam_ID: Reason(s): abuse of power was slapping me for "baiting" which i dont think is a thing but anyways which then got me killed it he had also slapped me on the map before that for watiing out a molly and shooting a wall bang as that is "baiting" and so thats a slapable offence apparently which is stupid. Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: mudlee person in the game that is also my friend who also got slapped but i think is was alttabbed which is fine - https://steamcommunity.c…
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Your In-Game Name: XXX Your Steam_ID: 0ffersYoutube Their In-Game: mia khalifa Their Steam_ID: i dont know because it wasent me Reason(s): my brother was under the name mia khalifa and cheated i dont now how you cheat in surf but he did and i was banned. we are on the same ip and i think im banned from every sever ownerd by kzg so if you can unbanned my account but if u see the ip on at the game time then do something idk just i wanna get back to surf. Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: i cant really show im not a owner of cheats buy he has some so yea regards XXX :)
[SKILL SURF] Momentos Mute Report
by Momentuim- 3 replies
Your In-Game Name: Momentos Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:517372791 Their In-Game: Superior Their Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:98198745 Reason(s): i was muted for a day for "being toxic and complaining about my mute" Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: superior muted a child because people were getting annoyed at him. i have screenshots of chat towards superior start of conversation to end if you do not believe that this is the start and that there was further conflict please refer to superior for confirmation ps. (if someone would be able to reply giving me information on how to add screenshots this would be appreciated)
[AWP] ✪ Chick3nPatty's Abuse Report
by pokNIK- 1 reply
Your In-Game Name: pokNIK Your Steam_ID: niksyauqi127 Their In-Game: ✪ Chick3nPatty Their Steam_ID: Reason(s): talk too much Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: keep calling people hacker
[SKILL SURF] Ultra_X's Mute Report
by Sinusoidal- 3 replies
Your In-Game Name: ??? ?? 正弦波 Your Steam_ID: Austomo4 Their In-Game: Ultra_X Their Steam_ID: Ultra_X Reason(s): He is constantly ear raping us and abusing his mic Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: Jillian Gillard
[STEAM] Not Sure's Ban Report
by TEMP3R- 1 reply
Your In-Game Name: TEMP3R Your Steam_ID: 76561198834606522 Their In-Game: Not Sure Their Steam_ID: Not Sure Reason(s): There was no reason given when i was banned it was just BAM, then i couldn't join back. Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: I mean have a look at my CS:GO inventory. I wouldn't be cheating when i've spent that much on my account. Other than that i don't have any evidence since it happened so quickly
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Your In-Game Name: eman Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:93347978 Their In-Game: night. <3 Their Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:74620621 Reason(s): Nightmare has banned TWO of my friends, both times no evidence. The first time it was xk, he dropped like 30+ kills two games in a row. Nightmare thought this was suspicious (which is fair enough) but no valid evidence was provided. He later unbanned him because he realised he had made a mistake. The second time it was hello kitty boys on the loose !. He was lagging because he has an international student staying at his house and he just watches youtube and plays games. Nightmare thought it was suspicious because he was going 4 …
[COMBAT SURF] reedanz's Ban Report
by Serjent- 5 replies
Your In-Game Name: mightywarrior Your Steam_ID: STEAM_1:0:449052278 Their In-Game: reedanz Their Steam_ID: idk cbb looking Reason(s): banned for an extremely funny joke. #freemyniggaserjent Proof / Evidence / Witnesses:
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Your In-Game Name: Jagd Your Steam_ID: 76561198202917856 Their In-Game: Brutalskillz Their Steam_ID: 76561198045346927 Reason(s): Abuse of admin role on mordhau servers. Liberal use of the gun and retaliation against him was met with a 12 hour ban. He aimed a gun at me for no reason so i swung at him, he then shot me and banned me for 1000 minutes. Game: Mordhau Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: Brutalskillz has agreed to be a witness, he will admit to his actions and defend himself accordingly. It can alse be seen i have a 1000 minute ban on one of the KZG mordhau servers as of the time of this report.
