1,239 topics in this forum
[MINIGAMES] jerome's Unban Appeal
by wagwanG- 3 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: jerome Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:166533287 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: NONE Discord Handle: wagwan v2#2403 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? MINIGAMES What server did you receive the punishment on? Casual Comp What staff member issued the punishment: Ban Reason: no reason Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: I dont know why I was banned? The only thing i know is that there was a player with the same name as me sending auto kill messages. …
[AWP] PeanutGS ♣ mordec☂'s Unban Appeal
by mordec- 6 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: PeanutGS ♣ mordec☂ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:211267402 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: STEAM_0:0:614381289, STEAM_1:1:616466702 Discord Handle: KRU#8323 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? AWP What server did you receive the punishment on? AWP SG What staff member issued the punishment: Samuukxs Ban Reason: points lose evading Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: I think what I've done was very immature, I didn't think about what I was doing much a…
[SKILL SURF] Toasted TV's Unban Appeal
by toasted tv- 1 follower
- 4 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: Toasted TV Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:75057798 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: NONE Discord Handle: Neilz#7880 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? SKILL SURF What server did you receive the punishment on? Beginner Surf What staff member issued the punishment: Ban Reason: Duplicate Account Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: Hello I've been learning to surf during this lockdown and I was playing your server until around 4 am last night with no …
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: 4`Way Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:34533567 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: NONE Discord Handle: 4`Way What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? SKILL SURF What server did you receive the punishment on? Noob Surf+Easy Surf What staff member issued the punishment: Console Ban Reason: [SourceSleuth] Duplicate account Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: I have been playing KZG surf servers for years, I recently got a VPN which doesn't let me into some of …
[OTHER] fox's Unban Appeal
by FOX- 1 follower
- 3 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: fox Steam ID: STEAM_etagfox_yt KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: NONE Discord Handle: i dont have discord What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? OTHER What server did you receive the punishment on? easy surf What staff member issued the punishment: Ban Reason: doxing Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: i put my ip in chat as a joke and said it was a other players ip hoping he would leave because he was mic spamming Do you have an evidence th…
[MINIGAMES] Jqcksxn's Unban Appeal
by Jqcksxn- 1 follower
- 4 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: Jqcksxn Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:190778874 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: STEAM_0:1:459880262 Discord Handle: Jqcksxn#9326 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? MINIGAMES What server did you receive the punishment on? AIM What staff member issued the punishment: Console Ban Reason: Duplicate Account? Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: I didnt realise that if two csgo accounts were played on the same WIFI connection / PC you would get banned. My b…
[AIM] novacks's Unban Appeal
by novacks- 2 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: novacks Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:598832971 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: NONE Discord Handle: username#XXXX What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? AIM What server did you receive the punishment on? WEB BAN What staff member issued the punishment: RetroViper Ban Reason: Association to known cheaters Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: Association to cheaters is not found in the rules of KZG and I don't see how it has anything to do with kzg as it w…
[COMBAT SURF] Alone's Unban Appeal
by Alone.- 3 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: Alone Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:472792491 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: None Discord Handle: Alone#2075 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? COMBAT SURF What server did you receive the punishment on? Combat Surf What staff member issued the punishment: Drk Skill Surf Manager Ban Reason: Inappropriate Name Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: I have previously made an unban appeal on the 29th of august that was responded to, I mad a ticket on Disco…
[AIM] wozzA's Unban Appeal
by wozzA- 1 follower
- 4 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: wozzA Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:42088703 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: NONE Discord Handle: wozzA#9079 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? AIM What server did you receive the punishment on? AIM / 1v1 Arena What staff member issued the punishment: Ban Reason: Cheating Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: Hey, hope you guys are doing well. I think this is probably my 3rd or so attempt at appealing to unban but I'm having another go because I…
[SINGAPORE] tracy's Unban Appeal
by BMW M3 GTR- 5 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: tracy Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:617540994 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: STEAM_1:1:191684114 Discord Handle: gtr#7139 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? SINGAPORE What server did you receive the punishment on? AWP SG What staff member issued the punishment: Samuukxs Singapore Head Admin Ban Reason: Aimbot Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: Dear Team at KZG, I should be unbanned because i do not use any hacked clients for any of the account…
[JUMP] myk's Unban Appeal
by myk- 1 follower
- 2 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: myk Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:33012951 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: STEAM_1:0:54331844 Discord Handle: Sunhat#0073 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? JUMP What server did you receive the punishment on? bhop What staff member issued the punishment: Skyprah Ban Reason: "Team Stacking / Ignoring Admins" Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: How you gonna team stack on a bunnyhop server come on man. In all seriousness the reasons listed cou…
[OTHER] Kawaii Loli's Unban Appeal
by Kawaii Loli- 1 follower
- 2 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: Kawaii Loli Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:103388932 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: NONE Discord Handle: dripmaster#9762 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? OTHER What server did you receive the punishment on? banned from the console :( What staff member issued the punishment: skyprah Ban Reason: trash talking servers - do not unban Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: Hey skyprah, I'm sorry for trash talking your servers a while back. I was a muc…
[OTHER] darz's Unban Appeal
by darz- 1 follower
