125 topics in this forum
Casual Competitive Map Pool
by panthA- 0 replies
Hey Just wondering if KZG was open to revising the map pool for the Casual competitive server. At the moment it is current possible to have no maps from the active duty group in a 5 choice map pool. The maps I could suggest removing would be those out of the Active Duty and less popular e.g. Italy, Aztec, Dust(CSS) ect. Alternatively, something like UMC3 could allow for a Category style system to allow for an Active Duty and Reserves groupings. This would allow players who specifically want to play maps like Office to still be able to vote for them. Unfortunately I'm not exactly sure how this would work along side SM's current map system. UMC3 can offer wh…
by Frizz- 1 reply
-Bhop- Just thought id call in and give my suggestion, cheers you should make a mode where you cant pre jump in the start zone so people can go for world records and stuff and people wont have that extra 20 velocity or jump half way in the start zone to get a time. also should bring back noclip and make a checkpoints thing so people can try out routes that is all, fankx
by Sirtron- 8 replies
I don't know if this is intentional or not but when you don't respond to a coin toss request it will automatically accept it. To me this is very bad and may cause people to complain admins and on this forum. It needs to auto reject the coin toss not accept.
Combat Bhop Server
by deSt- 19 replies
So recently there was a thread made about making a Bhop server which would be really cool but I think what would be better is a combat BHOP server. Currently there aren't many people who host a popular combat bhop server and I think if KZG made one it could draw a whole lot of new people to the server. If you havnt had any experiences with Combat Bhop servers it is basically when auto is enabled on generally 1.6 maps and you just bhop around killing people. Also I think if this were to get added Jetpack should be set to a low price seeing it's quite a big part.
Complete the Map List
by caramel- 1 follower
- 1 reply
For the Casual Competitive servers, add de_nuke and de_anubis as both are currently in the official map pool but cannot be played on the Casual Competitive server.
- 7 replies
Pretty simple idea, currently there is barley any Classic Offensive servers and I think if we were to make one like the casual comp server it would be a lot of fun.
Credits / Store Ideas
by Jaggo- 1 reply
Whattup nerds, i've thought of some sik new ideas for the server. My first suggestion is being able to buy credits, e.g $5 for 5k. Gambling seems to be a pretty big thing so why not add this in. My other suggestion is a way of getting vip with credits, this is a suggestion and feedback is appreciated, but being able to buy vip for lets say only 1 or 2 months max for like 250k credits or smth. Just some ideas I had kek. thanks sk badmin jaggo
CT Player Models And Admin Skins
by kidx- 4 replies
So I can see there is only 3 ct skin I think there should be way more lets get into it! Ekko League Of Legends Summer Freak Saitama One Piece Neptune pics didnt work? So that was the ct skin lets get into the admin skins Rayman Octodad' Hellknight Well thats all I got hope you enjoyed!
Deathrun being integrated into Minigames??
by .vert zaMpa- 8 replies
Deathrun is a super fun mode that I used to play heaps. There is really good maps and I was thinking we could integrate it into Minigames? Maybe like 5 or so maps, and then people could nominate them and hopefully get the majority. Would be pretty cool imo. Deathrun has always been one of the funnest modes. Cheers, Dupreeh. (NOT TOO SURE IF ANYONE HAS DONE THIS YET)
by Dope- 4 replies
Yo can we have a donate button on the forum
DOnation error
by Sorrow [Not The Admin]- 0 replies
When I try to donate, I get an error at the donate page, which I attached as an image, how do I fix, I just want that lifetime guarantee T~T
Dust_2_overcore barrels.
by Dandy- 5 replies
Can we remove them? Combat surf - They were once removed, idk why they are back , makes it annoying for jail-boost and just hitting them.
Easy Surf Casual Rank Glitch
by Ka-chow!- 5 replies
So Basically on the easy surf server when you get the rank CASUAL it doesn't show in the text chat, it just shows your name and not your rank or your colour, it doesnt bother me anymore because I am now ranked as COMPETENT, but i think it should still be fixed.
emojis on the forums
by quint3n- 0 replies
on some forums we have emoticons as well like kzg and we use phone emojis as well such as :rage: and :happy: but on we only have limited emotes and we still have Halloween emotes and Halloween was nearly a month ago now, i think we should get the phone emotes on the forums to :D
Expand the skilled rank in surf
by alchemist- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Most of the playerbase that surfs regularly is ranked skilled and at the moment the skill disparity between the two ends of the rank is too large. There's a wide difference in skill between someone who just hit 6000 points, someone with 13 000 points and someone with 20 000+ points let alone the people close to experienced. Can we add at least one, if not two additional ranks in there? Whether its by a points basis or rank, examples being top 1000 and top 2000 or 10 000 points and 15 000 points. Thanks.
Extending rounds on 1v1 server
by Dope- 4 replies
been playing abit of 1v1 as of late and notice im just getting into before map changes is everyone happy with the number of round or are you like me and think a few more wouldnt hurt haha. also wanting abit of information on the 1v1 as in weapons i always have an ak and i see guys kill people with deagles and awps lol how do you do this will there be a section for 1v1 be added soon as this sort of gameplay is awesome haha Dope.
Fan Fiction Thread
by MacgregorALT- 4 replies
Make a fan fiction thread.
Features to do
by Kwala- 7 replies
Very Important: Fix the issue that forces users to refresh. The post loads forever. Fix inline moderation. It doesn't work. Rest: Fix up xThreads - broken right now. Change Alert colour to red if there is an alert.
- 6 replies
Ok where do i began i have been here a short time and managed to do a lot for KZG i would like to put out to everyone that we are always seeking to expand if you have friends who play cs but are not familiar with our servers or our website please feel inclined to bring them along as with more people amongst us we are capable to do bigger things i have scouted out 27 members for kzg in the matter of a week i see no point is to why it should be hard to get them here and apart of KillZone Gaming i know that we can do it as i have demonstrated what a simple giveaway on my behalf can do. it is essential for us grow in order to provide yous with new servers, game modes and more…
Forum Link Doesn't Work - Admin Needed
by Bl@ñk (Bl@storious)- 2 replies
- 1.4k views if you click on that, it throws an error saying the theme needs to be reset in the admin panel. Can admin look at this?
forum staff section
by Dope- 2 replies
@kwala was wondering if you could add what servers the staff administrate or moderate. eg Admins DopeScope Scoutznknivez Server admin Steam id to give members a fair idea on who to contact if they are having any issues on server
Forum Tags for Surf Admins.
by AddicT- 8 replies
I did bring this up with @skyprah, but I want to know what others think too. If you don't know what I mean by Forum Tags, I mean like these: I reckon there should be one for Surf Admins
by Sebastian_Vettel- 1 follower
- 5 replies
what the FUCK does VIP give you in surf thanks
general forum stats.
by Sirtron- 10 replies
sorry to annoy you again @kwala but is it possible to have general forum stats area like the other comunity forums? I have linked the image below. I don't know if it'll work on the forum but it would look nice.
Gif as Avatar
by deSt- 5 replies
I'm pretty sure @Dandy made a thread about this but I don't know if it got a reply. Anyway I was just wondering if we would be able to make it so we can have gifs as avatars, from what I've seen on other websites I think it's possible.