Combat Surf
Discuss the server Combat Surf here.
105 topics in this forum
100% Accuracy
by SuGaR!- 4 replies
Just wonding if the Combat server was changed on purpose? I haven't seen a community vote for the change, not saying you managers need one to do what you wish to do, but it would of been nice to get the community's opinon. I personally don't like it, I usally LOVE combat surf and 100% Accuracy makes the game boring for me, it's like the game mode doesn't have any skill to it anymore...
100% plez
by Mikay- 7 replies
hi its mikay. plz make 100% awp a thing. the blurred scope makes it inevitable to hit shots and makes my eyes die ;(.
100% Weapons Lack
by ApocalypticPancake- 3 replies
IDK somebody has probably made a post on this before but we should get more weapons that allow them to have 100% accuracy because i think the only ones are scoped weapons and i think deagle. I just think that it would be good since it is combat you know?
Add 100% Accuracy to Deagle and SSG?
by TheRiddler- 13 replies
I know this topic has come up alot and not much has been done about it but its still desired amoung the community to include new weapons to the 100% accuracy list that only has the awp currently so we will hold a vote for the two and see how all of the community feels about it, anyone is welcome to vote if you play on the combat surf server and all opinions will be consided in the comments. In the interest to keep the servers weapons balanced only the Desert Eagle and Scout will be voted on at this time, and it is very unlikely that any Automatic guns will be consided since that would highly unbalance the server. If you have suggestions for guns to be added that you think…
add aztec
by kudose- 2 replies
add aztec back and remove the explosive barrels on dust2 theyre the gayest shit thanks sincerley -albertogaming420
Adding Tags
by Clifford- 6 replies
Hi, I think that tags should be added for players on combat surf, so we know if someone is an admin or vip.
Air acceleration and Hit Registration
by MuzzLightYer- 3 replies
In game name is Dahoowyy for those who do not know me. I have been playing kzg for almost 5 year now and i believe the server is at an all time low. Most of the maps are very good now but Dust 2 has a glitch where you fall in jail and get stuck inside the map which delays the round alot of the times The air acceleration is too low for a combat surf server. Also the hit reg is by far the worst part , it is almost a 50/50 chance is the bullet is gonna hit or not. , and if the player shoots next to them and still hit them. I really enjoy playing on kzg server as it becomes very populated. I hope this fourm bring this too your attention and you …
by skyprah- 7 replies
Just to fill everyone in, there was a bit of a misunderstanding between myself and @Dandy. We both take responsibility as words were implied differently which lead to the misunderstanding. I am not the most literate... After both of us talking it out for a while, @Dandy has asked me to write an apology on his behalf. He was quite upset which is understandable. He's a very popular and well liked admin and It would of been sad to see him go. I'm very happy we worked out this misunderstanding as he will now resume his usual schedule of pole dancing lessons, 7-11pm Thursday night. He also apologies for dogging the boys.
Bad Mod
by xd ツ- 4 replies
Hi i was on the KZG combat surf server and this guy waht tele camping and i said that is breaking the rules so a Mod came on and started having a go at me calling me a bitch a Ni**er and being rude his name was dog i am not happy with what happend to day i will not be going back on to the KZG combat surf till this problem is fixed Cheers-MoonLight
by FruitSalad- 2 replies
So basically im banned from kzg and if i did something wrong (wich i dont remember doing) can i at least know what i did ?
Blue skin for t
by perma- 8 replies
Bugs and glitches
by Dope- 0 replies
For all players who notice glitches and or bugs/problem in game on this server to post them here please make sure you do so we can fix the problems as soon as possible Dope.
- 11 replies
When ever i'm on people are complaining about either, people camping Jail, or an elevator (Ski2Go) for example obviously there are some maps where camping jail is inevitable as it is part of the map it's self. But there are people that push the limits so much that it can be classed as tele camping; - Elevator camping is something that is looked down upon simply because you can't react, as you have no accuracy at that long lift up all you can do is hope that the person has a bad aim. Where as on the other end it's pretty much free kills. this is abused by a lot of players. and people constantly ask me to slay these people, i don't due to there being no rule implemented…
Can't join server
by Mikay- 7 replies
Hello to all reading, I've been able to join KZG Combat Surf for about 2 months now with no additional problems, but recently I've been unable to join. I get stuck on a loading screen with no information what so ever. I can join other KZG servers but not the combat surf one. Please help - Mikay :rip:
Chibi and $5 hentai Breaking Rules etc.