- 2 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: darz Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:181210823 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: STEAM_0:0:566391291 Discord Handle: darz#0413 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? OTHER What server did you receive the punishment on? FFA Deathmatch What staff member issued the punishment: console Ban Reason: Duplicate account Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: i dont understand why i was banned for Duplicate account I was not ban evading or anything like that I was playin…
[AIM] Elbzz's Unban Appeal
by Elbzz- 1 follower
- 11 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: Elbzz Steam ID: KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: NONE Discord Handle: Elbzz#3786 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? AIM What server did you receive the punishment on? 1v1 arena What staff member issued the punishment: Ban Reason: Alternate Account? Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: I was trying to join the 1v1 server one day and it said i was banned …
[AIM] super-zero's Unban Appeal
by super-zero- 1 follower
- 5 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: super-zero Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:173960865 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: STEAM_0:0:417754781 Discord Handle: superzero#6672 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? AIM What server did you receive the punishment on? Retakes What staff member issued the punishment: Diamond Ban Reason: Evading Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: Hi, The ban reason is listed as ban evading, but to my knowledge any existing bans had already expired, as I've be…
[AIM] Ell4's Unban Appeal
by Ell4- 1 follower
- 5 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: Ell4 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:463627420 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: STEAM_0:1:129982961 Discord Handle: sirivia#1515 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? AIM What server did you receive the punishment on? Dust2 Deathmatch FFA What staff member issued the punishment: CONSOLE Ban Reason: Duplicate account Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: I can't join the deathmatch server in which I have played many times for a 'duplicate account'. This is ju…
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: ghostPUNCHER / ArchieB Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:33967331 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: None Discord Handle: RGB#6597 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? OTHER What server did you receive the punishment on? Retakes & Executes What staff member issued the punishment: console Ban Reason: duplicate account Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: I got auto banned a fair few years ago and didn't really think anything of it at the time as I wasn&…
[SKILL SURF] woods's Unban Appeal
by woods- 3 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: woods Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:54491292 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: STEAM_0:0:548609110 Discord Handle: woods#7353 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? SKILL SURF What server did you receive the punishment on? SKILL SURF What staff member issued the punishment: Drk Ban Reason: Ban Evading/Mute Evading Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: Words will never fully express how sorry I am I’m sorry. I regret what I have done. It was wrong, stupid …
[AIM] Palea Pablo's Unmute Appeal
by Palea Pablo- 1 follower
- 2 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: Palea Pablo Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:147479471 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: NONE Discord Handle: Palea Pablo#9140 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? AIM What server did you receive the punishment on? AIM What staff member issued the punishment: Ban Reason: "perm" Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: The ban was almost 4 years ago and I have no idea as to why I was permamuted and the ban reason (li…
[COMBAT SURF] HeadbuttYourBaby's Unban Appeal
by HeadbuttYourBaby- 3 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: HeadbuttYourBaby Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:566792894 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: none. Discord Handle: HeadbuttYourBaby#7962 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? COMBAT SURF What server did you receive the punishment on? KZG NOOB SURF. 8PM Eastern time. What staff member issued the punishment: Samuuks Ban Reason: Pedo accusation Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: Its been a month so this is a follow up to my other unban appeal from said date. …
[DISCORD] quaddeh#7720's Unban Appeal
by quaddeh- 1 follower
- 3 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: quaddeh#7720 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:151800849 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: none Discord Handle: quaddeh#7720 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? DISCORD What server did you receive the punishment on? Discord What staff member issued the punishment: Ban Reason: no idea Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: Because I would like to be in the Discord Server. I don't know why I am banned so I don't have much to say really. Please let me know what I …
[COMBAT SURF] mokla's Unban Appeal
by Panda- 1 follower
- 3 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: mokla Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93347978 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: None Discord Handle: mokla#8005 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? COMBAT SURF What server did you receive the punishment on? All servers What staff member issued the punishment: ReedaNZ Ban Reason: Shit stirring Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: I was banned for "shit stirring" because I was angry that someone had the R word in their name and I contacted ReedaNZ to try mak…
[AIM] eaeae's Unban Appeal
by puǝɹɟ- 1 follower
- 5 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: eaeae Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:98139948 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: none Discord Handle: frend...?!#2050 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? AIM What server did you receive the punishment on? Retakes and Executes What staff member issued the punishment: Ban Reason: No reason Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: I have no idea why I have been banned. I have been banned like this before. I had been just playing retakes normally when suddenly I c…
- 4 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: zxc Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:57038611 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: NONE Discord Handle: LST#1477 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? AIM What server did you receive the punishment on? Retake and Surfing ( maps) What staff member issued the punishment: Ban Reason: No reason. I really do not know. Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: Hello! I am playing CSGO since 2016. I am not sure why I got banned, I am definitely not hacking. Admins onlin…
[OTHER] wetbuttery's Unban Appeal
by wetbuttery- 1 follower
- 5 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: wetbuttery Steam ID: STEAM_76561198073183115 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: STEAM_76561198229007056 Discord Handle: tyrone#8346 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? OTHER What server did you receive the punishment on? Retake #3 Australia What staff member issued the punishment: Ban Reason: Duplicate Accounts Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: Hey, I took about a year break from gaming. I've played maybe two or three times on the s…