[COMBAT SURF] Frankenstein's Abuse Report
by Braided Asshair- 24 replies
Your In-Game Name: Braided Asshair Or KerserFromBankstown Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:48739922 Their In-Game: Frankenstein Their Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:79784577 Reason(s): Abuse. He lied to the admins saying that he was getting 'Mocked' For having a disability..... This disability was having slurred speech. Which he suddenly got Out of nowhere when he started getting mocked for his silly mistake. He said in game "OMG I got WANK ONE!" not Rank one. Therefore a group was made and it was called WankOne we were asked to stop this groups tag. Which I think has been sorted. However They Own a group called Hellish Which I find very offensive A…
[COMBAT SURF] Nightmare's Abuse Report
by Mathew_1- 11 replies
Your In-Game Name: Mathew_1 Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:153582630 Their In-Game: Nightmare Their Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:74620621 Reason(s): Muted and silenced wrongly, ignored me when I asked why I was muted (and instead warns me to "stop spamming admin chat"), ignored a couple of players who have played kzg years before he started. Solely based his mute off of instinct, and not proof, kicked a hacker instead of banning him (or if he doesnt have perms, he should have at least grabbed the hackers steam_id and sent it to a higher admin). COMPLETELY ignored player who clearly stated he will ddos the server and said "it will make all of you lag", this same player …
[COMBAT SURF] reedaNZ's Abuse Report
by frankenstein- 5 replies
Your In-Game Name: frankenstein Your Steam_ID: STEAM_1:0:79784577 Their In-Game: reedaNZ Their Steam_ID: STEAM_1:1:215446581 Reason(s): I was banned for 5 days for saying "Here comes the transvestite" at roughly 1 am. Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: I get that transvestite is a derogatory term, but this ban is very unjust in my mind, in no conceivable way can saying the word transvestite be equal to being negated the ability to play on any of the KZG servers for something said over mic, should i not be muted? I get that i had been muted prior but that mute was for something completely irrelevant, it was a 15 minute for calm down or some shit. I…
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Steam Account Name: lil zenix Steam ID: Alternate Accounts: zenix Server Group: AIM Server: Casual Competitive Date / Time of Ban: 11-18-18 04:05 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: my brother was cheating and we got ip banned so i couldnt play anymore. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: because it was a fun server and i love having expenisive knifes and skins.
[AIM] Antipodean's Unban Appeal
by antipodean35- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: Antipodean Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:63311870 Alternate Accounts: NONE Server Group: AIM Server: Retake Date / Time of Ban: 21 / 11 / 2019 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: Antipodean No Demos Steam ID STEAM_1:0:63311870 Steam3 ID [U:1:126623740] Steam Community 76561198086889468 Invoked on 11-21-19 12:23 Banlength 46 mo, 1 wk, 1 d, 21 hr, 18 min Expires on 09-10-23 09:41 Reason [SourceSleuth] Duplicate account Banned by Admin CONSOLE Banned from ♚ KZG | Retakes #1 128 tick [WS/KNIFE/GLOVES/R... Total Bans No previous bans Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Because I didn't do an…
[STEAM] GSW | Envoy's Abuse Report
by Fast Ed- 4 replies
Your In-Game Name: Fast Ed Your Steam_ID: Their In-Game: GSW | Envoy Their Steam_ID: Reason(s): He has been abusing the ban system for weeks now. Every time I join the game and see him there he just auto kicks me. Today I joined a game, played for about 30 mins, and then he joined, saw me and kicked me, this time it resulted in an permaban. I would put this request in an unban request but since its in Mordhau and there dosnt seem to be much support for Mordhau here Im putting it here. Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: Jesus (Legit) -…
[SKILL SURF] Bl@ñk (Bl@storious)'s Abuse Report
by Sassy The Softcock- 10 replies
Your In-Game Name: SassyTheSoftcock Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:507190694 Their In-Game: Bl@ñk (Bl@storious) Their Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:7077140 Reason(s): I got muted for just smoking a bong that was at the end of the map and it was just a 3 sec rip didn't even get the full thing down and i get a full day mute. disgusting. also no one even cared about it one person brought it up and there was like tops 5 people on the server barely. It was me Blank and one other chick and maybe one guy surfing without a mic. like a bit toxic don't you think? Proof / Evidence / Witnesses:
[SKILL SURF] Aria's Abuse Report
by MomsSpaghetti- 8 replies
Your In-Game Name: MomsSpaghetti Your Steam_ID: 76561198053072957 Their In-Game: Aria Their Steam_ID: ravendrinksrum Reason(s): Said that I was being transphobic and homophobic when I wasn't. All I did was laugh at someone who made a transphobic joke and legit said, "well I mean, transgenders are..." and then didn't finish my sentence cause I knew what might happen. Than Aria started saying, "go on finish your sentence, either way, you're getting muted." To which I said "no I'm not going to say anything." Than I got muted. She ended up muting the whole server. Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: I do not have …
[COMBAT SURF] ReedaNZ's Ban Report
by ⒼGamingⓟ︎Panda- 4 replies
Your In-Game Name: ⓂMrⓏZurlS2005 ⓏueS Your Steam_ID: STEAM_1:1:179306077 Their In-Game: ReedaNZ Their Steam_ID: STEAM_1:1:215446581 Reason(s): cuz he doesint know anything about baning 3 weeks is not good its not great its bad i want 3 days cuz 3 weeks is fucking long reeda is a retard i want him demoted pls Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: ⓂMrⓏZurlS2005 ⓏueS No Demos Steam ID STEAM_1:1:179306077 Steam3 ID [U:1:358612155] Steam Community 76561198318877883 Invoked on 09-17-19 07:02 Banlength 3 wk Expires on 10-08-19 07:02 Reason Repeat racism and toxicity Banned by Admin LIFETIME VIP ReedaNZ Banned from ♚ KZG | Combat Surf 100% AW…