by Ncessant- 12 replies
Hi! Real quick before the thread begins, In-Game (Steam, CS:GO) my username is ✛Dark and my steam link is ,Im currently using my twitch account to make/share this thread, considering problems with connecting my steam account. But with that out of the way. Friday 18th, I was playing Combat Surf with when I killed 5$ Hentai (, in which he replied "Fuck You, You Chode, We were making Artwork." (The artwork was in prison and depicted words like "Fuck Blacks" and occasionally the n-word." Shortly after I had killed Hentai, he started to ghost me (e.g he's surfing to prison or he's in prison) a…
Combat surf broken default gloves.
by Steve- 2 replies
So basically we used to have a glitch where some skins have invisible hands but now if you select the default gloves your hands are invisible. Also some skins have custom hands just wondering weither that's a glitch or it's supposed to be like that.
Combat Surf commands
by UMadBro- 1 reply
Hi, I was wondering if somebody can post the combat Surf commands that the server uses so I can practice offline. when I say commands I mean the commands like she air accelerate and not the generic commands Thanks
Combat Surf Crash
by Braided Asshair- 7 replies
Every Now and then Csgo Crashes For mainly the t's happens every hour just saying if u could fix it =)
Combat Surf has degenerated quite a bit
by Bubble- 4 replies
No one follows the rules anymore as well as 90% of microphone use is to say something toxic. No active admins and high player rates at what cost Skyprah? This is just an example screenshot of what i mean, jailcamping and any sort of telecamping is pretty common and if you're victim to it, most people just take it with a grain of salt + use of their favourite current slur in chat of their choice. <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/oz1VAek"><a href="//"></a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> I recall there being a good amount of appli…
Combat surf is good now!
by teddiE- 10 replies
I would like to say thank you to skyprah and all of the combat surf admins because the server is good NOW! KZG Combat surf was a pretty bad server compared to others back in the day, However, since the server has gone through some dramatic changes like: playermodels, edited maps, fixed plugins and a different point system, I would consider KZG being the BEST. As being the best combat surfer in Australia - I congratulate EVERYONE involved in creating a PERFECT server for the community! The community is poppin rn btw. Cheers x
Combat Surf Monthly Top 3 Free VIP
by TheRiddler- 6 replies
Hey Guys! Starting this month Combat surf will give 1 months free VIP to the players that finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the gameme points rankings at the end of the month just before points get reset. The VIP is across ALL KZG SERVERS, so by being good on our server you can have the benefits that all our VIP's have on all servers for 1 month. To win all you need to do is have your points not hidden on the gameme website and finish 1st 2nd or 3rd! I will announce the monthly winners on this topic and i will also give a link below to the Combat surf Gameme page so that you can check on your own and everyone else's points. If you have any questions about this feel free to …
by MuzzLightYer- 3 replies
Teams Team Name:Tele Campers 1.Yellec STEAM_0:1:69020153 2.not plz STEAM_0:0:47534261 3.Ash STEAM_0:1:43171794 4.Dingus STEAM_0:1:200722652 5.vanQuish STEAM_0:0:39981493 6.Kudose STEAM_0:1:61929094 Team Name: Caterpillar 1. Lil Bro STEAM_0:1:112309491 2. Jae STEAM_0:0:241146748 3. Collector STEAM_0:1:85701585 4. Killer STEAM_0:0:47478606 5. Razor STEAM_0:1:59193042 6. Mathew_1 STEAM_0:1:153582630 Team Name: SeeYaOnDaForums 1.Sky/Mascot STEAM_0:1:80601925 2.Yen STEAM_0:0:55652218 3.E…
Combat Surf Rules & Commands
by sm!- 0 replies
General Rules: 1. Hackers/Cheaters will be permanently banned without warning, period. No exceptions. 2. Be respectful to everyone. Racism, discrimination, and harassment based on gender, age, sex, religion, and any other aspect is prohibited. 3. No racial or religious slurs. 4. No advertising servers or websites. 5. English ONLY on mic. 6. Don't speak over each othere. 7. No spamming (VOICE AND CHAT). 8. No playing music over your microphone UNLESS you have admins permission. 9. No exploiting maps. 10. No glitching maps. 11. Once dead, you are not allowed to call out where the remaining players are on the map. This is called “ghosting". 12. If you are caught trying to…
Combat surf tournament
by atauciq- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Here is a tournament format, the red is just unceratin stuff, this has probably already been done but I did it again because why not
combat surf tourney??
by Aoii- 1 reply
surely the staff creates another combat surf tournament